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Thoughtforms and created faiths

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:24 am
A bit of background on me may help, I suppose, as a starting point. Growing up, I was a member of the Greek Orthodox Christian Church. In early adulthood, I ended up spending a little time in seminary.. but eventually I gained doubts, and grew disenchanted with the Church, and ended up leaving. Up till fairly recently, I didn't do a whole lot of religious searching, having been rather content being a soft atheist. But more recently... I don't know if it is due to having had a faith all of my life growing up, and the relatively recent shift in thinking not having truly taken hold.. I suppose those who know more of this sort of thing could likely clear up that issue. But that's not the true reason for this post.

Partly to help break off a habit, partly for placeholder.. so that I won't be defaulting to the Christian god for unconscious prayers, I've wanted someone/something else to direct them to. Since I don't particularly believe in any of the other gods I've come across, nor do I have any desire to follow them in any case, that brings me to the concept of a Deity-shaped Thoughtform. It seems harmless enough in theory...but I thought it a good idea to drop in here, and ask for advice and information on them before I jump in, and potentially make a bad decision.

I've read about a fair amount on the guild forum, but I don't remember seeing any threads dedicated to thoughtforms. If I'm wrong, do feel free to point me in the right direction.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:54 am
Deity-Shaped Thougthforms seems a good way to go on this as long as you have the mindset to keep it from turning into a Mr. Dark.

Tsuzuki put this in his guild:

Here's another approach, and anyone is welcome to add their own.

Servitor Creation - A Contemporary Approach

by Fra.: Negentrophy

Having used the following methods to great success, I must still emphazise my approach as being a mere guideline with plenty of room left for personal interpretation and experimentation. Historically the magician has called upon the services of entities of his own manufacture in order to render services ranging from the benevolent to the malefic. It would seem the approaches to their creation have varied as widely as their specific purpose. I offer the following as a personal approach to their manufacture.

To begin, I have found it useful to incorporate what I call a skeletal sigil as the first step in the construction. This is basically a pictorial sigil, ala Austin Spare (or so it is claimed), that serves as the servitors will. (Note: it has been suggested to me that bind-runes could also be used for this application, for those who work within that system, this may be worth investigating.) It must be kept in mind that all things that coincide with its "will" will be pursued and all other ignored. Consider also that having a servitor to "do my bidding" "bring me luck" etc. suffers the same problems as sigils with similar nebulous directives. Servitors given the initial will that incorporates very specific directives and goals seem to work much better. Moreover, creating a complex series of skeletal sigils and instilling "life-force" in the servitor to such a degree as to give it great sentience makes it particularly difficult to reabsorb later. Having had problems with relatively stupid entities, I have not yet the fortitude (or lack of sense) to create an extremely "smart" creature. Incorporating a single "will" sigil should be sufficient to the task at hand and is recommended to the beginner.

Once you have created this skeletal sigil, it is time to flesh it. Without being conscious of its original intent, stare at the sigil in as deep a trance as possible. Go to the hum. Make your space-time become cave-like and moist. Look at the sigil, let it move, give it form, give it what it needs to live, etc. You are trying to get to a point where you can completely visualize this beast of your own creation, so you can empower it. Let your imagination run wild as the sigil pulses with form and purpose. Remember, you must become intimately familiar with its form, so let it stabilize before you continue on with something else. You will know when you are finished with this part when you can recall, smell, feel the thing in its entirety from all perspectives without permutations. You will be surprised with what you end up with.

Now we empower the critter. With the servitor completely visualized, in a place conductive to this phase, allow your consciousness to engulf it. A good thing to practice is listening to and feeling your own automatic functions. How do they feel to you? What does the energy feel like that animates your being? What does "the breath of life" feel, taste, sound like? Another good exercise, so I have been told, is to find some roadkill, and after poopooing the inconsiderate driver, take it into a room WHERE YOU WILL NOT BE DISTURBED and sit with it for about a week. Stare at it, allow your consciousness to encompass it, get to a point where you can feel the maggots crawling around inside. Get to the point when you can feel the new life in it, growing, eating and reproducing. Feel the distinction between perceiver and perceived diminish. You will feel the entire process of decomposition. These kind of exercise prove very useful at this stage because you will want to instill and "become" aware of these processes of life within your servitor to a very acute degree and "nourish" it with these animating principles. Again, know the energy that you will be using to animate it. I recommend an Orphidian method of empowerment. As with visualisation, you will want to continue this nurturing phase until all of the life systems are stable. No fluctuation allowed. This may take a considerable amount of time, patience and energy. After stabilization, you may find it a good time for naming.

Following the empowerment phase (and whenever the entities services are needed) it is advisable to incorporate rituals specific to the instruction of the servitor. Make sure your specific task coincides with its prime directive. (Don`t have an entity with a martial aire go looking solely for money, you may have to fight for it!) For example, if an entity called, "Braga", had as its prime directive "to find a new sex partner" (as articulated in the skeletal sigil) one would call it up in a ritual and instruct it to "make your aid available at the party tonight". This "instructional" phase is what you will resort to when specific tasks are required of the psychodenizen. I personally prefer simple pathworkings after a meditative period in which I "sync-up" with the creature, although Enochian calls may be prefered by some and simple English commands by others. I must emphasize the importance of applying scientific method to one`s own intuitive faculties.

At this point, what you choose to do specifically will depend entirely on the entities` task.

Finally, you will get to a point when you will want to absorb the creature. Speaking
from a painful experience, the entities do not want to be absorbed. This is natural considering the amount of work that went into their manufacture. To illustrate, a while back, when we had just started such work of which the first part was the absorbation of previously created entities. All I`ll say is by the time we ended that night that I ended up with 13 stitches in my head (blood everywhere) and a bad haircut.

I have found it advisable to take the initial sigil in hand, repeating the will sentence outloud over and over again, while understanding that what was an independently created and fleshed desire, was yours all along. Its power was your power. Visualize it dissolving into a pure-energy state which you draw back into yourself. All this should take place in an suitable atmosphere where you can make it as intense and effective as possible. It is crucial to make sure you have all your bases covered.

The possibilities are many, and may I suggest that you temper an experimental fervor with caution.


Soil Work actually put this together and was the OP of the thread that Tsuzuki posted the above in.

Maybe you should check out their guild as well. Chaos Magic might be right up your ally.

Hey guys I'm here to talk about Servitors and their creation and uses.

1. What is a servitor?

For those of you who do not know or have never worked with servitors , A servitor is a thoughtform created by a magician to complete a certain task and is usually given a certain ammount of time to live or complete it's task.

2. How do I create one?

Well I'm best at creating elemental servitors by that i mean drawing from one of the four elements (earth, wind, fire, water). So I will explain both methods that I know.

Elemental Servitor Creation


Step 1. Lay down on your bed/floor or sit in the spot where you usually meditate.

Step 2. Begin your breathing exercises to relax your body and your mind, If this is your first time with any controled breathing i sugest the 4-7-8 breath you do that by inhaling for 4 seconds, holding it in for 7 seconds and exhaling for 8 seconds repeat a few times until you a completely relaxed, if you find other relaxation methods that work for you, use them instead.

Step 3. Now visualize a blob of color , if you used fire then make it red if you used water then make it blue if you used earth then make it green if you used air make it yellow

Step 4.
Begin to visualise the blob taking shape , you can make it into an animal, a human, and anything else you can think of..or you could keep it simple and keep it a blob , your only limitations are your imagination. Be sure to make it look exactly how you want. Remember visualization is VERY important here

Step 5. After you are done creating it begin to mentally call out to it , tell it it's name (be creative smile ), tell it it's task and how long it may stay alive for. Once you feel that it understands it's task send it on it's way.

Step 6. (optional) If this is a long term servitor be sure to tell it where it may stay while it is not working for you or else it will just muck up your energy when it's not busy.

Step 7.
(optional) If your long term servitor just isnt working out due to you changing your mind, it just not doing its task, or your just tired of caring for it, then do your relaxation techniques again and when you are in the same state of relaxation (or deeper) as in creation visualize your servitor and begin to deconstruct it, as in turn it back into a blob then make it completely disappear and send its energy back into the universe.

Thought Ball Creation


Please remember to choose a color and a task before begining

Step 1. Lay down on your bed/floor or sit in the spot where you usually meditate.

Step 2. Begin your breathing exercises to relax your body and your mind, If this is your first time with any controled breathing i sugest the 4-7-8 breath you do that by inhaling for 4 seconds, holding it in for 7 seconds and exhaling for 8 seconds repeat a few times until you a completely relaxed, if you find other relaxation methods that work for you, use them instead.

Step 3. Now visualize yourself with a BRIGHT aura of your chosen color, see it moving and glowing. For those of you who don't know what your aura looks like just visualise a light around yourself of your chosen color.

Step 4. Now direct the energy from your aura into a ball, make the ball as big or as small as you may like.

Step 5. Chant the task you wish for the thought form to complete, do this for a few minutes.

Step 6. Then visualise it leaving you through your third eye, which is on your forehead right between your eyes.

Step 7. (optional) You may masturbate to feed it some sexual energy to give it that extra OOMPFH or you may use pain or whatever ways you use to send energy , I sugested masturbation for it is the easier to do , remember when masturbating or issueing the pain or whatever you do chant your desire to aid the thoughtform.

I left out his Color notations because as interesting as the rest of this is- the color meanings differ from tradition to tradition.  



PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:30 pm
Kind of a sidenote but I was going to start a thread about it and then forgot...

What are the differences between Deity-Shaped Thoughtforms and Deities? How do you know which you are talking to? If you are attempting to talk to a deity who would seem to be accessible (not bonded to a closed culture, etc), can you accidentally get a DST instead?

And other similar questions...  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:37 pm

What are the differences between Deity-Shaped Thoughtforms and Deities?
The short answer is origins and nature.
Depending on the mythos- deities come from a host of different things. Deity-Shaped Thoughtforms come from the humans who create them.

How do you know which you are talking to?
Test it- but in the end, it's UPG. And if that UPG directly conflicts with other information, question harder.

There's a certain amount of intellectual honesty involved as well and the ability to distinguish oneself from the world around you is important.

If you are attempting to talk to a deity who would seem to be accessible (not bonded to a closed culture, etc), can you accidentally get a DST instead?

Indeed. Actually- I've seen it happen amongst some Asatru.  



PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:43 am
Perhaps it's due to my not having had enough sleep lately, but I'm uncertain, after having read through your post, Tea, quite what the servitor creation has to do with the Thoughtforms. I suppose I can draw some connection.. the 'task' of the thoughtform would be that of serving as an outlet. I don't know, however, how much energy I could, or for that matter should, put into such an entity. And, honestly, the first method you re-posted/quoted for creation of an entity scares me and I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole.

As for Mr. Dark...I at least like to think that I wouldn't end up that deluded.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 7:50 am
Perhaps it's due to my not having had enough sleep lately, but I'm uncertain, after having read through your post, Tea, quite what the servitor creation has to do with the Thoughtforms.
Servitors are a style of Thoughtforms.

I posted it because it was a good starting point that one could adapt.

I suppose I can draw some connection.. the 'task' of the thoughtform would be that of serving as an outlet. I don't know, however, how much energy I could, or for that matter should, put into such an entity.

Likely enough to form it and anything that was directed to it afterwards.

Think on it this way. You're making what amounts to an imaginary friend who's purpose is to listen to your prayers in place of YHVH.

My personal method for this would actually start with a name (I do some things backwards) add personality, then characteristics and then imagery- then define it's realm of influence and "charge it".

And, honestly, the first method you re-posted/quoted for creation of an entity scares me and I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole.
~blinks~ Why?

As for Mr. Dark...I at least like to think that I wouldn't end up that deluded.
At least the thread would help. It's less likely since the generation of the Thoughtform is intentional.  



PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:30 am
Servitors are a style of Thoughtforms.

I posted it because it was a good starting point that one could adapt.

Yes, after a bit of rest and thought spent on this, I can more clearly the purpose of you posting those. Even if I don't use those rituals, it at least gives me some background on the thing.

Think on it this way. You're making what amounts to an imaginary friend who's purpose is to listen to your prayers in place of YHVH.

My personal method for this would actually start with a name (I do some things backwards) add personality, then characteristics and then imagery- then define it's realm of influence and "charge it".

That's mostly the same path I've been embarking on (I don't see why it would be backwards to do it this way; perhaps if it were an actual deity I can see it being so, but as it's a creation of the mind -- names are pretty bloody important for focusing on), and it's good to get comfirmation I'm not off track.

And, honestly, the first method you re-posted/quoted for creation of an entity scares me and I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole.

~blinks~ Why?

Well, without using the phrase 'playing god'.. it's a bit the morbidity, the method seems to smack a bit of 'building a baby from scratch then eating it', and a bit the fact that the created entity will be able to fight back when being absorbed. And, a fair bit, that it's an involved process, that I've absolutely no practice in, and there's no one about that I know who could pick up the pieces if I ******** up.

Thanks for your advice.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:42 am
I'm sorry, but what's a "Mr. Dark"? I can't seem to come up with the right search query for Google... (Or I'm overlooking it o.o; )  

Ashley the Bee


PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:16 pm
Ashley the Bee
I'm sorry, but what's a "Mr. Dark"? I can't seem to come up with the right search query for Google... (Or I'm overlooking it o.o; )
Mr. Darks are self aggrandizing personal delusions.

They usually feature someone being involved with dire cosmic struggle- but not always.  
Pagan Fluffy Rehabilitation Center

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