Members must follow the Gaia TOS. If they do not, I will remove them from the guild. Fact of this company having a history with 18+ dating sims puts it at risk.

-No nudity.
-Respect the other members.
-Respect the moderators.
-No spam. There is a chatterbox in the main forum for that.
-Key only discussion here. As said like above, there are other guilds or forums for them. (As well as our subforum for some idle chatter)
-No page stretching.
-No begging for moderator status. (You will get banned from the guild. If you don't even take the time to read these, you have no reason to become one.)
-BLOCK OUT SPOILERS! Cover the text in white to block it out. There are a lot of high spoilers in the Key shows and games. Don't slip, or at least try not to, for your fellow member's sake.
-I hold all rights to add more rules as the guild goes on.

Also, eventually, if enough members join, I will add more moderators, basically through trivial contests to prove you know the whole deal. As for now, the current moderators are:

-Minak0 (Guild leader)
-Haruko Kamio (Moderator, and also my mule account)