This will be the Finished Product
Total Value: 864,793 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Witch Cape
Summoning Tome
Shadow Spirit
Blade's Black Boots
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Those Black 90s Gloves
Those Black 90s Pants
Assassin's Guise
Demonic Pendant
Dark Halo
This is my Current Progress
The White List ~Donators~
Kyro5 ~1k~
Kylie ~those black 90's gloves~
Clear Meloncholy Pear ~Dark Halo~ Big thanks to her! Although she's not in the guild,she willingly (even after i said a dozen times that she was getting the short end of the tikki pole) exchange a dark halo, for a cloud (rougly 80-100k of a gold difference)
Here is my blacklist of people I cannot stand
~None ( 4laugh )
The raffle will be had every time i achieve one of my Items.
~Raffle list~
Bella ~1~
The_Last_Avenger ~2~
Kyro5 ~3-6~
Kylie ~7-10~
Clear Meloncholy Pear ~11-14~
Oh yea!
Fuzzy penguins make me happy and gleeful, fuzzy Hamburgers do not are fun to throw