Allo. Sexy Atheists.
Sorry I haven't been on in a while.
If you read my post in the Advice Forum.
You'll notice that I was having a lot of issues with living with my Mom and her Dickhead of a boyfriend.
It became so bad that I attempted suicide many times.
The last straw was when my stepfather raised his fist to me (Twice).
Then called me a 'Stupid c**t' and a 'Chicken-s**t ******** my mom just stood there.
I had a large panic attack.
(I get those when people scream in my face)
I almost was in the Hospital because I couldn't breathe or stop shaking.
I then moved in with my dad.
(I like it here. Him and my Stepmom are awesome =D. I'm still on happy Pills though.)
Then the intervet took forever to get here.

Sorry again.

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[.Julie Booly.]