A secret agencie who call themselves the "Seekers" are in search for young adults who have some sort of extrodinary or usefull talent. Young teenagers are being hand selected in this manor by local talent searchs at high schools, claiming to be "recruiting" young students for a high class show in California. The high schools that are being targeted are various, and you get a free t-shirt with five bucks after each audition, plus you get to cut a class or two as well as having a shot at a different and more spectacular life.
Sounds very enjoyable, right?
Not excatly, due to after a month and seven dozen (give or take) high school auditions, students have been dissapearing. Some reappear a day or so later, others never do. There is a slight growing suspicion that it is these talent recruit agencies who require about every student to apply and show their talent, with limitless funding may be behind all this.

So what happens to these dissapearing students?

They are kidnapped, in the dead of night and taken away to the secret agency's head quarters located roughly somwhere in Canada. or Mexico, perhaps even in the United States. Point it, no one is too sure, definatily not those who are taken.
Could they be used as breeding for a new super species?
Could they be used for cloning superhumans?
Could they be sold for a profit?
Good questions, with one good answer.

Charachter Format:

Blood Type:
Skin tone:
Body Build:
Picture: (If wanted)

[b]Blood Type:[/b]
[b]Skin tone:[/b]
[b]Body Build:[/b]
[b]Picture:[/b] (If wanted)

You will need to message this to me.

Posting the talent audition would be fine, but if you don't want too, you could post the kiddnapping scene (remember, dead of night, you can struggle all you like, but you are still going to get caught), or you could post waking up in the room, and remeber such events. Unless you have a better idea on how to introduce your charachter which brings up the fine points.

All kidnappies will be brought to a large spaced concrete cell room with no recollection of traveling to this specific point.

Have fun!