Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:27 am

Rook missed his chance as the digimon ascended into the air, his tamer still on its back. Slightly panicked, Halwill searched for a way out of the situation, but her efforts were futile as she had no way of jumping down from the digimon's back. Refusing to take a hint, she began yanking harder and harder on the antenni while screeching, "I HATE THIS PLACE!"
"IT'S TIME WE RETREATED! LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY!" Summoning as much of his energy as he could, Rook launched a Diamond Storm at the Shadramon. "Release her, you ignorant brute! Picking on those far weaker than you! Leave us be!" He continued to launch a succession of attacks while Halwill continued to yank, and occasionally bite, the antenni. "Let me down or next I'll rip it off!"
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:15 pm
I Will Fight Megido was greatly annoyed as she continued to pull. The Renamon was not helping. He sighed and said, "Who says I was picking on you? I asked a question and then you charged at me. This is merely self defense. Also your constant attacks could end up hitting your tamer if you continue especially since I could just turn around and allow her to get hit instead if I wanted to.". He moved backwards so that the diamond storm would only hit his body and not that of the tamers. He wasn't worried about her pulling his ears off since for a human that was simply impossible to do just like how a human would have a hard time pulling another humans ears off. He then added in, "You do know this is one of my weaker forms.".Down below Nicholas would whistle a bit as he walked out from his hiding place with Arthur following close behind him and walked over next to Rook. He then said, "Who knew that Megido would end up getting hit by attacks from a rookie and a newbie tamer. Thats surprising right there.". He looked up and watched as Halwill continued to yank his ears. For My Beliefs Rogue Digimon {AKA The Digimon Which I Have Art For Who's Not With Nicholas}: Megido = ShadramonCurrent Digimon Partners In Party: Arthur = DORUGreymonCurrent Digimon Partners In Digivice: Blitz = Veemon | George = Wormmon | Zero = Guilmon | Napalm = WarGreymon | Bob = WereGarurumon | Gawain = Salamon | Magnum = Magnamon | Gareth = Duftmon | Lancelot = MasterVeedramon | Galahad = Mistymon | Drago = Dracomon | Captain Greymon = VictoryGreymon | Bolt = FanBeemon | Solaris = Coronamon | Tristan = Kudamon | GranD = Dracmon {{OOC: }}
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:57 pm

Hearing this shut them both up for a moment. After contemplating all that he had said, Halwill finally came to a conclusion. Sighing deeply, she bowed her head, a pseudo white flag of surrender. "We would like to appologize for our behaviour. We are not fighters by nature, and had no...initial intentions of attacking. We have been having some bad luck lately--meeting intimidating digimon after our hides is something we really don't have the patience for anymore. You, yourself, are something of an imposing digimon and I wouldn't doubt that this is not your strongest form, nor do I believe we have the best chance of outrunning you, seeing as we are too tired to try. Kinda makes retreating a lost cause. You can understand where we're coming from, right?" During the course of her short monologue, she had halted in her attempts to rip Shadramon's ears. "Still, you did take some part in the instigation of this little scuffle. After all, maniacal laughter does not a healthy friendship make." She gave him a less than impressed look.
Down below, seeing where his partner was taking this, Rook offered his own insight. "Yes, yes, this is all rather true, on both accounts, mind you. However, it has become quite blatant that you are capable of reasoning. You claim to mean no harm, and we are incapable of such a feat ourselves. What say you to bringing my friend back to level ground and we part ways as unlikely acquaintances, never to speak of this again?" The Renamon lowered his claws to show resignation, but kept his guard up, incase the situation turned unsavory.
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:02 am
I Will Fight Megido smirked evilly and said, "Or I can just burn the both of you to a crisp and then eat your burnt remains.". Slowly he began to fly down and just as he set foot on the ground he turned and noticed Nicholas. He then said, "Maybe I should try and burn you instead.".Nicholas would whistle before he said, "Or I can simply have Zero come here and whoop your a**.".Megido would groan and say, "Maybe I'll retreat for now seeing as though you'll probably send your army of digimon against me all of a sudden.". He then turned away and flew off but not before he attempted to burn Renamon to a crisp.Nicholas would whistle and said, "You've been meeting quite a few of my acquaintances lately. Maybe we should part or you may end up facing more trouble. Also stay away from waters or else you may encounter a MetalSeadramon. And finally MadLeomon just has a bad humor. He wasn't gonna hit you. He's actually quite polite.". He then awaited to see if she wanted to part or not.
For My Beliefs
Rogue Digimon {AKA The Digimon Which I Have Art For Who's Not With Nicholas}: Megido = Shadramon
Current Digimon Partners In Party: Arthur = DORUGreymon
Current Digimon Partners In Digivice: Blitz = Veemon | George = Wormmon | Zero = Guilmon | Napalm = WarGreymon | Bob = WereGarurumon | Gawain = Salamon | Magnum = Magnamon | Gareth = Duftmon | Lancelot = MasterVeedramon | Galahad = Mistymon | Drago = Dracomon | Captain Greymon = VictoryGreymon | Bolt = FanBeemon | Solaris = Coronamon | Tristan = Kudamon | GranD = Dracmon
{{OOC: }}
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:17 pm

Halwill growled at the imputent digimon. What a sorry excuse for a digimon, lying between his teeth? then issuing threats. If only she and Rook were stronger. She would teach this p*ss poor attempt at an overgrown bug some manners. Halwill prepared to lash out at the beast for threatening her and her partner, but the arrival of Nicholas somehow sent the beast fleeing. She huffed indignantly and stomped over to her partner Renamon when the Shadramon shook her off like she was the insect! Rook put a paw on her shoulder and sighed in relief, taking solace in the fact that that his friend was grumbling in outrage rather than pain.
In response to Nicholas's words, Halwill turned and gave him a calculating look. "You have a lot of annoying friends and I can't say that I particularly care for any of them. Condescending, boorish lot, if you ask Rook." The Renamon shot her a slightly annoyed look, clearly catching onto the joke, but she continued. "Hn...our only reason for being out here is to train to get stronger. We have no interest in fighting wars or for the sake of mankind. We are expeditioners, simple as that. If we can get stronger by traveling with you, then please don't mind us as we follow, but if it isn't going to get us anything but trouble..." Halwill's bespectacled eyes trailed to her best friend. Picking up where she left off, he said, "Then I fear this is where our paths diverge." Their decision was set. It seemed that it was time for them to depart. "It's been somethin' real. Maybe we'll see ya again someday. Well, be seein' ya around." Halwill waved them goodbye while Rook gave a nod of farewell before following his friend. "Now...we train."
Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:48 pm
Zolland found herself in the Gear Savannah before she even knew where she was.
"Bau, bau!" Jellymon bounced alongside his partner.
"I have no idea what is going on," Zolland admitted. "Sorry, Bau.... my legs are getting tired..." She sat down, and Bau jumped into her lap. "You're slimy," she laughed to her digimon. "Bauuuu bau bau!"
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:25 am

Stretching out her arms, Halwill walked peacefully through the dusty, sparse grassland. "First things first, my friend, we have to train up and make you a big doggy." Rook shot her a look of annoyance. "Let me clarify in one, I am not a dog, though they may be cousins, I am a fox. Two, I am well aware of our incompetency. But the fact remains that you are right. We must train and wandering aimlessly through the dusty terrain. First thing we need is a strict training regime, as well as a suff-" It was Halwill's turn to growl in annoyance. "I make one simple comment and I get a supervillain's monologue. Seriously, you should calm down a bit, Rookie. You'll get gray fur." She patted the large fox on the shoulder with a grin, and he laughed a bit in return. One of the reasons they were best friends was that they could argue and squabble all day and still be friends at the end of that day.
Coming across a watering hole, they decided that this was as good a place to train as any, at least until the beasties came out for a drink...and a snack. "Ok, you know Diamond Storm. Woo-hoo for you and I am pretty good at sneak attacks. Tee-hee for me," Halwill drawled sarcastically, "but don't expect people to go writing epic poems about us. We're good, but we could do better." Not allowing her furry friend to respond, she immediately took up a stealthy attack position. Seeing there was no more talk allowed, the Renamon mimicked her action with a stance of his own. They suddenly launched themselves into an attack, the training had commensed.
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:38 pm
Zolland yawned as she looked back at Jellymon. "Alrighty, Bau," she smiled. "What I do know is that I'm stuck in this place somehow, there doesn't seem to be anyone else around, and I have this device thing that's the same color as you." "Bau bau!" Zolland chuckled. "I also know that you aren't big enough to take care of yourself..."
Jellymon gave her a sideways look.
"I'm assuming you'll grow more... maybe you want a granola bar?" She took out two granola bars, one for herself and one for her digimon. Jellymon ate it in a single bite, while Zolland ate hers slowly. "Bau bau bauuuuuu!"
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:28 pm
KyuubiKeyblader  Halwill lay stretched out in the dirt as a gentle breeze blew past her. Not too far away, Rook also made his exhaustion clear. It had been a while, they had been training their hearts out, but they seemed to be making little progress. "GAH! WHAT must we do to get stronger?! It seems like a body has to give an arm, a leg, both eyes, and their firstborn son to get any take!!!" Not having the strength to scold her for her idiocy, Rook simply picked up a clump of grass and dirt and hurled it at her, a none-too-subtle 'shut up' hidden somewhere in the dirt mass. It seemed like they weren't going to get anywhere fast like that. Their pity party was cut short by the sudden shaking of the ground. Had they not known any better, they might have considered it to be seismic tremors. But no, they were smarter than that. Quickly, they ducked into a nearby bush, in time to dodge the attentions of a passing Monochromon. "Hey wait...Do Monochromon even live in this region?" she whispered harshly. Ears twitching, the Renamon gave her a slight nod, his eyes not leaving the digimon. It seemed he was none too pleased about something and anything and everything in its path was fodder. "As a matter of fact, they do, indeed. I can't attest to their intelligence, but I would advise we leave this area before we are spotted." Rook moved to tug his friend's sleeve, but she pulled him back to the ground. "Hey, hey. Hold on a sec. Big Ugly over there is being a downright douche...shouldn't we assist the locals?" If anyone else had said this, it would have sounded like they were truly concerned about the nearby digimon that couldn't defend themselves. However, this was Halwill, and anyone who knew her knew her kindness came with a price, whether it was to be directly paid or not. The take from this situation was that with the defeat of this digimon, perhaps their own strength would increase. Seeing where she was going with that plan, he lifted a paw up to her. "Alright, I'm in." They highfived then began to move stealthily towards the Monochromon
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:53 pm
Imperialdramon flew above it's destination at a gingerly pace, it had to be sure it was at the right altitude and speed for maximum spread. Once the dragon digimon was sure it took one of the bag's from it's back and tore it open, letting the fliers fly. The fliers fluttered down, not too many to be a nuisance but just enough to get people interested. The fliers read this:
"Hey there, are you new to the digital world? Perhaps a old veteran wanting to relax a little? Battle hardened trainer looking for adventure? Or just a guy who wants to enjoy a fun time? Any of these types and more are welcome at 'Ashwood's Tour of the Digital World!'. This tour will take a party of people and digimon (Please keep them in rookie form or leave larger ones at home), in our widely trusted 'Ashwood Professional Bus Transportation System', it is a bus that has been reconditioned to handle many tough situations, being carried around by a very trusted and strong Imperialdramon! We have his absolute word he would never intentionally do us harm! Now if that isn't enough we have several backups just in case, but don't you worry on that. Just come down to Dragon Eye Lake and take the tour of a lifetime!"
Very professional sounding the Imperialdramon thought as it wheeled off to it's next destination.
Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:47 am
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:05 pm
 Feeling the grip on his stomach tighten as he slowly began to realize that his long lost brother, well sort of, was finally back, and he could easily tell that things were going to turn around. Both boy’s eyes, one pair grey and the other dark brown met, which instinctively made them rush for each other. This led to a hug, and checking of each other for wounds. “Glad you’re okay,” the black-hooded boy name Ryan spoke with a sigh as he put both arms to his side, and would stare his brother in the face. ShadowToyAgumon began to converse with the blue-hooded boy named Christian’s Digimon, and would soon find that they were easy to get along with. “ Hi, my name is ShadowToyAgumon,” the brick like Digimon would say as it extended one arm out to Veemon, and shook his hand, retreated and shook Hawkmon’s wing. Both Digimon owned by the blue-hooded boy would smile, and return the statement with their own names. The boys began to converse on their own, and would skip the formalities. “So what happened,” Ryan would question with a serious face as he sat on a rock and as did the grey eyed tamer, who removed the hood covering his brown hair. Doing the same the black haired boy would go on to explain that they were transported to the Digital World, and were being stalked by two Devimon. One being murdered recently, another spotted along the Jungle’s clouds, but this bit of information stung at the grey-eyed tamers mind as he concocted a scheme rather quickly to hide that ShadowToyAgumon was the previous Devimon they had killed, and this supposed second was simply a miss understanding and absence of the truth. “Well to get something clear… That Devimon was actually ShadowToyAgumon, and I was riding on top of his back so we could catch up to you, since I saw footsteps and assumed they were yours,” the tamer would lie as the ShadowToyAgumon playing Hide and Seek with the other two, and at the current moment Veemon was the one looking. It was actually the perfect place to play, since the fields were wide and open, but it didn’t allow for many hiding areas. Though the grass would be tall enough for them to hide in, if laid in, but that was beyond Veemon’s comprehension as he began to destroy rocks as if they could be under there. For a second both tamers would laugh, but return to their serious expressions. “How did ShadowToyAgumon get to be Devimon,” the black haired tamer would question with some curiosity as he looked at the Digimon, and began to think of the possible things that could be going on at the moment. “ Either this was another mind-trick, and that ShadowToyAgumon is actually the remaining Devimon Drogan… Or this was actually just a form that Ryan’s Digimon took because it was destined, digitally destined…,” he would let out a sigh as this thoughts skipped through his head, and he would take note in the honesty that seemed to be filling the grey-eyed tamer’s voice. “Well it just happened, we were fighting this huge bug… I think ShadowToyAgumon described it as a Kabuterimon, but that was a bit fuzzy to me. Anyways the bug simply attacked us because it was feral, and we were about to die so the little brick Dinosaur over there simply Digivolved into Devimon and obliterated it.” Hopefully a lie like that would fool even Christian, and by the expressions being left off by the blue-hooded tamer he would easily buy it. “Well at least your battling for us now, that and we could use your muscles,” he chuckled a bit before seeing Veemon give up, which automatically made both tamers laugh again. Looking at each other without speaking the immediately began to stalk over to the blue dragon, and spoke in Unison. “How about you guys restart the game, and hide! We’ll find you,” both boy’s exclaimed as all three Digimon agreed, and re-hid themselves to start the game, which would become mildly interesting. Now that all three rookies were hiding the boys would instantly become hunters of the night as they prowled about in search of clues as to where the all were, and boy would this become rather interesting as the obviousness of Veemon’s hiding spot became apparent. The dragon left tracks of his footsteps in the grass, or rather the wreckage of the grass made things rather obvious. So they quickly dove into the grass, and pulled the blue dragon out, which resulted in him fidgeting. Being released the blue dragon climbed the ‘losers tree’, and pouted. “That was too quick...,” he would complain as the sound of boy tamers hushing the dragon sounded, and they got serious really quick. “Hawkmon can fly, and ShadowToyAgumon can blend into shadows,” Ryan figured as they began to separate, and mentally connect. For a few minutes they couldn’t find the Digimon, but eventually Christian found his first clue. Using the dark-strong brown eyes gifted to him, by his mother, he could easily see that Hawkmon left feathers in the grass, and would find it only sensible to follow the trail of feathers. After a few minutes of following the feathers the brown-eyed tamer sees the hawk, and is taken to the looser tree. Ryan though is instantly finding several clues that the brick Digimon was about this area, and could sense that he rushed into the building tall reeds as cover. “Hey Christian! The little Lego dinosaur rushed into the reeds,” the grey-eyed tamer would laugh as he rushed head first into the reeds, which became ominous very quickly. “Hello?” It barely sounded as the words escaped his throat, and the sound of breathing became apparent. The reeds would move slowly, but obviously, and the sound of chains rattling could also be noted. The breathing grew heavier, and louder became the rattling as the black-hooded tamer became nervous. Now hitting an end to the trail, Ryan could barely make out the footstep from his partner. “Where are you,” he would ask as though the Digimon would answer, but all he would get in response was the face a wretched creature and moaning of several others behind him. All the brown-eyed tamer could here from there is the screams of his friend, and the sound of a harsh crunching sound.
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:26 am
✾To Come out of Hiding✾
Camden P. Healy  The sun that was once shining brightly overhead in the vast desert was covered by a strange vortex and to appear the Royal Knights, the most regal and powerful digimon known. Below, Camden and her rabbit digimon, Prairiemon, stood in awe at the sight. “I can’t believe it them it’s really them!” exclaimed Prairiemon. Camden didn’t know what to think, especially when the knights began to speak of “being called to arms” and “fighting evil”. Walking in this desert for the past hour was hard enough without this weighing on her mind. Suddenly Prairiemon pulls on her arm, causing her to lose her balance, “Ah!” she yelped. Prairiemon gave a large grinned and asked, “So when are we going huh? When tell me tell me tell me!” Camden motioned her hands for him to calm down and to stop flailing around, “I-I don’t think we should…” He stopped his excitement and had a expression of shock, “WHAT?!” She jerked back at his reaction and replied, “Its sounds dangerous, I mean since I’ve been here I’ve done my best to avoid danger,” she turned and looked in the direction they were walking just moments before, “I just want to get to Toy Tama Town liked we planned okay?” Before she started walking Prairiemon pulled on her blouse, “We can’t turn away from this! If what they said was true then you are in danger doing nothing but putting up a fight would give us a chance!” He began to notice she was shaking, “Cammy please…” They stayed silently standing there, the wind beginning to blow the desert sand in a gentle breeze. Prairiemon sighed and began to walk. Camden looked down, “Okay let’s go to Toy Tama…” he murmured disappointingly. She slowly followed behind them but just as her foot touched the ground a strong gust of wind blew against the two, almost blowing Prairiemon away, “Prairie!” yelled Camden as she caught him in her arms. As she fell to the ground everything grew dark. The light of the sun and the scenery of the desert began to fade into nothingness, “What’s happening!” she yelled as the continued to fall. They stopped in midair and hovered for a moment before being dropped again onto the ground. Prairiemon leaped upwards and helped Camden up from the ground, “Where are we?” they both wondered.  The scenery was vastly different, giving the realization that they were transported somewhere. The sky was dark with storm clouds and the ground was littered in tall grass and tombstones. The surrounding structure seemed to be so old the ceiling was already collapsed in. They slowly walked forwards, “This place is really creepy huh,” said Prairiemon. Camden was too frightened to say anything. They were in the middle of a courtyard it seemed like, “Nothing’s here we should leave,” said Camden, “Cammy there’s always something out there so-” Something rushed by the tall grass behind them, prompting Prairiemon to get battle read, rearing his ear blades forward, “Stay behind me Cammy!” She cringed in fear and it rushed by again to the left area, “SONIC EAR!” Prairiemon’s ear blade glowed a bright white as he slashed them in the air razors flew outward and into the grass, cutting it down considerably. The figure leaped to dodge his attack and landed behind them. Camden was too scared to move and as Prairiemon turned to attack it again the figure spoke, “I see you are vivacious as ever young one.” Camden recognized the voice and she knew where she was now. She turned to see their visitor, AncientSphinxmon, the ancient warrior of darkness and the descendant of possibly all dark digimon. Not long ago she fell into his realm and was almost consumed by his darkness but she was able to pull herself out, “AncientSphinxmon.” She was in awe by the giant lion clad in gorgeous black and gold armor with sharp ruby red eyes and giant golden wings. Prairiemon lowered his ears, “An ancient warrior! First the royal knights and now this wow!” Camden realized he wasn’t there when she met this digimon as they had gotten separated. She began to feel awkward just standing and AncientSphinxmon spoke without moving his mouth, “What shall you do?” She grew confused. ‘What do you mean?” He walked closer to her, “The threat to the world. What shall you do about it?” She was shocked had heard so quickly about the threat. She twiddled her thumbs and looked down, “Well…I...um…” Prairiemon came forward, “I wanna fight!” AncientSphinxmon nodded, “I seem you are ready to leap into this battle but” he directed his gaze at Camden, “Is she?” Prairiemon looked at her, seeing her trembling again at his judgment. Silence fell and AncientSphinxmon looked around and his tail pointed upwards to the stormy sky. They followed the tail and saw the storm wasn’t making any noise, almost like it was nothing, “Do you remember the dark?” he asked. She gave a gaze as to ask what he meant. He continued to speak, “This place was so dark, consuming everything and turning it into nothing. The nothingness and fear grew within my soul and realm and I stayed in the shadows for so long…” He leaped from the ground to a large tombstone above the tall grass’s reach, “But you!” he boomed with a demanding voice, causing both of the partners to flinch in fright, “You fell into my shadows, filled with fear in your heart that drove you mind, body and soul to no longer exist, and yet..” he paused for a slight moment as to just add tension to the moment, “You, a mere human pulled yourself out of my darkness, something not even the bravest of digimon could do.” She became flustered at what she thought of as a compliment. He sat himself down on the tombstone, “In recognition for that I gave you my power, my mark, the ancient power of darkness.” Camden pulled out her digivice and as she did a mark appears on the top of her hand, “Where did that come from!?” asked a shocked Prairiemon. “After I found you I was too scared to tell you what had happened so…I…hid it.” Prairiemon huffed, “Hid it? This isn’t something to hide woman! It’s the mark of a legendary warrior! It’s like an amazing honor!” She sighed and looked at AncientSphinxmon, who strangely seemed to have a grin on his face, “I don’t deserve your power I’m just a coward that fell into this place by mistake,” as she said that the mark faded, “I’m nothing special…” “That is a lie.” He said calmly, "I am evidence of that fact, so is Prairiemon over there." She seemed to grow in confusion. "I see no one has explained to you about being a chosen one?" Prairiemon nodded, "Yeah she avoids danger and people." She blushed in embarrassment. "Only those with something exceptional are chosen to become chosen, and they must be even more so to become chosen by me." The mark began to glow once again but even brighter this time, "I am merely a warrior of the past but as one of the present you may possess my power to see that this place shall have a future. If you need me and my power I shall come. You may show cowardice and hide from action, but remember that even the bravest of warriors have fear in their hearts." He points back up at the sky with his tail, "This realm has gotten a little bit brighter since you came hasn't it?" Before she could reply to his words of inspiration darkness surrounded her and Prairiemon again. As it faded they found themselves back in the savannah alone and the sun shining once again. Prairiemon couldn't begin to feel the excitement of meeting a ancient warrior just moments ago. He looked up at Camden, "You okay Cammy?" She knelt down and hugged him, "I'm sorry." "For what?" She loosened her embrace to look at him, "Ever since I was little I've always been scared and pushed around but when I met you I feel happier and more...um..." "Adventurous?" he added. She smiled and continued, "Yes. AncientSphinxmon was right, I am a coward but I need to use to power I have to help!" She stood up and pulled out her digivice. She clicked the center button and in front of them a large blue vortex appeared. Prairiemon took her by the hand and they smiled at eachother as they entered the vortex.AncientSphinxmon------Prairiemon ✾To Save Everything✾ {Exit}
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:46 pm
" hhrrmmm...." Mina and her digimon Coredramon were walking around the savanna to look for some specific gears for a clock after what Coredramon did at Mina's house, his wings bumped against the clock and crashed on the floor. they were able to fix part of it but some of it's gears got lost in the house when it fell. " do you honestly think that we will find does gears around this savanna...? i mean... there must be a BILLION gears in here~!" Mina whined as she was shuffling through the ground for the gears, in the mean time Coredramon was also shuffling through the ground for the gears as he answers her question " Well... i'm sorry that i'm too big to have fitted through the door... you humans sure are puny little things aren't you...?" he said teasingly as he found one of the gears. " Got one!" as he said that Mina was right behind him with a death glare and then slapped the back of his head. " Stop acting so high and mighty! i didn't raise you like that at all!" she said frustrated at him " O-Ow! that makes me want to stop helping you with the gears you know..." Mina slaps the back of his head again " you better not stop! may i remind you who was the one who broke the clock? you should be glad that i'm even helping you!" Mina said as she got on his back and sat on him " now you will give me a piggy back ride while you look for the gears..."she said with a slight grin " u-ugh... Ffffiiiinnnneeee~" Coredramon kept shuffling through the ground for more gears. but suddenly Coredramon hears a whipping sound and a person groaning " h-hey... Mina did you hear that...?" Mina bopped Coredramons head with a frustraed look " Don't be making excuse with me mister...! get back to work." she said as Coredramon flinched " B-But Mina i seriously heared someone groan just now... I think someones in trouble." Mina couldn't help but trust him as she gave him a small pat on his back " Okay Coredramon... lets fly up a bit and get a sky view for now." Mina suggested " Allright Mina lets go up~!" as Coredramon said that he started to flap his wings, going as high up in the sky as he could and then saw Phantomon fighting a bunch of other digimons and Tamers " See Mina!? i told you!" he pointed at the battle so Mina knew where " Ah! i guess you weren't making up BS at all... lets go and help them!" she said focused " Roger!" she and Coredramon flew over to the battle to help the tamers