So yeah.

I'm sure many of you have seen the comics on

Well, I've decided, if I can overcome sheer laziness, or just plain around, be bored, and have nothing else to do, which is an abundance of my time, I may try to make comics.

All I need is Microsoft Paint, BannedStory and clean background images of areas in MapleStory.

I have Paint, and BannedStory, but I can't seem to find any source for the images.

What I mean by clean are...well...NPCless.

Like, Henesys Townstreet.

A clean image, without Maya standing up there would be nice.

But not just this example, images of all or most places would be great.

Does anyone know where I can find such images, or how people manage to find such nice images that they use in their comics on basil? ~_~