Somebody please tell me if I'm not supposed to advertise in here. sweatdrop

As one is wont to do when one is bored out of one's skull, I have opened a hangout thread with a strong role-playing bent. The premise? Another one of those blasted "primitive" airships, this one a retired military vessel now used as a luxury cruise liner, though for the guests' amusement (and because one must always be on the lookout for nefarious pirate-types) everything has been left more or less functional and intact. The name of the ship, as one might be inclined to infer from the title of this topic, is the Cast Iron Buzzard.

The idea behind the thread is that the airship moves from locale to locale, as a cruise ship does. Hopefully, this will help the role-playing aspect of the thread, as participants will be given the opportunity to role-play in quite a number of real-world locations. The casual nature of the thread (drop in when you feel like it, and disappear when you don't with no love lost) allows participants to simply skip over a location if they don't have the desire to role-play there, since it's not completely implausible for guests and crew to be able to come and go as they please. Even so, those who have their eye on a crew position should plan to visit the thread more frequently...

As far as acceptable characters go, I'm fairly lenient when accepting profiles. So long as the character is reasonable and I can wrap my mind around it (which is to say, can figure out what the devil you're supposed to be) it is probably a safe bet that it will be accepted. For best results, think of something suitably Steampunk. Engineer-types and scientists fit in well here. Potential members of the ship's crew should have skills that a retired military ship now serving as a cruise liner would find useful. Look at the Crew and Other Inhabitants section to see what we have and what we need.

Anyway, I expect that the thread will grow and evolve once a decent number of people join. My personal end goal is to get the thread large enough that it has to be transferred into a dedicated guild. That would be amazing.

A quick and dirty summary: Steampunk, airship, casual role-play.

If anybody is the slightest bit interested, here is a link:

The S.S. Cast Iron Buzzard