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[ X y ' r i ' i ' s..C l o s e t..o f..A r t ]

'Allu. This is just a place to stash my artwork if anyone wishes to see it. It's my Closet O' Doom for Art, here, so watch your step!

M'name's Kai, or Xy'iri'i, whichever you prefer. I am a well-experienced artist and have had natural giftings for it all my life, really, but eight and a half years ago is when I hardcore started to get into the realm of art. I do have a mentor thread so feel free to stop by there if you really want to know about me. Again, this is just an art heap, a place to stash pieces where others can view them. Critiquing is always welcome, but I am very well-aware of my weaknesses and the mistakes I make. Sometimes it can take a lifetime to really come into one's mastery of art.

Take care for now~! You can visit any time you wish even if you just want some random place to talk. n_n

+ + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hey hey...Kai here again. Due to good ol' college and a lack of spare time, this will be closed, along with my mentor thread. I don't have enough time to remain active enough to keep things rolling along. I will be stopping in from time to time to see how things are going and such, so I won't be leaving the guild. However, I'm not going to be active enough to do much other than comment or give an opinion or even offer a couple tips or tricks.

Thaaaaat's it, folks. Take care.

Kai <3