Alright, I got bored and started browsing *not an advertisement*

Well, I found two indie ska bands I've never even heard of, though, odds are you've all heard of them. :X

First, there's

Something To Do
... Man, they're great! @@ The horns sound wonderful, the vocals are great, their guitarist is pretty damn good, if I do say so myself, and the bass isn't overpowering (unlike some other indie ska bands. . . )
I'm going to order their CD the moment I've got some money... (CD in question: I Command You To Dance)

And then,

Anchondo !!
They're like Latin, reggae, ska, and punk all in one! It's one good combination, if the song She Devil is any indication. (Check on their Myspace). I've got to order their CD. I MUST. But, it's sold out. D: !!!!
(Rookies Of The Year) ..

Thing is, I don't generally listen to Indie. These guys are that good. @@

Post any other good indie ska bands!