( http://www.spiked-online.com )

Is anyone else acquainted with Spiked-Online? I've been getting their email newsletter through my inbox for quite some time now, and I wondered if anyone else does, or is subscribed to similar such things.

I like Spiked. Since I learned enough to spot errors of fact and misleading arguments in the established press I've had a soft spot for publications like The Week which present only the sounder parts of a wide range of publications, and internet-hosted sources which though more transient are joyfully irreverent and no less accurate than some of their broadsheet (or recently cut-down) competitors.

You can take this thread pretty much where you like really, it's really just an idle expression of happiness at our recently-evolved new media outlets breaking into the mainstream readership.

And, just because I like them; here's an article on politics in art that I liked, and a youthfully snide jab at a large part of modern editorial content.