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The Adventures of Kochou and the Beautiflies (slight AU) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:05 pm
(an instrumental of "Only the Beginning" plays as the word "Previously..." appears onscreen.)

Niji(voiceover): Previously, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies"...

(We see Kochou and Mizuirochou hugging)

Niji(voiceover): After several weeks in TV land, Mizuirochou wasn't feeling very happy in her new position. (we see Mizuirochou playing her harmonica again) Kochou felt the same way, although he didn't really show it at first. (We see Kochou thinking hard) After some encouragement, Kochou decided to sing about what was bothering him-- Mizuirochou being gone. (we see scenes from the "Something is Missing" sequence). The song seemed to lure Mizuirochou back, and the band was reunited. (We see Kochou's and Mizuirochou's joyful reunion)

Today we do some damage control--the Rockets are really getting personal now!

Kochou: 1, 2, 3, 4, It's time to fly!

Beautiflies: Yeah!

Kochou: I'm the leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

When you grow up and you wonder what you'd like to be,
(what, oh, what, I wonder?)
I'll do it all, now! I hold it all in my hand! (come along, you can do it, too!)
But they won't go away, all those tears that lie within your life,
I will just erase them with this song that lies in my heart!


We are all alive because of a dream...
Come right along, with our colored wings we rise and soar!
It doesn't matter now, whether we win or not,.
We will all build the future today!
And in a pinch, that is your chance
To transform and sing your song!

I'm your leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

1, 2. 3, 4; it's time to fly!

Episode 30: The Trouble with Tabloids

(Kochou speaks as we look out on Jubilife City at night)

Kochou(voiceover): Our adventures in Jubilife were not over yet...in addition to two more days worth of shows, we were unaware that we were also going to have to do some damage control...

(We look in on the gang's penthouse overlooking the city. While most everyone is helping with cleaning the living room, Whitney is about to settle at a desk with a yellow book. Closer examination reveals the book's title: MY DIARY.)

(Niji notices Whitney preparing to write and flies over, where she perches on Whitney's chair)

Niji: Whitney? Aren't you going to help us out?

Whitney: I've already finished with dusting the furniture, so I'm writing in my diary for a bit. (she begins writing on a blank page in the book) It's my nightly tradition...if I don't write at least one entry in it, the day just isn't complete!

Crystal: Sounds like me getting a massage every night! (winks at Niji)

May: And me taking a hot bath!

Whitney: My diary's special...I've written in it every night for five years now! (the boys admire the number of written on pages in the book) And before you ask, Ash; yes, your Gym match against me is in it!

Ash: May I--

Whitney: But you'd better not read it! (Ash sweatdrops as he returns to picking up trash off the floor)

Brock: You know how girls are about their diaries...they guard them with their lives!

Ash: Really...

Whitney: Let's see here...Dear Diary... (begins to write again as music begins)

Kochou: Who do I turn to, when I'm feeling bad...
Whether I'm happy, angry or sad?
It's you, Dear Diary,
It's true, Dear Diary,
With you, Dear Diary,
You set me free...

I write down my feelings one by one,
(one by one)
Cause writing down my feelings sets me free! (Whitney closes her eyes as she writes)
It's just between you and me. (Ash tries to take a look at Whitney's entry, but is shooed away)

Personal secrets, (Dear Diary)
Where can I share them? (Dear Diary)
Ongoing problems, (Dear Diary)
Where do I air them?
It's you, Dear Diary,
It's true, Dear Diary,
With you, Dear Diary,
You set me free...
When it's just you and me,
Just you and me, Dear Diary!
(Whitney finishes writing as music ends)

Whitney: There! (she closes the book and puts it away)

Niji: Perfect timing, too...we have a show to do!

Whitney: We do? (everyone abandons their cleaning supplies and rushes to get ready)

Niji: Yes...we can't keep Misty waiting! (Whitney gets up from her chair and dashes to her room to get ready. May, meanwhile, leads off the transforming)

May: Ready! (her watch glows red) Red wings of Fire, it's time to fly! (as May says "it's time to fly", she draws a circle of red light around herself with her hand, which bonds to her normal clothes. A red shirt with sparkling swirls appears on her top half, followed by silver buttons. Next, the light on her shoes forms red high heels, followed by a red miniskirt studded in rubies. Finally, a halo forms around May's head, turning her hair red and flying into her hands, where it turns into an electric guitar)

Akaichou: Haeru wingu, Akaichou yo!

Brock: Ready! (the watch glows green again) Green wings of the Earth, it's time to fly! (as Brock says "It's time to fly", he draws a circle of green light around himself with his hand, which bonds to his normal clothes. The top half of him becomes a silver shirt, followed by a sparkly green jacket with silver trim. The camera zooms to his lower half, where black pants with green trim appear, followed by silver emerald studded shoes. A green halo forms around Brock's head, turning his hair black. Finally, he grabs ahold of the halo and straightens it out, leaving a pair of drumsticks in his hand as the light fades)

Midorichou: Haeru wingu, Midorichou yo!

Crystal: Ready! (her watch glows blue) Blue wings of Frost, it's time to fly! (as Crystal says "it's time to fly", she draws a circle of blue light around herself with her hand, which bonds to her normal clothes. A blue shirt with silver sparkles appears on her top half, followed by aqua Beautifly earrings on her ears. Next, gold sandals studded with aquamarines appear on her feet. A blue halo envelops Crystal, making her hair grow and braid itself. The light then flies to her hand, where it becomes a harmonica.)

Mizuirochou: Haeru wingu, Mizuirochou yo!

Whitney: Ready! (her watch glows yellow) Yellow wings of Lightning, it's time to fly! (as Whitney says "it's time to fly", she draws a circle of yellow light around herself with her hand, which bonds to her normal clothes. A yellow shirt forms on her top half, which gets studded in topazes. The bottom half forms a pale yellow skirt that also gets topaz studded; and a pair of yellow shoes form on her feet. A yellow halo envelopes Whitney, turning her hair yellow and making it put itself up in a ponytail as Whitney rides a wave of piano keys)

Ierochou: Haeru wingu, Ierochou yo!

Anabel: Ready! (her watch glows purple) Indigo wings of Night, it's time to fly! (as Anabel says "it's time to fly", she draws a circle of indigo light around herself with her hand, which bonds to her normal clothes. Her shirt turns silver and gains indigo sparkles, followed by her capris lengthening and gaining silver trim. Next, a halo of indigo light forms around Anabel's head, making her hair lengthen as indigo shoes with amethysts on the soles appear on her feet. Finally, the light flies to her hand, where it forms a bass guitar.)

Aiirochou: Haeru wingu, Aiirochou yo!

Zoe: Ready! (the watch glows orange) Orange wings of Light, it's time to fly! (as Zoe says "it's time to fly", she draws a circle of orange light around herself, which bonds to her clothes. Her shirt turns orange with black trim, and her jeans turn into sparkling orange slacks. Next, her shoes turn orange with a sun emblem on them. Finally, the light flies into her hand, where it forms a saxophone. Her hair also lengthens to shoulder length)

Orenjichou: Haeru wingu, Orenjichou yo!

Ash(holds his hand in the air, then sings in a noticeably older sounding voice): Ai-yai-yai, I'm your little Beautifly! (Ash's hand begins to glow and swirls of gold surround it) Green, black, and blue; make the colors in the sky!

(MUSIC-"Beautifly" (instrumental))

(We see a glowing outline of Ash's body against the background of Beautifly wings and gold fireworks. As Ash hangs in this position, his torso begins to glow purple, and a silver, gold and purple shirt appears on him. Next, a silver, gold, purple, and green checkered jacket appears over that in a flash of purple. Next, we look at Ash's legs as sparkling black pants with gold trim appear on his legs in a flash of blue, and silver and gold swirled shoes appear on his feet. The view next shifts to Ash's head, where we see his eyes finally open. His normally black hair begins to lengthen and turn silver. A white rose appears in the right pocket of the jacket, which the young man holds in one hand as he poses for the audience.)

(Music cut)

(The yellow book on the table gains a new title: "Ierochou's Diary". As the rest of the band files out the door, Ierochou takes one last look at the book and smiles before departing)

(We fade to the scene of an arena somewhere in Jubilife, where a large crowd has gathered.)

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen...Kochou and the Beautiflies!

(The crowd roars as Kochou appears onstage)

Kochou: Hi there, Jubilife City! How is everyone tonight? (wild cheers) It's great to be here, and I especially want to thank Jubilife TV for having us. (more cheers) So, first thing I wanna do is introduce my cotarie...so can I get a little groove going in here? Just snap your fingers like this... (he starts to snap in a rhythmic tempo. Before long the entire crowd is snapping) Okay! Just keep doing that...that should give our drummer something to work with....come on, Midorichou!

(Midorichou appears in a green spotlight, improvising a beat to the audience's snapping)

Kochou: Aw yeah...now let's add in some bass, Aiirochou...

(Aiirochou appears in a deep blue spotlight, improvising a solo over the drums and snapping)

Kochou: And now we'll add in a dash of guitar, with some help from Akaichou here...

(Akaichou appears in a red spotlight, improvising a solo over the bass, drums, and snapping. Kochou helps by adding in his own guitar riff as well)

Kochou: And while we're at it, let's throw in some keyboards to the mix, shall we, Ierochou?

(Ierochou appears in a yellow spotlight before a digital piano, improvising her solo over both guitars, the bass, the drums, and the snapping)

Kochou: And for the finishing touches, a little sax and a little more beat!

(Mizuirochou appears in a light blue spotlight, adding her solo to the others. Orenjichou is nearby the drums in an orange spotlight, shaking a tambourine to the beat)

Kochou: Howsat for a great recipe for a groove? (wild applause) Keep snapping, okay? (the band continues to play the song as the scene fades back to the room. At first, all is quiet--before Anya leads the Rockets inside! A quick look in the hallway reveals an open window, presumably where the Rockets entered)

Anya: And here's where Beauty-boy and his crew hangs out when they're not playing....

(Meru, meanwhile, spots the diary on the table)

Meru: Hey guys! One of the Beautiflies left their personal diary just sitting here!

Yami: Ooh, I wanna read! Maybe it's got some deep, dark secret inside that we can use to ruin Beauty-boy!

Kage: Calm down, Yami...we'll read it once we all get comfy. (he pulls up a chair and makes himself comfortable. He invites Meowth into his lap as his comrades all sit down. Once everyone is seated, Yami takes the book from Meru)

Yami: Okay...let's see here... (she opens the book to a random page and starts reading) "Christmas 2006--Today's weather, snowy; currently feeling: awesome..."

Kage: So, what happened that Christmas that was so interesting?

Yami: I'm getting there! (she continues reading) "Dear Diary: This year was the best Christmas ever! Kochou got me a pretty sled, so we abandoned the video games everyone else got to play in the snow...."

Anya: So she got a sled for Christmas...whoop-de-doo...

Yami: Let me pick a different one here... (she thumbs through the book a little) Here we go..."Sixteenth day of May, 2007--Today's weather, light rain; currently feeling: disappointed..." (the others perk up) "yet hopeful."

Kage: You had me on "disappointed", so what was she disappointed about?

Yami: It says... "Dear Diary: We had planned to go have a picnic in the park today, but it rained, again. Can't we have some sunny days for a change?..."

Meru: I was hoping for something a little more horrific than a rainy day...

Anya: Keep looking, Yami; the deep dark secrets have to be in there somewhere!

Meowth: I will admit dat dese are interesting...

Yami: I'll try one more... (she thumbs through the book again) Fourth day of June, 2007--Today's weather, very hot; currently feeling: refreshed...Dear Diary: After Akaichou nearly overheated last night, Kochou suggested giving her an ice bath to cool down...it was so hot today...

Other Rockets: HOW HOT WAS IT???

Yami(still reading the entry): It was so hot today that the heat on Akaichou's body made the ice become steam...

Meru: I remember that was during the heat wave Kanto had this summer!

Anya: That was mildly interesting, but not as scandalous as I hoped...is there anything resembling big fights or broken hearts?

(Yami thumbs through the diary again)

Yami: There's some stuff about fighting in here, but not of the caliber you'd want...

Anya: No broken hearts, either?

Yami: Nope, more like loving hearts.

Meowth: If dere's no big fights or broken hearts in dere...we'll just have to make some up to damage Beauty-boy's rep!

Anya: Yeah! I love a scandal!

(music begins as we look at the Rockets on PCs, typing fake diary entries and compiling them into a fake diary)

Anya: Scandal, I love a scandal! (A juicy, juicy scandal)
Wherever it is, I'll track it down,
(we see Anya as a detective following footprints)
And spread it to everyone in town! (A juicy, juicy scandal)

Scandal, I love a scandal! (A juicy, juicy scandal)
Scandal, I love a scandal! (A sight too hot to handle)

When I'm on the scent, there's no stopping me!
There's no way you're gonna hide from me, no!
(we see Anya surprising Kochou, who is hiding behind a wall)
I'll get the goods on you,

My ear is to the ground;
(we see Anya with an ear to the ground)
And once I've got the goods on you,
I'll see it gets around!
(we see people whispering down a line)
I love a scandal!

Scandal, I love a scandal!
(A juicy, juicy scandal)
Servin' it down, and spyin' it out!
There's just something I love about a scandal!
I love a scandal!
I love a scandal!

(The Rockets laugh as Yami concludes the last fake entry)

Yami: Try and make some colors in a stormy sky, Beauty-boy! (the Rockets depart with the fake diaries. We notice, however, that Ierochou's diary is left hanging open on the table)

(Later, the gang returns, energized from another successful show. But their happiness is shortlived...)

Ierochou: Ah, another show in the books... (she hears the phone ring and runs to answer it) Hello?...this is she...what? I would never do such a thing! Never ever! Okay...good bye. (she hangs up)

Midorichou: Who was it?

Ierochou: Some guy wanting to know about a supposed fight Akaichou and I had...

Akaiachou: I don't look mad to you, do I?

Ierochou: There was that time I broke your binoculars...

Akaichou: We knew that was an accident... (the phone rings again) I'll get it... (she answers the phone) Hello? No, Ierochou would pay for her own jewelry, not steal it! Never has stolen anything, never will. All right, good bye.

Kochou: Now what?

Akaichou: Now they want to know about a supposed collection of stolen jewels Ierochou has...

Mizuirochou: On top of that, "Totally Stars" claims she's depressed... (gestures to the TV screen, which has the headline "Yellow Beautifly Has the Blues?" on it) but I haven't seen Ierochou act depressed....

Kochou: If she really was like that, we would know something was wrong! (continues making notes about the story.)

Aiirochou: It's going to be tough now these "scandals" have broken out.

Orenjichou: The Ierochou we know would never do any of that stuff!

Midorichou: And never has!

(Suddenly, Niji notices the open diary on the table)

Niji: I think whoever started these rumors read Ierochou's diary, then blew the accounts inside way out of proportion! (At this, Misty rushes inside)

Misty: What's this about Ierochou?

Kochou: Someone read her diary and started some nasty rumors about her!

Misty: Really, like what?

Ierochou: That Akaichou and I are now mortal enemies...

Akaichou: That she's a jewel thief...

Misty: Of course not!

Aiirochou: And that she's fighting depression...

Misty: Since none of those claims are true and the media claims they are, we have two options to win back the public's trust: Continually deny everything every time the issues come up....

Midorichou: Which would get annoying and frustrating after a while...

Aiirochou: Midorichou's right...

Misty: Or we could go on TV ourselves and publically deny every charge.

Kochou: Exposing the lies in public sounds good to me...so can we call up the TV station?

Misty: Sure! (she picks up the phone and dials a number)

(The scene fades to the inside of a TV studio a few days later. The lights come up on the set of a talk show as the show's theme song begins)

Female announcer: With the recent rumors of Beautifly keyboardist Ierochou rocking the music world, some have called the claims questionable. Others refuse to believe the band's repeated denials until Ierochou herself says they are false. So are the rumors true? Find out on The Sora Leonknight Show!

(The audience applauds as Sora appears and waves to the crowd.)

Sora: Thank you! Thank you, Icy; and thank you, Thora. (pets the Shiny Pikachu holding the cue cards) Over the last week, an annonymous source has reported some highly dubious claims about Ierochou, keyboardist for Kochou and the Beautiflies. Some blindly take the claims to be true, while others have called their accuracy questionable at best. But the best way to find out their accuracy is to ask the subject herself. With that, please welcome my guests today; Kochou and the Beautiflies.

(Half the girls in the audience scream as the band comes onstage. Ierochou opts to sit in the chair facing Sora while the Beautiflies sit in places around her)

Sora: Okay, Ierochou, we're all aware that you guys have been through a rough week repeatedly denying these rumors...

Ierochou: Yes...all the claims depict me as a person I am not, and given just how fast a rumor can spread today; we've had to resort to drastic measures to save our reputations.

Sora: I understand that the rumors came from your personal diary?

Ierochou: Yes...the tipster somehow read my private diray, and then took what I wrote way out of context. So I say to the audience and all our fans: Allow me to set the record straight, because I am not who these rumors say I am.

Sora: On that note: let's examine the rumors one by one...#1: Mortal enemies with Akaichou after a big fight?

Ierochou: Akaichou and I have had arguments in the past, but all were resolved in a resonable amount of time. Furthermore, none of these arguments were not of the caliber the rumor describes. (the word "FALSE" appears over the rumor)

Sora: One down, now for #2: Rock star by day, jewel thief by night?

Ierochou: No...if I wanted my own jewels, I would pay for them myself; not steal them. (the word "FALSE" is stamped on the rumor)

Sora: And the last one...Yellow Wing with the blues?

Ierochou: I have had my share of rough times, as we all do; but I have not felt depressed to my knowledge. If I needed help through a dark time, I would have my friends to support me. (she gestures to the Beautiflies as the audience cheers and the word "FALSE" is stamped on the rumor. Ierochou hugs Kochou in jubilation)

Sora: So there you have it, folks--those rumors were pure lies after all!
(Kochou speaks over the audience's cheers)

Kochou(voiceover): The appearance on "The Sora Leonknight Show" was the one thing the press and our fans needed to see to know those rumors were false and we were speaking the truth. Although it took several days of denials before that, I knew all along that Ierochou was none of those things. Before long, the whole rumor mess faded from the public eye, allowing us to focus on our next show...

(Music begins as we see Kochou and the gang on a stage before a cheering crowd)

Kochou: Imagine me,
Free from care,
Light as a feather,
Floating on air;

Imagine me,
Can't you see
How lovely it would be?

Imagine me,
Breezing through
Never a worry, nothing to do

Imagine me,
What a lovely fantasy.

Everythin's goin' my way,
Everythin's rollin' along,

No pain, no strain,
I can't complain!
Life is a happy song,

Imagine me,
Coasting by,
Solvin' my problems,
Easy as pie.

Life is simple as ABC
Baby, just imagine me

Imagine me, (Imagine me)
Imagine me... (the crowd roars as Kochou bows)

(an instrumental of "When Tomorrow Comes" plays as the word "Next..." appears on screen)

Ierochou(voiceover): Next time, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies...."

(We see Kochou gawking at a shorter version of himself with white hair)

Ierochou(voiceover): Someone's going around claiming to be Kochou, but Misty's not convinced--she decides to challenge this imposter to a contest! (we see the imposter and the real Kochou before a crowd on a stage) But first, we have to find this imposter first! (we see the gang chasing the imposter) But I know that Misty would much rather hear this...

Kochou: I'll never let you down...

Ierochou(voiceover) Over this... (we hear the imposter butchering "Rock n' Roll Forever" for a moment) Can we unmask the imposter? Stay tuned!  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:31 pm
(an instrumental of "Only the Beginning" plays as the word "Previously..." appears onscreen)

Niji(voiceover): Previously, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies"...

(We see the Rockets laughing over a yellow book)

Niji: While we were away at a show, the Rockets snuck inside and read Ierochou's diary! (We see Yami reading the diary again) When they didn't see any juicy dirt inside, they decided to take some entries far out of context and sell those to the tabloids! (We see Ierochou looking shocked at the "Totally Stars" report on a TV). It took several days of denials, and ultimately a return visit to "The Sora Leonknight Show" (We see Sora and Ierochou talking) to set the record straight. Thankfully, the mess worked itself out quickly, and our tour went on as planned. (we see Kochou singing on an outdoor stage)

But Jubilife still has one more trial for us before we go on to our next stop--unmasking an imposter, and on Misty's birthday too!

Kochou: 1, 2, 3, 4, It's time to fly!

Beautiflies: Yeah!

Kochou: I'm the leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

When you grow up and you wonder what you'd like to be,
(what, oh, what, I wonder?)
I'll do it all, now! I hold it all in my hand! (come along, you can do it, too!)
But they won't go away, all those tears that lie within your life,
I will just erase them with this song that lies in my heart!


We are all alive because of a dream...
Come right along, with our colored wings we rise and soar!
It doesn't matter now, whether we win or not,.
We will all build the future today!
And in a pinch, that is your chance
To transform and sing your song!

I'm your leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

1, 2. 3, 4; it's time to fly!

Episode 31: Too Many Kochous!

(We join the gang as they finish hanging banners on two trees outside the band's house. A quick glimpse of the banner reveals that it says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISTY")

Niji: You've done well planning this party, everyone... (she flies over to inspect the banner)

Crystal: Thanks! I hope Misty likes my present... (gestures to a blue wrapped box in the pile of presents on a nearby table.)

Brock: Ooh, that reminds me... (he disappears inside for a moment, then returns with a book, wrapping paper, some ribbons and tape. He then sets to work wrapping the book)

Zoe: Bath supplies and novels are all well and good, but you know what the perfect present for Misty would be?

Everyone else: What?

Zoe: Kochou bringing her here, followed by a special song just for her!

Anabel: I've got the song part all set! (she gestures to some music paper lying by the stack of gifts)

Niji: What a great idea, Zoe...while the rest of us finish decorating, Ash could transform into Kochou and lead Misty here for the party.

Whitney: What did you name the song, Anabel? (she strains to look at the sheet music) "1, 2, 3"?

May: I like that! Has a ring to it...

Anabel: I wanted something to do with numbers to show that no number can measure how much Kochou loves Misty.

Crystal: Aww...

Whitney: Go on, Ash; transform! We'll transform while you're gone.

Ash: Okay then...(he retreats behind a bush. Once sure no one is looking, he holds his hand in the air, then sings in a noticeably older sounding voice): Ai-yai-yai, I'm your little Beautifly! (Ash's hand begins to glow and swirls of gold surround it) Green, black, and blue; make the colors in the sky!

(MUSIC-"Beautifly" (instrumental))

(We see a glowing outline of Ash's body against the background of Beautifly wings and gold fireworks. As Ash hangs in this position, his torso begins to glow purple, and a silver, gold and purple shirt appears on him. Next, a silver, gold, purple, and green checkered jacket appears over that in a flash of purple. Next, we look at Ash's legs as sparkling black pants with gold trim appear on his legs in a flash of blue, and silver and gold swirled shoes appear on his feet. The view next shifts to Ash's head, where we see his eyes finally open. His normally black hair begins to lengthen and turn silver. A white rose appears in the right pocket of the jacket, which the young man holds in one hand as he poses for the audience.)

(Music cut)

(After Kochou steps out from behind the bush and cleans off the leaves from his clothes, he starts off down the sidewalk; Niji in tow.)

(Meanwhile, in a Rocket base, Anya paces the floor, thinking about something. Kage notes the thoughtful expression on Anya's face and abandons the crossword he's working, interested)

Kage: What's on your mind, Anya?

Anya: I'm thinking of what else we could do to damage Beauty-boy...the scandal thing fell flat after Kochou went on TV and exposed our brillant stories as lies.

(We pan over to see Yami, Meru, and Meowth in the middle of a poker game)

Meowth: I'm tinkin' one of us goes in disguise as Beauty-boy and do tings to make the real Beauty-boy look bad!

Yami: Like?

Meowth: Oh, hoit his fans, spurn autographs, start fights, cancel concerts at da last minute...stuff like dat!

Anya: I know who'd be perfect!

(We fade to see Meru being fitted in a purple outfit not unlike Kochou's old costume. The only clues we see that Meru is not Kochou is the color of the shoes, which are silver without any gold swirls; the rose in the jacket's pocket is red rather than white. Adding to these subtle clues is the fact that Meru is several times shorter than Kochou, and that his hair is the wrong length and color)

Yami: And there we are! (she holds a mirror before the now disguised Meru) How do you feel?

Meru: Like I'm Beauty-boy!

Anya: We can't let the real Kochou see you, and you shouldn't sing, either.

Meowth: I second da no-singing rule.

Kage: I'll third it...we've heard you sing. (He bids Meru goodbye as he walks out, then returns to his waiting crossword puzzle.) 25 down, a eight letter word for "An unexpected event"

Anya: Surprise. (she deviously smiles as Kage writes the word down)

(Back with Kochou and Niji, they are now on the main drag of town. As the two of them pass an electronics store, a newscast on one of the plasma TVs catches Kochou's attention: someone that looks suspiciously like him is spurning autographs and turning fans away.)

Kochou: How can I be in two places at once?

Niji: Hm?

Kochou: The TV claims I'm all the way on the other side of town rejecting autographs, when I'm really right here by you!

Niji: I know you would never refuse an autograph, and secondly, I don't recall teleporting you anywhere...

(Just then, two girls approach Kochou with CDs. He pauses to sign the items in full view of Misty, who is watching from a table at a streetside cafe. After bidding the girls goodbye, he approaches the table and settles on a bench nearby.)

Misty: That was very nice of you...and all the proof I need to know that you're not on the other side of town ripping off your fans.

Kochou: Besides, I can't be in two places at once...

Misty: Furthermore, why would you want to go there? That's the rough part of town.

Niji: Yes, and quite dangerous for a star like you to be passing that way. Unsavory characters abound out there...

Misty: I have my sneaking suspicions that we have an imposter on our hands. (At this point the TV by the cafe's entrance beams another scene of "Kochou", this time running from the scene of a supposed concert. Misty pays particular attention to the outfit) For one thing, isn't that your old costume?

Kochou: I gave that up when we arrived in Shinou, remember?

Misty: Yes!

Niji: Furthermore, the rose in his pocket is the wrong color to be you...unless you secretly like red now.

Kochou: Nah...white goes better with my true costume.

Misty: While I'm able to see that that other guy isn't you, many others won't be so easily swayed. (she gets up and pays her bill) But I'm not going to let an imposter ruin my birthday! I have the real deal right here. (she gives Kochou a hug)

Kochou: Speaking of that, the band and I planned a party for you at the house... (he gets up from the bench)

Misty: Lead the way...I'll keep the press off your back. (Kochou, Misty, and Niji start back towards the house.)

(Back at the house, the gang are putting the finishing touches on the party decor. A stage stands by the food table, with the band's instruments set up and ready to be played.)

Brock: You know, guys...Kochou ought to be back soon...

Zoe: Quick, inside! (she leads everyone inside the living room) Okay...now we can transform.

May: Ready! (her watch glows red) Red wings of Fire, it's time to fly! (as May says "it's time to fly", she draws a circle of red light around herself with her hand, which bonds to her normal clothes. A red shirt with sparkling swirls appears on her top half, followed by silver buttons. Next, the light on her shoes forms red high heels, followed by a red miniskirt studded in rubies. Finally, a halo forms around May's head, turning her hair red and flying into her hands, where it turns into an electric guitar)

Akaichou: Haeru wingu, Akaichou yo!

Brock: Ready! (the watch glows green again) Green wings of the Earth, it's time to fly! (as Brock says "It's time to fly", he draws a circle of green light around himself with his hand, which bonds to his normal clothes. The top half of him becomes a silver shirt, followed by a sparkly green jacket with silver trim. The camera zooms to his lower half, where black pants with green trim appear, followed by silver emerald studded shoes. A green halo forms around Brock's head, turning his hair black. Finally, he grabs ahold of the halo and straightens it out, leaving a pair of drumsticks in his hand as the light fades)

Midorichou: Haeru wingu, Midorichou yo!

Crystal: Ready! (her watch glows blue) Blue wings of Frost, it's time to fly! (as Crystal says "it's time to fly", she draws a circle of blue light around herself with her hand, which bonds to her normal clothes. A blue shirt with silver sparkles appears on her top half, followed by aqua Beautifly earrings on her ears. Next, gold sandals studded with aquamarines appear on her feet. A blue halo envelops Crystal, making her hair grow and braid itself. The light then flies to her hand, where it becomes a harmonica.)

Mizuirochou: Haeru wingu, Mizuirochou yo!

Whitney: Ready! (her watch glows yellow) Yellow wings of Lightning, it's time to fly! (as Whitney says "it's time to fly", she draws a circle of yellow light around herself with her hand, which bonds to her normal clothes. A yellow shirt forms on her top half, which gets studded in topazes. The bottom half forms a pale yellow skirt that also gets topaz studded; and a pair of yellow shoes form on her feet. A yellow halo envelopes Whitney, turning her hair yellow and making it put itself up in a ponytail as Whitney rides a wave of piano keys)

Ierochou: Haeru wingu, Ierochou yo!

Anabel: Ready! (her watch glows purple) Indigo wings of Night, it's time to fly! (as Anabel says "it's time to fly", she draws a circle of indigo light around herself with her hand, which bonds to her normal clothes. Her shirt turns silver and gains indigo sparkles, followed by her capris lengthening and gaining silver trim. Next, a halo of indigo light forms around Anabel's head, making her hair lengthen as indigo shoes with amethysts on the soles appear on her feet. Finally, the light flies to her hand, where it forms a bass guitar.)

Aiirochou: Haeru wingu, Aiirochou yo!

Zoe: Ready! (her watch glows orange) Orange wings of Light, it's time to fly! (as Zoe says "it's time to fly", she draws a circle of orange light around herself, which bonds to her clothes. Her shirt turns orange with black trim, and her jeans turn into sparkling orange slacks. Next, her shoes turn orange with a sun emblem on them. Finally, the light flies into her hand, where it forms a saxophone. Her hair also lengthens to shoulder length)

Orenjichou: Haeru wingu, Orenjichou yo!

(Aiirochou leads everyone outside and onto the stage, where they start tuning up as Kochou, Misty, and Niji arrive)

Misty: Wow! You did all this for me?

Akaichou: Anything for a manager that's as well loved and liked as you! (she tunes her instrument some more)

Misty: Thank you all! (she hesitates a moment) I have some news, but if you guys have a present in the form of a song for me, I want to hear that first.

Kochou: Oh, we do! (he leaps onstage and snaps, summoning an electric guitar. After tuning up, he snaps to count Akaichou and Mizuirochou off)

Akaichou and Mizuirochou: 1, 2, 3, 4!

Kochou: Come on, baby; say you love me!

Akaichou and Mizuirochou: 5, 6, 7,

Kochou: Ti-imes! (the stage comes to life as the instruments join in the song)

(Misty just smiles during the interlude)

Kochou: You tell me you're shy, girl; but I want you just the same...
Don't play innocent with me, you know it's not just fun and games
When I look into your eyes,
So much passion burns inside!
(we look into Misty's eyes, which we see images of flames in them)
If you need some coaxing, I will do it
Step by step, there's nothing to it!

Beautiflies: 1, 2, 3, 4!

Kochou: Come on, baby; say you love me!

Beautiflies: 5, 6, 7!

Kochou: Ti-imes!

Beautiflies: 8, 9, 10, 11!

Kochou: I'm just gonna keep on counting
Until you are mine!

(Mizuirochou plays a short saxophone interlude)

Kochou: Come out of your shell, girl; you know we go like hand in glove... (we see Kochou's hand fitting seamlessly into a glove decorated to look like Misty)
You're afraid of giving in, but I am never giving up on your love!

And no matter what it takes,
I will steal your heart away!
(we see Chibi Kochou lifting a heart, presumably Misty's, off a pedestal)
Take a chance for once, you won't regret it
Want my love?

Misty: Yes!

Kochou: Just come and get it!

Beautiflies: 1, 2, 3, 4!

Kochou: Come on, baby; say you love me!

Beautiflies: 5, 6, 7!

Kochou: Ti-imes!

Beautiflies: 8, 9, 10, 11!

Kochou: I'm just gonna keep on counting
Until you are mine!

(with that, Kochou breaks off to solo as we fade to scenes of Misty's party: the cake being cut, the gifts being opened, and finally, a game of "Pin the Wing on the Beautifly" before we return to the band playing the song again)

Kochou: So no matter what it takes,
I will steal your heart away!
Take a chance for once, you won't regret it!
Want my love? Just come and get it!

Beautiflies: 1, 2, 3, 4!

Kochou: Come on, baby; say you love me!

Beautiflies: 5, 6, 7!

Kochou: Ti-imes!

Beautiflies: 8, 9, 10, 11!

Kochou: I'm just gonna keep on counting
Until you are mine!

Beautiflies: 1, 2, 3, 4!

Kochou: Come on, baby; say you love me!

Beautiflies: 5, 6, 7!

Kochou: Ti-imes!

Beautiflies: 8, 9, 10, 11!

Kochou: I'm just gonna keep on counting
Until you are mine!

(The Beautiflies continue singing the numbers as the song fades out into a scene of the Beautiflies in the yard, which has now been cleaned up from the party)

Midorichou: So what's this about a Kochou impersonator?

Misty: I've heard on the news today there's someone running around town claiming to be Kochou. Based on the reports I have seen, he spurns autographs and fakes out of concerts.

Ierochou: On top of that, when the police come to quell the resulting riots, he's gone...poof.

Akaichou: Officer Jenny was on the news just before you guys came...and they have solid evidence that this person is a fraud based on how he looks. However, they do want to prove to fans that the Kochou they saw wasn't the true Kochou.

Misty: And I know just how to do that!

(We fade to the Rocket base, where Meru, still in disguise as Kochou, is admiring himself in a mirror and talking to Anya.)

Meru: ...but now the cops want to expose our plot, and the real Kochou's manager wants to pit me against the real Kochou!

Anya: You at least got some fans and some of the press in an uproar, and that's good! Keep that up!

Meru: Aw, it was nothing! The press wasn't concerned about me being a fraud, they were more interested in the fans rioting...they were all like "The real Kochou wouldn't do this" and "Is this really Kochou?", blah blah blah...

Kage: You have the look, the guitar, and the dance moves down, but what if they ask you to sing?

(Yami swallows hard at the thought of Meru singing)

Meru: If the band hums a few bars, I'll try to fake it!

Meowth: I would suggest lipsyncing, but maybe dey really really want the imposter to sing...

Anya: That's what I'm afraid of...

(We fade to a stage the next morning. A crowd cheers as both Kochou and Meru, disguised as Kochou, come onstage. Akaichou follows them as Misty takes a seat up front)

Akaichou: Okay! Now that both competitors are here, let me explain the rules: Number One (gestures to the real Kochou) and Number Two (gestures to Meru) each will perform one song for the crowd....

Meru(thinking): Oh no, they DO want me to sing! (he shifts his weight a little, causing some in the cowd to laugh)

Akaichou: The crowd's and Misty's reaction will determine the winner, okay? (the crowd cheers as the Beautiflies take their positions at their instruments) All right...may the real Kochou win! (she retreats to her waiting guitar and mic)

Misty: Number One will perform first. (Meru breathes a sigh of relief as he jogs offstage, allowing Kochou to take his place at a mic)

Akaichou: And a one, two, three...

(Ierochou and Akaichou lead the band into a slow pop beat begins as a spotlight appears on Kochou)

Kochou: Me, I'm just a simple guy
And no matter how hard I try,
I may never show you how I feel!
You may be, the lady I love
(lady I love)
I sometimes think that you've been sent from above (sent from above)
I am trying to be your man,
Heaven knows I do the best that I can!

I'll never let you down,
I'll be there, whenever you need me!
I'll never let you down,
Come what may!

Me, I'll be a shoulder to cry on,
I'll be someone you can rely on!
And maybe you may see just how I feel...
We may be, so far apart
(far apart)
But you still know I've got a hungry heart (hungry heart)
We must be patient, it won't last forever!
It won't be long untill we're together!

I'll never let you down,
I'll be there, whenever you need me!
I'll never let you down,
(never gonna, never gonna let you down)
I'll be strong, I'll show you how love can be!
I'll never let you down,
Come what may!

(The crowd starts to cheer during an interlude, making Meru feel even more nervous. Misty just smiles--she knows this is the real Kochou)

Kochou: We must be patient, it won't last forever!
It won't be long untill we're together!
I'll never let you down,
I'll be there, whenever you need me!
I'll never let you down,
(never gonna, never gonna let you down)
I'll be strong, I'll show you how love can be!

I'll never let you down,
Never let you down, 'cause I'll be there whenever you need me!
I'll never let you down,
Never let you down, cause I'll be strong, I'll show you how love can be!
I'll never let you down,
Never let you down, 'cause I'll be there!

(the crowd roars as the band continues the tune. Backstage, Meru is shaking with fear when he hears Kochou's high note on "there")

Meru(thinking): Don't tell me I need to hit that high of a note--I'll crack!

Misty: Okay...Number Two, your turn.

(Meru tensely comes onstage and taps the mic, making a little feedback go off)

Meru(singing horribly flat and off key): Have you, uh, heard the latest word? T-th-they're...

(As Meru tries to sing, boos fill the air and Tamato Berries go flying at the stage. Some gypped fans even drag Meru offstage, revealing some of his Rocket attire through his ripped costume)

Akaichou: It's decided!

Misty: Number One is the real Kochou! (the crowd roars as Kochou bows)

Kochou: And I have a little something to say to my fans...Aiirochou, if you please.

(Aiirochou leads the band into a slightly more upbeat tune, which Kochou decides to dance to)

Kochou: The boy you saw before,
That's not the real me!
The boy who made you sore,
That's not the real me!
The boy with his nose in the air
(he gestures to a battered Meru)
Who put you through such agony,

Beautiflies: That's not,

Kochou: That's not the real me!

Beautiflies: No-wo-oh, that's not,

Kochou: That's not the real me! (no) No!
How could I be so unkind?
I'd have to be out of my mind!
(Kochou makes a spinning motion by his head to illustrate this line)

A boy who's mean and cruel,
That's not the real me!
A boy who plays the fool,
That's not the real me!
If ever I don't seem to care,
Just look into my eyes and you'll see,

Beautiflies: That's not,

Kochou: That's not the real me!

Beautiflies: No-wo-oh!

Kochou: No, that's not the real me!

Beautiflies: That's not,

Kochou: No, that's not the real me! (he waves to the crowd as Misty comes onstage.)

Misty: Does this look like someone that doubted you were the real Kochou? (she hugs Kochou, to the roar of the crowd)

(an instrumental of "When Tomorrow Comes" plays as the word "Next..." appears)

Aiirochou(voiceover): Next time, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies..."

(we see Akaichou and Yami singing together on a stage)

Aiirochou(voiceover): We come to Veilstone City, where Kochou's words of wisdom from the island escapade appear to be haunting Yami. (we see Yami talking while Akaichou listens) So in return for hearing Yami's feelings out, Akaichou crosses enemy lines to form a duo with Yami without either us or the Rockets noticing! (we see Akaichou and Yami in their respective bands) But when the act is exposed, the barriers surrounding both sides start to crumble. (we see Kochou singing as the Rockets dance) Could this mean that a truce with the Rockets is at hand? I hope so, but you'll have to stay tuned to see!  



PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:47 pm
(an instrumental of "Only the Beginning" plays as the word "Previously..." appears onscreen)

Niji(voiceover): Previously, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies..."

(we see a scene from the "I'll Never Let You Down" sequence)

Niji: We discovered there was someone about claiming to be Kochou, but Misty was skeptical, and wouldn't let the news spoil her birthday. (we see Misty looking skeptical at a TV report.) She proposed that both Kochous perform for the crowd to determine the real one. (we see Akaichou explaining the rules to a crowd) All it took was one good song to find the real one-the imposter turned out to be a Rocket! (we see Meru getting chased offstage) But the fans were assured by the real Kochou even after the chase ended. (we see scenes from the "Real Me" sequence.)

Today, we arrive in Veilstone, where it appears we might call a truce with the Rockets...

Kochou: 1, 2, 3, 4, It's time to fly!

Beautiflies: Yeah!

Kochou: I'm the leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

When you grow up and you wonder what you'd like to be,
(what, oh, what, I wonder?)
I'll do it all, now! I hold it all in my hand! (come along, you can do it, too!)
But they won't go away, all those tears that lie within your life,
I will just erase them with this song that lies in my heart!


We are all alive because of a dream...
Come right along, with our colored wings we rise and soar!
It doesn't matter now, whether we win or not,.
We will all build the future today!
And in a pinch, that is your chance
To transform and sing your song!

I'm your leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

1, 2. 3, 4; it's time to fly!

Episode 32: Trading Places

(We see a scene of Veilstone City at night as Kochou speaks)

Kochou(voiceover): Our tour next took us to Veilstone City, where one of our gigs would be at the Game Corner. Little did we know, the Rockets happened to be there at the same time we were, so our opening numbers essentially badmouthed the other side...

(music begins as we see the Beautiflies playing on a stage in the Game Corner)

Kochou: He's too much of a rebel,
He'll land you in a stew!
He's a bad influence,
(a bad influence)
A bad influence on you!
(we cut over to another stage, where the Rockets are performing)

Kage: Huh, the kid's a goody-goody,
He hasn't got a clue!
He's a bad influence,
(a bad influence)
A bad influence on you!

(we cut back to the Beautiflies)

Kochou: Keep away, he'll lead you astray!
There's something up his sleeve!

(we return to the Rockets)

Kage: Use your head, you'll be mislead
The boy's a fool, and too naive!
Too naive!

(we return to the Beautiflies again)

Kochou: You'll end up in hot water!
He'll break your heart in two!
He's a bad influence,
(a bad influence)
A bad influence on you!

(the screen splits to show both stages)

Kochou and Kage: A bad influence, a bad influence
A bad influence on you!

Kage: He's no good for you, baby! (he bows as his crowd cheers)

(We rejoin the Beautiflies in a penthouse somewhere in Veilstone)

Aiirochou: I wonder if the Rockets heard what you were singing about them, Kochou...

Kochou: Likewise, I'm wondering just what kind of nasty things they said about us.

Akaichou: Badmouthing the other side isn't the best thing to do, but I'm not worried about what they said as a group...I'm kinda worried about Yami right now...

Others: Huh?

Akaichou: After hearing you tell me what Yami promised you on the island, Kochou; part of me wants to find Yami and see how she's doing in keeping that promise.

Misty: If you really want to do that, Akaichou, then you may do so...

Niji: Just be very careful...she could spring a trap for all of us!

Akaichou: I know that... (she gets up and starts for the door) I'll be sure and alert you all if I run into trouble. (with that, Akaichou departs)

Midorichou: Good luck, Akaichou...

(we join Akaichou as she strolls down the street, looking for a place to take in some entertainment after a fruitless search for Yami)

Akaichou: I've checked everywhere, and still no sign of Yami... (she notices a neon sign over one place she hasn't checked.) Java Platina? Hmm... I remember this being my favorite place for a hot drink the last time we came... (She goes inside and looks around for an empty table. A quick glance around reveals Yami at a table close to the stage, glumly listening to the house band.) There she is... (she walks over to Yami's table) Okay if I sit down?

Yami: Okay... (she perks up when she realizes who is sitting across from her) Akaichou? What are you doing here? Normally Beauty-boy and us are mortal enemies!

Akaichou: Kochou told me all about your island adventure with him, and the promise you made to find what family you have left...and I'm curious to know how that search is going.

Yami: This isn't a trap, is it?

Akaichou: You have my honor that it is not, I swear to Arceus.

Yami: Okay...I trust you.

Akaichou(to a waiter): Regular iced mocha with whipped cream, please.

Yami(to the waiter): Regular latte for me. (as the waiter departs, Yami sighs and faces Akiachou) Okay...I started by looking to see where Mom would be now, if she was still in my hometown...

Akaichou: Mm-hmm...

Yami: But then an idea hit me before I could check what records of my hometown I had--Mom had said to me before I ran away to join the Rockets we would be moving to somewhere in Houen--but I ran away before I learned where exactly we were going.

Akaichou: So you checked any Houen listings you could find?

Yami: Yeah...but I had to do it without my fellow Rockets knowing, or they would most likely prevent me from trying to fulfill my promise.

Akaichou: How?

Yami: Basically bar me from my search, or from going out alone at all.

Akaichou: So, what did you find?

Yami: Had a few promising spots looking in Lilycove and Slateport, but so far, I haven't found anything definite...I'm like Beauty-boy--I can't break a promise.

Akaichou: I understand...but why is that bad?

Yami: My quest to find my mom and my promise to Beauty-boy are conflicting with the promise I made to be loyal to the Rockets. Sooner or later, I'm going to have to leave my comrades and life as a Rocket behind and actually travel to find my mom. And if they find out I've left... (she lets that hang)

Akaichou: Your fears are perfectly legitimate, Yami...but I haven't heard anything about Giovanni that would suggest he bars grunts from seeing their families.

Yami: It's not Giovanni I'm scared of, Akaichou, it's my comrades--if they cast me out of the team, I'll be all alone...

Akaichou: No, you won't... (she pauses to accept her drink) If we have to, I'll convince Kochou to take you under his wing.

Yami: But what about--

Akaichou: I know you're not one to break promises, but in this case, you're going to have to break one to keep the other--so the question for you is this: which of the two to you most want to keep?

Yami: I want to keep the one I made to Beauty-boy... (she accepts her drink) While I love the company of my friends, Beauty-boy made me see they're not the friends who I should be with...

Akaichou: There's your answer as to which promise you need to break.

Yami: ...

Akaichou: If you're afraid of Rockets coming to find you and drag you back into a life you don't want, we'll protect you!

Yami: Really? (she sips her drink)

Akaichou: Yeah...if I can't, I'll send someone to protect you.

(The glum expression on Yami's face slowly changes to a weak smile)

Yami: Thanks, Akaichou...I feel better already.

Akaichou: You're welcome...

Yami: Ever since my island escapade, I've been really wanting to leave the Rockets and fulfill my vow to Beauty-boy...and someday, I will. (she digs a crinkled paper from her pocket) This is a song I was writing to vent my frustrations, but I guess I don't need it anymore...

Akaichou: No, wait...what if I finished it here... (she takes the paper and writes on some blank lines under Yami's handwriting) There.

Yami: Hm... (she raises an eyebrow at the now finished song) I like this! We should record this!

Akaichou: How would that work? We're both in bands of our own!

Yami: We could form a secret band, just the two of us! Neither Beauty-boy or Kage should know, okay?

Akaichou: Sure...I can keep a secret.

Yami: I mainly came becomes it was open mic night tonight, so want to come join me onstage and sing this?

Akaichou: Okay!

(music begins as we look to see Akaichou and Yami on the coffeehouse stage)

Yami: Sometimes I feel so alone and within,
Sometimes don't know where to turn,
Or who to call my friend!

But I'm okay! (I'm okay)!
I have faith in myself!
I'm okay!
(I'm okay)!
I'm gonna make it through the day!
I'm okay!

Akaichou: Sometimes, I go through so much in my mind!
Sometimes, the space that I need
Is no place I can find!

But I'm okay! (I'm okay!)
I have faith in myself!
I'm okay! (I'm okay)!
I'm gonna make it through the day!
I'm okay!

Akaichou and Yami: I'm okay! (I'm okay)!
I have faith in myself!
I'm okay!
(I'm okay!)
I'm gonna make it through the day!
I'm okay!
(I'm okay!)
I'm okay! (I'm okay!)
I'm okay! (the crowd cheers)

Yami: We are Wings of Crimson! (Akaichou winks)

(Kochou speaks again as we return to the penthouse)

Kochou(voiceover): With Akaichou's help, Yami gained new resolve in keeping the promise she made to me back on the island. (we see Yami singing with Akaichou in various locations as Kochou continues) At first, no one had any idea that Wings of Crimson was made of a Beautifly and a Rocket--not even Niji. In fact, Akaichou and Yami continued their respective duties in their respective groups while maintaining their duo act at the same time. (we see a split screen of Akaichou practicing guitar in the Beautifly practice room and Yami singing in a Rocket base) But as the two of them started getting popular, the secret was in danger of getting out...

(We join Yami as she meets Akaichou nearby an empty stage on the square a few days later)

Yami: Akaichou...I think Kage's figured out our act!

Akaichou: Why do you say this?

Yami: He asked me if I heard about Wings of Crimson, and how he wants to see them perform...if he sees us together....

Akaichou: Come to think of it...Kochou and the others will be here soon...

Yami: Oh no...

Akaichou: He knows already, and although he was a little shocked that I hid it at first, he understood when I explained what happened last week. He forgave me for hiding it like I did, but he also wants to hear the full story before any of us plays. And maybe once Kage hears why you want to leave, he'll let you.

Yami: I hope so... (she swallows hard as the Beautiflies arrive)

(a few minutes later, Kochou waits as Akaichou meets him, the Beautiflies and the other Rockets.)

Kochou: Okay, Akaichou...tell us everything.

Akaichou: See, I found Yami at the coffeehouse on the corner last week, and the promise she made to you was weighing heavily on her mind. She was very well aware of what could happen if she fled the Rockets while looking for her mother, and was very afraid of what Kage and the others would do if she did leave...

Kage: Oh come on, we're not THAT strict when it comes to when you can join up or leave like some other teams are.

Anya: That's something like what Team Galaxy would do, but Rockets aren't like that!

Meru: Rocket Code #301c: "If a Rocket wishes to leave the team, they should first discard all Rocket insignias, uniforms, and regalia from their possession and bear no outward sign of being a Rocket from that point on. Should they decide to return, they must receive new regalia and complete training again before they can wear the R once more." Emphasis on "Should they decide to return."

Meowth: Besides, James and Jessie left with no problems...aldough I miss'em to pieces and haven't hoid a peep from them since dey left.

Yami: My decision on leaving isn't final yet, Kage...but if I do...would you be able to help me and the Beautiflies find my mom?

Anya: You bet!

Kage: You may be leaving, but I'll always consider you my friend! (he hugs Yami)

Meowth: I won't say a woid to da boss that we're helping you!

Meru: Me neither!

Ierochou: And by saying this, you're not telling a huge fib, are you?

Kage, Meru, Anya, and Meowth: No!

(Misty smiles as Beautifly and Rocket embrace)

Misty: I can't believe it...

Niji: Akaichou managed to convince us to set aside our differences! (she watches as a crowd gathers to watch the concert...)

(Minutes later, the band is set up and ready to play. Lights flash to the beat of the music for a moment before Kochou appears in a spotlight)

Kochou: Yeah, yeah!


Got myself a notion,
And one I know that you'll understand.
Set the world in motion,
By reaching out for each other's hand!

Maybe we'll discover what we should've known all along, yeah!
One way or another, together's where we both belong....

If we listen to each others hearts,
(oh yeah!)
You'll find we're never too far apart
And maybe love is the reason why
For the first time ever, we're seeing it eye to eye!

If a wall should come between us,
Too high to climb; too hard to break through
I know that love will lead us,
And find a way to bring me to you!

So don't be in a hurry, think before you count us out, oh!
You don't have to worry, I will never let you down!

Akaichou: Nothing's gonna stop us now!

Kochou: If we listen to each other's hearts,
You'll find we're never too far apart
And maybe love is the reason why
For the first time ever, we're seeing it eye to eye!

Yes we are!

Seeing it eye to eye yeah!

Yami: Seeing it eye to eye!

Kochou: I bet we're seeing it eye to eye, yeah!

Kage: Eye to eye!

(the crowd roars as Kochou breaks off to solo for a moment before he sings again)

Kochou: If you're ever lonely, stop!
You don't have to be!
After all the storming,
I'll find a way from you to me!

Akaichou: Take a look inside and see!

Kochou: Yeah!

If we listen to each other's hearts,
You'll find we're never too far apart
And maybe love is the reason why
For the first time ever, we're seeing it eye to eye!

If we listen to each other's hearts,
You'll find we're never too far apart
And maybe love is the reason why
For the first time ever, we're seeing it eye to eye!

Yami: Seeing it eye to eye!

Kochou: Seeing it eye to eye, baby!

Kage: For the first time!

Kochou: For the first ti-i-i-ime!

Anya: Seein' it

Kochou: Seein' it, baby!
For the first time, first time, hey-ei-hi-yeah!
Yeah, baby, seein' it eye to eye!

Meowth: Eye to eye!

Kochou(singing over Meowth): Yeah!

Beautiflies and Rockets: For the first time ever, we're eye to eye! (the crowd roars with applause)

Niji: I hope this truce can last...

(an instrumental of "When Tomorrow Comes" begins as the word "Next..." appears onscreen)

Orenjichou(voiceover): Next time, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies"...

(We see Anya thinking about something)

Orenjichou(voiceover): Just when everyone's hopes got up that we could reconcile with the Rockets, they have to turn on us! Anya manages to meet one of Kochou's biggest fans in Hearthome City (we see Anya talking to a boy) and uses his knowledge about Kochou to capture him, all so the Rockets can learn who Kochou really is! (we see Kochou in chains in a Rocket dungeon) We have to stop them before Kochou's true form is revealed, or we could be ruined! Can we save him in time? I really hope so, but stay tuned to find out! (we see the band braving the dungeon)  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:29 pm
(an instrumental of "Only the Beginning plays" as the word "Previously..." appears onscreen)

Niji(voiceover): Previously, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies"...

(we see a scene from the "I2I" sequence)

Niji(voiceover): When we arrived in Veilstone for our next stop, the Rockets happened to be there at the same time, making one side bash the other. (we see a scene from the "Bad Influence" sequence) But once the show was over, Akaichou met Yami in a coffeehouse, and some of what Kochou told Yami was weighing heavily on Yami's mind--and her fears of what could happen if she tried to leave. (We see Yami talking as Akaichou listens) Yami had been writing a song to vent her frustrations, but Akaichou gave it a hopful bent, creating the duo Wings of Crimson. (We see Akaichou and Yami singing together). The two swore to keep the act secret, but as they got more popular, the rest of us soon learned the real story. (we see Akaichou talking to everyone). For one brief moment, it looked like we had called a truce with the Rockets. (we see Kochou singing again)

However, today we learned the awful truth: the supposed truce was really a trick!

Kochou: 1, 2, 3, 4, It's time to fly!

Beautiflies: Yeah!

Kochou: I'm the leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

When you grow up and you wonder what you'd like to be,
(what, oh, what, I wonder?)
I'll do it all, now! I hold it all in my hand! (come along, you can do it, too!)
But they won't go away, all those tears that lie within your life,
I will just erase them with this song that lies in my heart!


We are all alive because of a dream...
Come right along, with our colored wings we rise and soar!
It doesn't matter now, whether we win or not,.
We will all build the future today!
And in a pinch, that is your chance
To transform and sing your song!

I'm your leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

1, 2. 3, 4; it's time to fly!

Episode 33: Obssession

(A funky guitar riff begins as we open on a scene of Hearthome City during the day, where we look inside the band's penthouse. Once we zoom inside the practice room, we see that Kochou is the one playing the riff in question)

(We listen to the riff for a moment before Kochou stumbles over a wrong note, seconds before Misty walks in the room.)

Misty: Practicing for the show in a few days?

Kochou: Yeah...and thinking about an odd dream I've been having the last few nights.

(Before Kochou can continue, the flit of Beautifly wings is heard as Niji lands on a stray mic stand)

Niji: A dream? What kind of dream?

Kochou: Well...

(we fade into a swirly dream sequence)

Kochou(voiceover): It starts with me performing, like most of my dreams do. (we see Chibi Kochou on a stage singing gibberish as the Chibi Beautiflies play their instruments. A crowd of chibi fans cheers in the background) Then, right in the middle of one song, this black figure in a Rocket outfit swoops down, gags me, and drags me offstage (we see a chibi version of the figure enter the scene and do this to Chibi Kochou). It takes me to this wonderous cave under the city (we see Chibi Kochou marveling at the crystaline features of a cave as the figure drags him through it) and into a large open room. (we see Chibi Kochou and the figure arriving in a large open room) There's other figures like it in the room (we see a few similar figures in the room), and they tie me up in ropes I can't get out of. (we see Chibi Kochou being tied up). Once they're satisfied I can't get out, the figures put me in a chair (we see the thoroughly bound Chibi Kochou put inside a chair) that's suspended over a long drop into a sea of icy water (the camera zooms out to see the chair suspended over the aforementioned hole, with icy water below a large drop). The figure that brought me there demands to know my true identity (the chibi figure says some gibberish to Chibi Kochou, who refuses). I try to refuse or buy time, but every answer they don't like results in me getting one step closer to a long, cold demise. (we see some ropes suspending the chair being cut with each of Chibi Kochou's refusals) Finally, in a last ditch bid for escape, I sing an oddly calming song. (we see Chibi Kochou singing gibberish to the tune of the Eight Melodies) The song's power is enough for you guys, who have been traveling through the cave trying to find me, to defeat my captors--so long as I'm singing--and save me. (at this, the Chibi Beautiflies, Chibi Misty, and Chibi Niji burst in the room and fight off the figures while Chibi Kochou continues singing. Chibi Niji then levitates the chair to safe ground and frees Chibi Kochou) Right as I thank you guys, (Chibi Kochou and Chibi Misty hug) I wake up. (the dream sequence disappears with a poof, returning us to the practice room again.)

Misty: Could it be the dream's trying to warn you?

Niji: Nonsense, that only works in the movies!

Misty: No...remember the so-called truce with the Rockets back in Veilstone?

Kochou: What about it?

Misty: I have a bad feeling that it was just a trick...

(we fade into a scene of the Rocket base, where Anya is addressing the boys and Meowth. Yami, however, is more engrossed in a novel than what Anya has to say.)

Anya: Okay...we've lured the Beautiflies into a false sense of security with that truce in Veilstone--now all we have to do is learn just where Silverhead is going to be playing in a few days.

Kage: Can't help you there...

Meru: The city's so big, checking every possible venue would be a waste.

Meowth: We could try askin' a fan...

Anya: That's a start, but if we do ask a fan, keep in mind two things: A. Said fan has to like Kochou so much, he--or she--could be considered otaku...

Meru: Find a Kochou otaku--got it!

Anya: And B. When we find said otaku, we can't just go like this--we need to earn the otaku's trust. Rocket uniforms would raise a huge red flag for them.

Kage: Maybe go in disguise as reporters for a fanzine?

Meru: Yeah!

Meowth: Or even better, ask da fan where Beauty-boy's hangin' out right now and take him while he's dere!

Yami: Whatever you guys are planning to do to Beauty-boy, leave me out of it. (she turns a page as the other Rockets rush to disguise themselves as reporters)

(the scene fades as the disguised Rockets walk along the street with a boy clad in a black t-shirt with an outline of a Beautifly on it)

Kage: So, Tristan, we understand you're a huge fan of Kochou and the Beautiflies, correct?

Tristan: You bet! My friends say I'm the go-to guy for all things Kochou--I even buy extra copies of the albums to give to people that can't afford them themselves.

Anya: That's sweet--what's the rarest Kochou item in your collection?

Tristan: Probably the commemorative poster from the Shinou Arrival tour--only 300 of those are in existence.

Kage: How far would you go to get something Kochou related?

Tristan: Barring getting in trouble, humiliating myself, or risking my body and life, pretty much anything.

Anya: Such as?

Tristan: I once kept a hand on a Pidgeotto for 36 hours for a chance to win tickets to Kochou's last concert two weeks ago--got them too!

Meru: Impressive! Would you know exactly where Kochou would be staying before any concert?

Tristan: We're coming up on his Hearthome hangout now--the penthouse of the Lakeside Gardens complex. (he points out the band's penthouse as they walk by it) But I know better than to intrude on Kochou--even an idol likes him needs his space, right?

Meru: Right! (he lowers his voice so Tristan won't hear him) Now we know where Beauty-boy is, and can carry out our plan!

Anya(whispering): We'll see how well Kochou will hold up to telling us his true identity against the threat of being plunged in below freezing water!

(the scene fades to the panthouse later that night--the boys and Meowth watch as Anya climbs inside a window)

Anya: Okay, here's the plan: I'm gonna find Beauty-boy and knock him out with some of this (she shows the boys some Sleep Powder spores), then we'll carefully take him out of here and down to our underground complex, okay?

Kage: I'll go and prepare Beauty-boy's icy wet fall of doom while you get him there! (he rushes back to a manhole in the distance and climbs inside)

(Anya, meanwhile, hides behind a coat rack as Misty passes by in the hall, en route to her room. Once sure she's clear, she tiptoes down the hallway, looking for Kochou's room.)

(some humming catches her attention, spuring her to peek inside. Sure enough, Kochou is before a mirror clad in a silver and purple bathrobe and black pants, brushing out his just washed hair as he scats to himself. Anya deviously opens the bag of spores as Kochou admires himself in the mirror)

Anya: Say good night, Kochou... (with that, she releases the spores into the air.)

(After a few tense seconds, the singing abruptly stops and we hear a thud from inside. Anya takes this opportunity to enter the room and hoist the now unconsious Kochou on her shoulders. She hoists him in a sling, which Meru lowers onto the ground and onto a cart. The two Rockets then gag Kochou before taking the cart to the manhole Kage disappeared down earlier. In reality, the manhole is really a cover for the man-made network of caverns the Rockets have made below the city. What Anya and Meru don't realize is that Tristan's watching them from behind a bush)

Tristan: Hey, wait...fanzine reporters wouldn't kidnap a star... (it dawns on Tristan that his conversation earlier was a ruse) Then those guys weren't even fanzine reporters at all! I have to warn the band their frontman's in danger! (he rushes off to the complex)

(Meanwhile, Misty is agape over Kochou's empty room)

Misty: I can't believe it! Kochou's disappeared!

(the others rush in the room and gasp. Kochou's room is perfectly in order, but Kochou himself is nowhere to be found.)

Aiirochou: Where did he go?

Orenjichou: I do remember hearing him singing as he did his hair after he got out of the shower a little while ago...then I heard this weird thud that sounded like him hitting the floor...

(At this point, Orenjichou hears a knock the door)

Akaichou: I'll get it... (she goes to open the door to find Tristan on the stoop.) Well! If it isn't the president of the Hearthome branch of our fanclub, Tristan O'Leary!

Tristan: I'm sorry this visit's not for autographs, guys--I told the security this was an emergency, so that's how I got here.

Akaichou: Go on...

Tristan: I have info on how Kochou disappeared and where he's being taken! Earlier today, I was talking with some supposed fanzine reporters about how big of a Kochou fan I was--turns out they were crooks out to get rid of Kochou, and I didn't realize it!

(the Beautiflies gasp at this)

Mizuirochou: Why those Rockets...

Aiirochou: Their truce was a trick!

Misty: Where's he being taken?

Tristan: I saw them put him in a tube connected to the manhole just down the road--that's possibly their hideout!

Midorichou: Come on! Let's go save Kochou! (he follows Tristan outside)

(The scene fades to black for a moment, but everything flickers into focus as Kochou comes to. We see him looking around at the spacious room for a moment, but when we see the camera freeze on an omnious drop over water with ice floes floating in it. He tries to scream, but the gag only makes this a loud groan.)

Anya: So what do you think? Isn't this view lovely?

(Kochou tries to lash out at Anya for tricking him and his friends, but the gag makes it hard to make out any words)

Anya: I'm sorry, I didn't understand a word you said...(she undoes the gag) Now, could you repeat that?

Kochou: Why did you bring me here? You said back in Veilstone that you weren't lying when you said that you wouldn't bother us any more! Why did you trick us like this?

(At this, Kage cuts one of the ropes holding up the chair Kochou is sitting in, making it inch a little closer to falling in the icy water below)

Anya: Seems to me you forgot cardinal rule number one of being a hero--never trust a bad guy!

(Back with the band and Tristan, they're climbing over stalagmites in an attempt to find Kochou)

Misty: Kochou!

Ierochou: Where are you?

Aiirouchou: Sing something so we can find you!

Akaichou: Wait a second... (she climbs over a stalagmite) What do you mean by sing something so we can find you, Aiirochou?

Aiirochou: I overheard Kochou telling Misty about a dream he had very similar to this situation...

Tristan: No way! Kochou's psychic?

Midorichou: I wouldn't call it psychic unless the other part of the dream comes true... (motions for Aiirochou to continue)

Aiirochou: After many refusals to tell the Rockets who he really is, he sings something to help us find him, we fight the Rockets off, and save him!

(Back with the Rockets, Kochou struggles to free himself as Anya paces the floor before the chair. Fortunately, only three of the eight ropes have been cut.)

Anya: It's only a simple choice...tell us who you really are, and we'll let you go. Refuse enough times, and you'll be going on a long plunge into the ice. (gestures to the five remaining ropes that have yet to be cut.)

Kochou: And if I give you the silent treatment?

Anya: Then we'll use other ways to get you to talk--which may or may not be worse than the icy cold plunge. So...will you cooperate, or freeze to death?

Kochou: ...

Anya: Perhaps the cold isn't enough of a threat?

(Kage cuts another rope, leaving Kochou hanging by four ropes)

Anya: Maybe I should turn up the heat! (with that, she lowers a hot chamber onto the hanging chair) Maybe a few minutes in the sauna might make the ice water feel great, unless you want to talk for me!

(Kochou struggles to get free--the rising thermometer in the hot chamber passes 90 degrees, making him scream in anguish)

(Niji hears the scream as the band finishes walking to a fork in the road)

Niji: That scream--it's Kochou!

Misty: We have to hurry...but which way did that scream sound like it was coming from?

Niji: This way! (she flies down the left path)

Tristan: Hang on, Kochou--we're coming!

(Back with Kochou, we see him emerge from the hot chamber with his clothing and the ropes drenched in sweat)

Anya: Maybe now that you're nice and warm you'll be more willing to talk!

(Kochou just gasps in exhaustion)

Anya: So you're gonna talk? I'm all ears.

Kochou(thinking): I've got to find a way to call for help--but how? Wait...my dream!

Anya: Come on, or it's back in the heat chamber!

Kochou: Ungh...take a melody...

Anya: Okay, good start...

Kochou: Take a melody,
Simple as can be,
Give it some words, and
Sweet harmony...

Kage(over Kochou's singing): Stop singing and talk! (he reaches to cut another rope.)

Kochou: ...Sing a melody of love, oh love...take a melody.... (continues singing the song, which carries through the whole cave complex)

(back with the band, Tristan hears the song as the gang emerges on a stairway)

Tristan: I hear him singing! This way! (He leads the band around the corner and inside the large open room, where he spots Kochou singing while suspended over a huge drop.) We're here, Kochou! Keep singing!

(As Kochou continues singing in the background, Niji casts a fire spell to make Kage drop the scissors. Meowth lunges to scratch Misty, but she tosses him into the hot chamber, sending him racing about the room in an attempt to rid himself of the sweat. Midorichou delivers a right hook to Meru's stomach, sending him flying towards a wall. Akaichou guides the chair closer to the ground as Mizuirochou fends off Anya with a crowbar. Finally, Aiirochou douses the Rockets with their own Sleep Powder spores. Ierochou and Tristan start undoing Kochou's bindings as he concludes his umpteenth rendition.

Kochou: Sing a melody of... (he collapses at Misty's feet, exhausted)

Tristan: Couldn't make it to "love, oh love", could you? (Kochou weakly laughs at this)

Kochou: At any rate, I'm glad to be free--but Tristan's the real hero!

Misty: That, and your dream!

Tristan: Anything for my favorite idol! (everyone cheers as Kochou gingerly stands up)

(The scene fades to a concert hall a few days later. Tristan sits in the front row)

Kochou: Oooh....
Tell me I’m crazy, maybe I know,
But I believe in happy endings....
I know it’s crazy, but still even so
I believe in happy endings,

Just as I believe in you, my friend,
I believe things work out in the end.
Sure as there’s a moon and stars above
I believe in happy endings, I believe in love...

(a spotlight appears on Tristan and the crowd cheers)

Kochou: Just as I believe in you, my friend,
I believe things work out in the end!
Sure as there’s a moon and stars above
I believe in happy endings, I believe in love...

(an instrumental of "When Tomorrow Comes" plays as the word "Next..." appears)

Kochou(voiceover): Next time, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies"...

(we see Delia looking shocked as Ash transforms in front of her)

Kochou: It's Mother's Day, and I want to sing a song for Mom, but the Rockets switch my pendant with one that randomly triggers my transformation. (we see the Rockets replacing the silver treble clef pendant with a simple onyx pendant) And of all the people I could transform in front of, I wind up transforming in front of Mom! (we see Ash transforming into a completely different outfit). Now that Mom knows my secret, does that mean that our act is doomed? (we see Delia and Kochou hugging) Stay tuned to find out!  



PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 3:20 pm
(An instrumental of "Only the Beginning" plays as the word "Previously..." appears onscreen)

Niji(voiceover): Previously, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies"....

(We hear Kochou suspended over a sea of ice water as the Beautiflies grapple with the Rockets)

Kochou: Take a melody, simple as can be, give it some words, and sweet harmony. Raise your voices, all day long now, love grows strong now! Sing a melody of love, oh love...

Niji(voiceover): We learned that the truce the Rockets made with us in Veilstone was nothing but a trick! They gained the trust of one of his biggest fans to learn where we were staying in Hearthome (we see Tristan talking to the Rockets), then put him to sleep and took him to their underground caverns, where they demanded he reveal his true identity on pain of an icy cold death (we see Kochou refusing Anya's request, leading to one of the ropes suspending his chair over the ice water to be cut) However, a dream he had had the previous night held the clue to us finding him: he sang the first song that came to his mind. (we see Kochou singing again) That song gave us all some kind of power, enough to set him free! (we see Misty undoing Kochou's bindings on safe ground)

Today, we're back in Pallet for a Mother's Day gig, but of all the people Ash could transform before, he picks the worst one!

Kochou: 1, 2, 3, 4, It's time to fly!

Beautiflies: Yeah!

Kochou: I'm the leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

When you grow up and you wonder what you'd like to be,
(what, oh, what, I wonder?)
I'll do it all, now! I hold it all in my hand! (come along, you can do it, too!)
But they won't go away, all those tears that lie within your life,
I will just erase them with this song that lies in my heart!


We are all alive because of a dream...
Come right along, with our colored wings we rise and soar!
It doesn't matter now, whether we win or not,.
We will all build the future today!
And in a pinch, that is your chance
To transform and sing your song!

I'm your leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

1, 2. 3, 4; it's time to fly!

Episode 34: My Mother's Song

(We join Kochou running towards the mansion. What is surprising, however, is his clothing: rather than his typical outfit, his jacket is now blue with black, green, and silver swirls, and his sparkling pants now have blue and green swirls)

Kochou: I am so dead if Misty finds out who my true identity is from Mom!

(the scene of Kochou running freezes for a moment)

Kochou(voiceover): I think some explaining is in order here.

(Kochou's hand appears holding a remote and rewinds the scene until it stops on a scene of Ash and the band together inside the living room of the house)

Kochou(voiceover): We had returned to Pallet in time for Mother's Day, and I wanted to sing a song declaring my love to her and mothers everywhere. (we see Ash explaining his proposal.) Later that day, the Rockets came to me in disguise as jewelry salesmen and sold me a pendant they claimed was stronger than my current pendant. (we see Ash exchanging some coins and bills for a onyx pendent, which Anya gives him) Not long after they left, Delia arrived to call me inside for lunch...and then...

Delia: Come to me, Ash! (she starts to run to Ash, until...)

Pendant: Come to me...

(Ash blankly looks around for the voice that repeats "Come to me" but finds nothing.)

Pendant: Come to me, my little Beautifly!

(The onyx pendant then begins to play the notes of Ash's transformation call as it glows purple. Ash looks at his hand in shock--it is glowing as if he had actually sang to transform)

Ash(thinking): Oh, please...not now...I can't transform here!

(MUSIC-"Beautifly" (instrumental))

(We see a shocked look on Delia's face before cutting back to a glowing outline of Ash's body against the background of Beautifly wings and silver fireworks. As Ash hangs in this position, his torso begins to glow blue, and a silver, gold and blue shirt appears on him. Next, a silver, black,blue, and green checkered jacket appears over that in a flash of blue. Next, we look at Ash's legs as sparkling black pants with blue and green trim appear on his legs in a flash of blue, and silver swirled shoes appear on his feet. The view next shifts to Ash's head, where we see his eyes finally open. His normally black hair begins to lengthen and turn silver. A white rose appears in the right pocket of the jacket, which the young man holds in one hand as he poses for the audience.)

(Music cut)

Delia: My son...is Kochou?

(As the transformation magic fades, Kochou darts away from Delia in panic)

Delia: Hey, wait! I only want to ask one question!

(the scene swirls back to Kochou running again)

Kochou(voiceover): And this is where you came in--I was fearing my worst nightmare: If I confirmed to Mom who I really was, she would likely tell Misty, who would then get mad for me keeping a secret. And then--well, I didn't want to think about what would happen after that.

(Kochou sings as he dashes to find a safe place, tossing the onyx pendant away as he flees)

Kochou: Deception....
How long must I continue this deception,
This masquerade?
Deception ...
My life seems like it’s nothing but deception,
A big charade!

(we see Kochou confronting an angry Misty)

Kochou: I never meant to lie to you, I swear it!
I never meant to play those games!
At times I wanna cry to you,
But I can’t bear it, and I fear our love will end in flames!
(we see Misty angry with flaming eyes)

I pray that you’ll forgive all this deception,
This masquerade!
It’s time to put an end to this deception,
But I’m afraid
When the whole thing is at an end,
And you learn that it’s just pretend,
You’ll cry deception!
(we see Misty mouth the word "deception" and angrily point at Ash)

I pray that you’ll forgive all this deception,
This masquerade!
It’s time to put an end to this deception,
But I’m afraid
When the whole thing is at an end,
And you learn that it’s just pretend,
You’ll cry deception, deception...
(As Kochou continues to sing "deception", visions of his angry friends and family continue to swirl around him)

(Kochou runs inside a closet and slams the door.)

Kochou(voiceover): I waited in the closet for what seemed like an eternity...and then Niji arrived.

(Kochou hears the flit of Beautifly wings outside and invites Niji inside.)

Kochou: What am I going to do? I've transformed in front of Mom!

Niji: Calm down, Kochou....has your mother ever told any of your secrets before?

Kochou: N-no....

Niji: Then why are you so afraid she'll tell the world your true identity?

Kochou: Moms have a knack to want to brag on their kids! If Mom tells the world (he imitates Delia) "Oh, Kochou is really my son, Ash!" (as himself) we'll be ruined!

Niji: I see...but first, can you somehow transform back from that outfit?

Kochou: I'll try...Where's my samurai? (at this, he glows blue, revealing Ash again)

Niji: I also want to know how the Rockets were somehow able to make a pendant of transformation like the one I gave to you...but now's not the time to worry about that. (she gives Ash the silver treble clef pendant) Sooner or later, Delia's going to come in here and ask for the truth--just tell her to keep this secret just like she keeps any of your other secrets.

(this brightens Ash's mood a little.)

Ash: Maybe I have been making a mountain out of a Diglett hole--if Mom has never told any of my secrets before, why should I worry that she'll tell the secret that I'm really Kochou?

(We join Delia, Ash, and Niji in the hallway, away from the others)

Delia: Okay, Ash...tell me everything.

Ash: Before I do, will you promise never to tell anyone, not even Misty?

Delia: Promise--mother's honor.

Ash: Okay...(he swallows hard) Niji is actually a very special Beautifly--one that holds magic power.

Delia: Just like in those stories you used to love?

Ash: Yeah...and remember how one of them said that if you find such a Beautifly, it will grant your deepest desires?

Delia: Mm-hm...

Ash: When I found Niji under observation back at Prof. Oak's lab, she was wanting to be let out--so I freed her. As thanks, she asked me to tell her my deepest desires, and she would grant them. At that time, I was really wanting to win the battle of the bands that saved the Theater de Pallette; so I told her that--and she gave me this. (he shows Delia the pendant.) This is the source of my power--how I become Kochou. As for my friends, they received rings--now watches--to turn them into the Beautiflies. (he puts the treble clef pendant on) The form you saw me transform into before, that isn't the true Kochou.

Delia: It isn't?

Ash: No...may I show you Kochou's true form?

Delia: Before you do... (she gets up and closes the windows at the ends of the hallway, obscuring the view of the gang and Misty playing volleyball outside) Okay...show me what Kochou's really supposed to look like.

(Ash swallows hard as he lifts one hand in the air)

Ash: Ai-yai-yai, I'm your little Beautifly! (Ash's hand begins to glow and swirls of gold surround it) Green, black, and blue; make the colors in the sky!

(MUSIC-"Beautifly" (instrumental))

(We see a glowing outline of Ash's body against the background of Beautifly wings and gold fireworks. As Ash hangs in this position, his torso begins to glow purple, and a silver, gold and purple shirt appears on him. Next, a silver, gold, purple, and green checkered jacket appears over that in a flash of purple. Next, we look at Ash's legs as sparkling black pants with gold trim appear on his legs in a flash of blue, and silver and gold swirled shoes appear on his feet. The view next shifts to Ash's head, where we see his eyes finally open. His normally black hair begins to lengthen and turn silver. A white rose appears in the right pocket of the jacket, which the young man holds in one hand as he poses for the audience.)

(Music cut)

(Delia applauds as the magic fades to reveal Kochou again)

Kochou: See? This is what I'm supposed to look like.

Delia: You have my honor that who you really are will be secret from everyone else, like you asked me to.

(Kochou speaks again as he and Delia hug)

Kochou(voiceover): In the end, no one else found out what had happened--not even Misty. And I finally got to sing my song for Mom at the concert we gave later that night...

(a crowd in the theater roars as the lights come up on Kochou and the band)

Kochou: Seasons come, seasons go,
But you’re always there in my heart!
Raindrops fall, breezes blow,
But you’re always there in my heart!
Photos fade, youth has gone,
But you’re always there in my heart!
Time goes by, life goes on,
But you’re always there in my heart!

You’re a part of me, as I am of you!
I can’t leave you behind!
You’re a part of me, and whatever I do,
You’re always on my mind...
Through the years, joy and tears,
You’re always there in my heart!
Always near, ever dear,
You’re always there in my heart!

Always there in my heart!

(We see Delia run to Kochou as he sets his guitar aside and hug him as the crowd roars.)

Delia(to Kochou): No matter who you may be, you'll always be someone I love!

Kochou: Thanks...Mom. (he hugs Delia again. As we look at this second embrace, we see the spirit of Ash also embracing Delia)

(an instrumental of "When Tomorrow Comes" plays as the word "Next..." appears)

Misty(voiceover): Next time, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies"...

(We see Kochou and the gang cutting through a jungle)

Misty(voiceover): We arrive in Fiore for a gig, where we find a treasure map on the grounds of the Ranger base. (we see Kochou showing the map to a ranger). It seems that the map leads to the ruins of an ancient civilization that revered music very much (we see the band listening to Professor Rowan leacture). Naturally, everyone's excited about finding treasure. (we see the band dreaming of treasure, followed by Solana leading the gang into the Olive Jungle) However, it seems we have competition yet again. (we see the Rockets braving the jungle) Is the treasure all it's cracked up to be? Stay tuned to find out!  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:47 pm
(an instrumental of "Only the Beginning plays as the word "Previously..." appears on screen)

Niji(voiceover): Previously, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies"...

(we see Delia looking shocked as Ash transforms)

Niji(voiceover): We had arrived in Pallet for a Mother's Day gig, but things took a harrowing turn when the Rockets gave Ash a pendant of transformation they had made--Ash wound up transforming into Kochou in front of Delia! (we see Ash looking in panic as one of his hands glows). Fearing his secret could be leaked, Ash fled, worrying all the while that Misty would figure out that Ash and Kochou were one and the same. (we see scenes from the "Deception" sequence) Thankfully, Delia promised Ash she wouldn't reveal his true identity, and he went on to sing a special song for her and all moms everywhere. (we see Kochou performing) Furthermore, Misty was none the wiser.

Today we've arrived in Fiore, where we're about to embark on a treasure hunt!

Kochou: 1, 2, 3, 4, It's time to fly!

Beautiflies: Yeah!

Kochou: iI'm the leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

When you grow up and you wonder what you'd like to be,
(what, oh, what, I wonder?)
I'll do it all, now! I hold it all in my hand! (come along, you can do it, too!)
But they won't go away, all those tears that lie within your life,
I will just erase them with this song that lies in my heart!


We are all alive because of a dream...
Come right along, with our colored wings we rise and soar!
It doesn't matter now, whether we win or not,.
We will all build the future today!
And in a pinch, that is your chance
To transform and sing your song!

I'm your leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

1, 2, 3, 4; it's time to fly!

Episode 35: The City of Music

(We join our heroes as they hack and slash through a jungle. Various Pokemon romp around them, but the group looks frustrated--including Brock, who's consulting the map for the billionth time.)

May: You sure we're going the right way? We left the Fiore harbor hours ago?

Anabel: Furthermore, Niji said she'd be back when she finds the path to the Ranger base! It's been two hours since she left, and I'm worried something happened to her!

Ash: That, and Miss Fraidy-meowth here is too scared to even walk because of the fear a bug will get on her. (We notice Misty is clinging to Ash's back, too frozen in fear to make a comeback at his comment. Because of this, Ash has to effectively carry her piggyback style through the jungle)

Brock: According to this, the base should be a little farther away to the left--so you should be able to set Misty down on safe ground pretty soon. (Ash heaves a huge sigh of relief at this.) And if Niji's in danger, she'll likely cast some spell to alert us, okay? (the gang nods)

(After a little more walking, the group emerges from the jungle to find a large Pokemon Center-like building with a satellite dish on the roof and the Ranger insignia on the doors and welcome mat.)

Ash: Okay, we're on safe ground now--no bugs. (he carefully sets Misty down on the ground.)

May: Odd--didn't Solana say she'd meet us here?

Brock: She must be out on a mission or something...

(Just then, Niji arrives from the brush and circles close to Ash)

Misty: There you are! Everyone was starting to worry about you!

Niji: I'm just fine everyone--and i found something you guys need to see...
Everyone: Huh?

Misty: While you do that, Niji; I'll ask the head ranger where Solana is. (she disappears inside the base)

Ash: Now...you were saying, Niji?

Niji: While scouting out the jungle, I found these rings in the brush. (She deposits some rings into the gang's hands. May notes that the jewels inside are shaped like Beautifly wings surrounded by tiny diamonds)

May: Odd...could a band like the Beautiflies existed a long time ago? (as she examines the ring, her watch disappears and the ring appears on the fourth finger of her left hand)

Brock: Or what would've been equivalent to a rock band... (He watches his watch disappear and the ring appear on his hand. One by one, the others note their watches disappear and the rings appear on their hands.)

Ash: So, how do they trigger the power in those rings, Niji?

Niji: That's the problem--I don't know.

Ash: I guess they just say something and hope something happens...

(May, meanwhile, notes that the ruby in her new ring glows when she rubs a finger across it)

May(thinking): Maybe if I swiped my finger across the ruby and said something, something will happen! (she quickly swipes her finger over the ruby, making it glow brightly.) Fire! (her body begins to glow red) Beautifly! Take flight! (With that, she appears to dance before making a running jump, making red Beautifly wings appear from her glowing body as soon as she is airborne, turning her hair red. A red shirt with sparkling swirls appears on her top half, followed by silver buttons. Next, the light on her shoes forms red high heels, followed by a red miniskirt studded in rubies. Finally, an electric guitar appears in her hands, which she strums a chord on as she hurtles toward the ground and the glowing wings disappear.)

Ash: Whoa...

Akaichou: My wings of red bring the flames of a hot beat! Haeru wingu, Akaichou yo!

(everyone applauds Akaichou's appearance)

Crystal: I'm impressed! Let me try it! (she quickly swipes her finger over the sapphire, making it glow brightly.) Ice! (her body begins to glow light blue) Beautifly! Take flight! (she twirls before making a running jump, making blue Beautifly wings appear from her glowing body, turning her hair blue and braiding it. A blue shirt with silver sparkles appears on her top half, followed by aqua Beautifly earrings on her ears. Next, gold sandals studded with aquamarines appear on her feet. Finally, a harmonica appears in her hand, which she holds close as she hurtles toward the ground and the glowing wings disappear.)

Mizuirochou: Wings of ice, bringing a cool riff to you! Haeru wingu, Mizuirochou yo!

Brock: That looks fun! (he quickly swipes his finger over the emerald, making it glow brightly.) Earth! (his body begins to glow green) Beautifly! Take flight! (he does a few fighting moves before making a running jump, making green Beautifly wings appear from his glowing body, turning his hair black. The top half of him becomes a silver shirt, followed by a sparkly green jacket with silver trim. The camera zooms to his lower half, where black pants with green trim appear, followed by silver emerald studded shoes. He reaches out for a flash of light in the sky, which turn into drum sticks when he picks it up on the way down, while his glowing wings disappear.)

Midorichou: The rhythms of the earth, coming on green wings! Haeru wingu, Midorichou yo!

Whitney: My turn! (she quickly swipes her finger over the topaz, making it glow brightly.) Lightning! (her body begains to glow yellow) Beautifly! Take flight! (she spins a little before making a running jump, making yellow Beautifly wings appear from her glowing body, turning her hair yellow. A yellow shirt forms on her top half, which gets studded in topazes. The bottom half forms a pale yellow skirt that also gets topaz studded; and a pair of yellow shoes form on her feet. Piano keys form in the sky as Whitney returns to the ground, which disappear with her glowing wings when she lands.)

Ierochou: Yellow wings bringing shocking skill on the keys! Haeru wingu, Ierochou yo!

Anabel: Here goes... (she quickly swipes her finger over the amethyst, making it glow brightly.) Night! (her body begins to glow purple) Beautifly! Take flight! (she does a few jumps before making a running jump, making purple Beautifly wings appear from her glowing body. Her shirt turns silver and gains indigo sparkles, followed by her capris lengthening and gaining silver trim. Next, a halo of indigo light forms around Anabel's head, making her hair lengthen as indigo shoes with amethysts on the soles appear on her feet. A bass guitar forms in her hands, which she plays a quick riff on as she soars for the ground, her wings disappearing on the way down.)

Aiirochou: Hear the bass that echoes on indigo wings? Haeru wingu, Aiirochou yo!

Zoe: Hm... (she quickly swipes her finger over the amber, making it glow brightly.) Light! (her body starts to glow orange) Beautifly! Take flight! (she does a few quick hops before making a running jump, making orange Beautifly wings appear from her glowing body, turning her hair orange. Her shirt turns orange with black trim, and her jeans turn into sparkling orange slacks. Next, her shoes turn orange with a sun emblem on them. A saxophone appears in her hands, which she plays a riff on as she heads for the ground, her glowing wings disappearing on the way down.)

Orenjichou: Bringing a jazzy riff to brighten your day! Haeru wingu, Orenjichou yo!

Ash: Ai-yai-yai, I'm your little Beautifly! (Ash's hand begins to glow and swirls of gold surround it) Green, black, and blue; make the colors in the sky!

(MUSIC-"Beautifly" (instrumental))

(We see a glowing outline of Ash's body against the background of Beautifly wings and gold fireworks. As Ash hangs in this position, his torso begins to glow purple, and a silver, gold and purple shirt appears on him. Next, a silver, gold, purple, and green checkered jacket appears over that in a flash of purple. Next, we look at Ash's legs as sparkling black pants with gold trim appear on his legs in a flash of blue, and silver and gold swirled shoes appear on his feet. The view next shifts to Ash's head, where we see his eyes finally open. His normally black hair begins to lengthen and turn silver. A white rose appears in the right pocket of the jacket, which the young man holds in one hand as he poses for the audience.)

(Music cut)

(Just then, a teal haired ranger emerges from the base, with Misty not far behind.)

Misty: Here they are, Solana...Kochou and the Beautiflies.

Solana: Wow--I never dreamed I see the world's hottest new rock band out here! Thanks so much for coming to tour!

Kochou: My pleasure. (he follows Misty and Solana inside, where he is immediately mobbed by rangers asking for autographs. He calmly produces his silver pen from one pocket and begins signing items as Misty tries to get the crowd under control.)

(The scene fades to the base some hours later--the common room is packed with rangers, all cheering and anticipating the start of the concert. Ierochou notes the crowd from backstage as some of the tech crew finish wiring some lights.)

Ierochou: Look at the crowd out there!

Orenjichou: It's like all of Fiore decided to show up!

Midorichou: I don't know about all of Fiore--the region's more densely populated than you think. (With that, he strolls out onto the darkened stage and feels around for the synth drum set. Once he finds it on a platform behind Mizuirochou's mic at stage right, he settles in, puts in his protective earbuds, and presses the bass pedal a few times to check the acoustics, making the crowd roar even louder. Inspired, he performs the same beat again, with the same result. He tries a third time, only this time, he continues the beat as Aiirochou joins in on bass guitar.)

Kochou: Huh...yeah... (after admiring himself in a pocket mirror one last time, he puts the mirror away and make a flying jump onstage) Hoo!

(He lands before his mic as the lights come up on the band, who are all playing their instruments.)

Kochou: I wanna dance...

Clock strikes, upon the hour,
And the sun begins to fade...
Spent enough time to figure out
How to chase the blues away...

I don't know why, but up till now,
It's the light of day that shows me how
And when the night falls
And loneliness calls...

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody!
I wanna feel the heat with somebody!
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody!
With somebody who loves me!

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody!
I wanna feel the heat with somebody!
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody!
With somebody who loves me!

I've given up, and lost my senses
Spinnin' through the town....
Sooner or later, the fever ends
And I wind up feeling down...

I need a girl that'll take the chance
With a love that burns hot enough to last!
So when the night falls,
My lonely heart calls...

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody!
I wanna feel the heat with somebody!
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody!
With somebody who loves me!

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody!
I wanna feel the heat...
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody!
With somebody who loves me!

Beautiflies: Somebody...somebody...

Kochou: Somebody who loves me, yeah!

Beautifles: Somebody...somebody...

Kochou: To hold me in her arms!

I need a girl that'll take the chance
With a love that burns hot enough to last!
So when the night falls,
My lonely heart calls...

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody!
I wanna feel the heat with somebody!
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody!
With somebody who loves me!

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody!
I wanna feel the heat with somebody!
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody!
With somebody who loves me!


Beautiflies: Dance...

Kochou: Anybody want to dance with me out there? (the crowd roars as Kochou looks around for a potential volunteer. But before he can choose a girl, a auburn haired ranger dashes to the stage and takes Kochou's hand.) Okay, sweetheart...here we go! Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! (he twirls the girl and the two of them dance as Kochou and the Beautiflies continue singing)

Don't you wanna dance? With me, baby?
Don't you wanna dance? With me, girl?
Hey, don't you wanna dance? With me, baby?
With somebody who loves me!

Don't you wanna dance?
Say you wanna dance!
Don't you wanna dance?

Don't you wanna dance?
Say you wanna dance!
Don't you wanna dance?

Don't you wanna dance?
Say you wanna dance!
Uh huh...

With somebody who loves me!


(The scene fades to the Ranger base the next morning. Kochou is still asleep, but the smile on his face signals that he is still savoring the memory of the concert from earlier. He is startled from his sleep by a knock at the door.)

Kochou: Who is it?

Solana(from outside): It's me, Solana...may I come in?

Kochou: Be right there... (he yawns, gets out of bed, and opens the door, letting Solana inside.) What brings you here this early in the morning?

Solana: One of my fellow rangers, Lunick, found something while on patrol the other night. He thinks it's a treasure map, but the other rangers don't believe him--it's said that any ruins in the Olive Jungle would have been lost years ago, if not reclaimed by the Pokemon.

Kochou: Interesting discovery...

Solana: Oh yes--Lori, the ranger you danced with the other night...she says thank you for inviting her onstage.

Kochou: The pleasure's all mine. (at this point, the other Beautiflies peek in the room.)

Mizuirochou: What's this about a treasure map?

Kochou: Basically, one of the other rangers found something he believes is a treasure map--am I right? (everyone gasps at the thought of treasure)
Aiirochou: Just like in a movie!

(we see Aiirochou in an Indiana Jones-esque outfit, braving traps and wild Pokemon in some jungle ruins)

Misty(voiceover): Thing is...(the dream sequence stops with a record scrape) We don't even know it is a treasure map or not. (the dream sequence shatters)

Akaichou: Sorry, Aiirochou. (Aiirochou sighs)

Solana: There is some hope however...Head Ranger Joel asked Professor Rowan of Shinou to come and look at the supposed map--he should be able to discover if it is a treasure map or not--and if it is, what kind of treasure we might find.

Kochou(under his breath): And if certain Rockets will be after it too...
(We join the band, Misty, Solana, and some Rangers in a lecture hall somewhere in the base. Professor Rowan stands at the front, examining the map. A brown haired boy ranger, Lunick, stands nearby.)

Lunick: Well, Professor?

Rowan: Hm...a most fascinating discovery--this appears to indeed be a map to a form of ancient treasure. (the lecture hall buzzes with excitement) But first, it would be helpful to know a little about the civilization that created the map before you set out to claim its treasures. (he quiets the whispering, sets the map aside, and begins writing "ABOUT THE LEWEYA PEOPLE" on a chalkboard)

Misty: The Leweya people, huh?

Ierochou: The professor's the expert here, not me.

Rowan: Now then...the Leweya people lived in this area from 1200 to 700 years before Mew's first visit to this world--almost 2500 years ago. At this time, what is jungle today was actually water, and the people lived on islands scattered throughout the sea. (he draws a diagram of what the sea and islands might have looked like). Despite being scattered across many different islands, the Leweya were noted for their impeccable cities, fine knowledge of the stars, and reverence of music and song.

Misty: Interesting... (Kochou nods in agreement)

Rowan: For much of their history, the Leweya were ruled by kind and just rulers, but towards the end of their last dynasty, their rulers became more and more corrupt until finally, in his anger, Arceus made the volcano on the largest island erupt, taking the cities and other islands with it. (he erases the island diagram) Over time, the magma rose to the surface of the sea and cooled, creating land where water had been--and creating the Olive Jungle as we know it today.

Solana: But what kinds of artifacts were left behind? Could the map be pointing us to some of those?

Rowan: It is very possible there are many Leweyan artifacts still waiting to be discovered--some artifacts that have been found in other ruins include ancient instruments, gems, pottery, weapons, and scrolls. (he wheels a slide projector in the room and turns the lights off) If you all decide to embark on a treasure hunt, then here are some pictures of items you may find. (the first slide shows an ancient jewel studded dagger, making some ooh and ah over the beauty of the sapphire and emerald that are still intact on the blade's hilt)

(Kochou speaks as Rowan continues lecturing, pausing to change the slide to show a different item)

Kochou(voiceover): We were all very impressed with Rowan's lecture, and decided to set out for the ruins the map described the next morning. (we see the band, Misty, Niji, Solana, Lunick, and some young Rangers leaving the base as the sun rises the next morning) At first, we made good time to the northern ruins, but as the hours wore on, our morale began to lag...

(We join the group somewhere in the Olive Jungle. The saddened looks on everyone's faces signal fatigue to Solana, so she leads the way to a clearing with a lake.)

Solana: There...maybe we can rest a bit while we chart out the rest of our course.

A boy ranger: Are we almost there?

Solana: Lunick's the one with the map, hon.

A girl ranger: But I'm tired of walking! (she removes her shoes and dips her toes in the water)

Lunick: According to the map, if we keep going north and a little to the west, we should arrive at the ruins by sunset. (everyone groans at the prospect of more walking)

Mizuirochou: Hey, Kochou--think singing to the group might give their morale a boost?

Akaichou: Yeah--it's worth a shot!

Kochou: Okay...(to Solana) If you don't mind, may I lead the way for a while?

Solana: Sure!

(Music begins as Kochou rounds up the rest of the group and leads them down a path, behind Lunick)

Kochou: The morning sun peeks over the mountain,
And those Hippowdons rub their eyes
When they hear...

A girl ranger: Hear what?

Kochou: Hear the jungle rhythm!

I hear birds tap-tap-tapping the tree trunks,
A Combee humming as he flies
Loud and clear, to the jungle rhythm!

Now you can high-tail it out of the jungle,
But it never leaves your heart!
First, you feel that beat start bubbling under,
Then you hear the tom-toms, loud as thunder!

It's moving me!
Sounds a lot like being free!
When you feel,
Feel the jungle rhythm!

(Misty sighs and shakes her head at the spring in Kochou's step)

Misty: Of all the times to break out in a song and dance routine... (She watches the young rangers giggle as they cimb through the rocks and brush as she walks, all being carefull to stay behind Kochou)

Kochou: Come on, Misty! (he motions for Misty to hurry up)

Can't do without rhythm,
And when it fills the air,
Pokemon everywhere join in the dance!
You'll dance along with them,
Feel it steal your soul...

A boy ranger: We'll stomp our paws!

A girl ranger: Flap our wings!

Kochou: Maybe do one or two crazy things!

Akaichou(imitating a Murkrow): Caw Caw!

Kochou: Yeah, that's it!

A boy ranger(imitating a Chimchar): Aryeah! Aryeah!

Midorichou(imitating a Mightyena): Awooo!!!

(One by one, the band, the young rangers, and even Solana and Lunick dance and imitate Pokemon to the music. Kochou, meanwhile, just keeps dancing to the beat of the song as the group keeps following him, imitating Pokemon all the while. The only person not dancing or imitating any Pokemon is Misty.)

Kochou: Hear those chat-chat-chattering Chimchars,
Swingin' through the Nanab trees
Two by two...

Beautiflies: Two by two...

Kochou: To the jungle rhythm!
I hear some Growlithes off in the distance,
Singin' pretty harmonies
Woo woo woo...

Beautiflies: Woo woo woo!

Kochou: To the jungle rhythm!

(at this, Misty climbs on a rock and jumps down off of it into the group, as if imitating a Goldeen jumping)

Misty: Woo hoo! (she continues Goldeen jumping off rocks)

Kochou: Yeah, that's it!
Now you can high-tail it out of the jungle,
But it never leaves your heart!
First, you feel that beat start bubbling under,
Then you hear the tom-toms, loud as thunder!

It's moving me!
Sounds a lot like being free!
When I feel...

Beautiflies(over Kochou): When I feel...

Lunick and Solana(over Kochou): When I feel...

The young rangers(over Kochou): When I feel...

Misty(over Kochou): When I feel...

Everyone: Feel the jungle rhythm!
Feel the jungle rhythm....
Feel the jungle rhythm!
Feel the jungle rhythm...
(everyone continues singing this as they dance off towards a Aztec pryamid-like structure in the distance. they fail to notice the Rockets in a bush, quietly waiting for a chance to follow the group. Kage looks up from his binoculars and deviously smiles as the words To Be Continued... appear over his face)

(an instrumental of "When Tomorrow Comes" plays as the word "Next..." appears onscreen)

Akaichou(voiceover): Next time, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies"...
(We see the Beautiflies helping the Rockets over a pit trap in a ruin)

Akaichou(voiceover): We've found the ruins where our treasure supposedly lies, but the Rockets have seemingly beat us to it. (we see Kage saying something to the group) But the temple ruins are filled with ancient traps (we see Mizuirochou running to avoid getting pinned by arrows) and other unsightly surprises. (We see Misty screaming as cockroaches scuttle up to her feet.) But when we offer to help the Rockets get through the ruins, tensions run high as we again put aside differences. So will we make it to the treasure, or die trying? (we see the Beautiflies and Rockets running from a boulder) Stay tuned to find out!  



PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:35 pm
(An instrumental of "Only the Beginning" plays as the word "Previously..." appears onscreen)

Niji(voiceover): Previously, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies"...

(We see a scene from Prof. Rowan's lecture from the previous episode)

Niji(voiceover): We had arrived in Fiore for a gig, and after our first concert (we see Kochou dancing with a girl ranger again), one of the rangers found a map pointing to ancient ruins in the jungle. (we see Lunick showing Prof. Rowan his map). I had already found a few treasures myself, but there were apparently plenty of other treasures waiting to be discovered. (we see a shot of the group's new rings and scenes from Akaichou's new transformation) After a fascinating lecture about the ancient civilization these treasures came from (we see more of the lecture), we decided to find these ruins and explore them ourselves. (we see the group walking through the jungle) At first, the expedition was going well, but morale began to lag quickly (we see the group stopping to rest). Kochou knew what to do to rally the group, and before long, we were dancing and singing our way to the ruins. (we see scenes from the "Jungle Rhythm" sequence)

But I fear our high morale is short lived--could the Rockets be following us?

Kochou: 1, 2, 3, 4, It's time to fly!

Beautiflies: Yeah!

Kochou: I'm the leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

When you grow up and you wonder what you'd like to be,
(what, oh, what, I wonder?)
I'll do it all, now! I hold it all in my hand! (come along, you can do it, too!)
But they won't go away, all those tears that lie within your life,
I will just erase them with this song that lies in my heart!


We are all alive because of a dream...
Come right along, with our colored wings we rise and soar!
It doesn't matter now, whether we win or not,.
We will all build the future today!
And in a pinch, that is your chance
To transform and sing your song!

I'm your leader, my name is Kochou,
Everybody, come fly with me!
My heart races, bursting out with laughter!
Cause it's time to fly now!

1, 2, 3, 4; it's time to fly!

Episode 36: Legends of the Beautifly Temple

(We join the group as they emerge from the brush of the jungle and approach one of the odd pyramid-like structures. Aiirochou is especially enamored at the majestic ruins.)

Aiirochou: This is beautiful!

Midorichou: You think it's beautiful now, imagine what it might have looked like when the Leweyan people lived.

(Aiirochou studies the weathered pyramid with a number of indentations signaling where gems might have been and pictures the same pyramid made of white stone and sparkling jewels. Her eyes turn to stars as she imagines herself, in an indigo toga-like outfit, approaching the pyramid)

Misty: I think you got Aiirochou's imagination going...

Akaichou: It does have a kind of enchantment, I guess.

(Mizuirochou notices Kochou sitting down on a rock by the ruins and taking an acoustic guitar from his bag. She sits down on a rock next to him and watches him tune)

Mizuirochou: What's the guitar for?

Kochou: What Akaichou said about the ruins having a sort of enchantment--that spurred me to finish this song I've been working on lately... (he tunes some more) I had some lyrics and the tune done, but it was missing a hook.

Mizuirochou: Why not call it..."Mystic Enchantment?"

Kochou: Hmm... (he experiments with a few chords before slipping into a daydream of Misty and him walking among the ruins. The other instruments join in as Misty runs ahead of Kochou towards a pyramid)

Kochou: I look in your eyes, and I go on a journey,
One look, and I'm swept away!
I look in your eyes, and I'm transported,
The modern world just slips away!

Mystic enchantment has got me in its spell!
Mystic enchantment! Is it real?
Who can tell?

[dance break-Misty motions for Kochou to join her in looking the pyramids]

Kochou: These pyramids that touch the sky
What a fantasy...
(we see Kochou and Misty, in silver and light blue togas, before the new pyramid from Aiirochou's daydream)
It's mystic enchantment
Whenever you're with me!

A touch of your hand and I feel like flyin',
(we see Kochou jump, sprout silver Beautifly wings, and fly away)
One touch, and I'm off the ground!
A touch of your hand and there's no denyin'
There's magic all around!
(We see rainbow sparkles surrounding Winged Kochou as he flies away)

Mystic enchantment has got me in its spell!
Mystic enchantment! Is it real?
Who can tell?
(as the song ends, we return to Mizuirochou and Kochou again)

Mizuirochou: Not back for an on the fly song...

Kochou: I'm glad you think so... (As he packs away his instrument, he hears footsteps approaching. Mizuirochou looks and sees the Rockets nearby the bush they were hiding in during the previous episode)

Kage: Well, if it isn't Silverhead serenading the ancient spirits...

Mizuirochou: And what brings Rocket scum like you here? (the other Beautiflies and Misty arrive as Mizuirochou is talking.)

Anya: We know there's treasure here in these ruins...

Ierochou: That's what we're trying to find out!

Kage: Hey, fighting isn't going to get us anywhere!

Orenjichou: But--!

Kage: But we both want a share of the treasure, am I right? (both sides nod) So I say that rather than bicker about who should have this treasure, we work as a team to find it.

Midorichou: You're not tricking us again, are you?

Kage: If I were, I wouldn't be offering you this opportunity.

(Kochou looks at Misty as Kage's offer sinks in. He understands that Kage's offer could very well be legitimate, but at the same time, he knows how the Rockets have tricked him before)

Misty: Well, Kochou?

Kochou: We accept your offer. (Kage smiles) However, if you try any funny business, we're turning back--got it?

Kage: Okay...deal. (With that, he reluctantly leads the group to a temple) In order to get to the treasure that's in these ruins, we first have to go through this temple. Anybody that's got an aversion to creepy-crawlies, bats, and creatures of that sort should remain behind.

(Misty freezes at the mention of bugs)

Misty(thinking): No...no bugs... (she looks at Kochou) And if there are any bugs, I have Kochou to protect me. (With that, she confidently follows Kage into the ancient temple)

(We join the group as they wind down a hallway inscribed with ancient writings. At first, all is quiet, until Kochou hears a click and a yelp farther down the path.)

Kochou: That sounds like Mizuirochou.... (he leads the group further down the path until he finds Mizuirochou frozen in fear before a patch of sunlight coming through the ceiling.)

Akaichou: What's the matter?

Mizuirochou: I was about to step into this sunny spot when an arrow shot at me!

(Midorichou steps foward and reaches out his hand into the sunshine. He quickly withdraws it when he hears a click, making an arrow go zipping towards the wall, where it lands on top of another arrow.)

Midorichou: Just as I thought--a bona fide arrow trap...

(Anya strains her eyes to see where an arrow could shoot in a wall)

Anya: Funny, I don't see a bow anywhere....

Meru: Anyone that could've shot them would've died out long before we got here.

Meowth: Haven't you guys forgotten your movie and video game folklore? In da case of arrow traps like dis, da arrows are shot through holes in the wall. (He smiles confidently as Anya looks again, and sure enough, there are two holes in the left wall pointing at where a person would be standing in the sunny patch)

Anya: So there are arrow traps in here--if my platformer knowledge serves me right, we can go around the sunny spots--the arrows only shoot when something's in the sun.

(With that, the group weaves around three more identical sunny spots. But just as they clear this obstacle, Misty feels something crawling on her foot. She tries to scream, but Kochou puts a hand on her shoulder. Misty complies with Kochou's silent request not to scream as she quickly yet gingerly steps through a large population of cockroaches on the dusty floor)

Ierochou: I hate those kinds of bugs too...

Orenjichou: Then allow me to part the sea of bugs by giving them the one thing that cockroaches hate...

Midorichou: Which is?

Orenjichou: Light! (she brandishes a flashlight to prove her point. But when she tries to flick it on, nothing happens.)

Akaichou: You were saying?

(Orenjichou sweatdrops)

Orenjichou: Anybody got some spare batteries?

Meru: I do. (he takes Orenjichou's flashlight and puts in two fresh batteries. When Orenjichou tries the light again, it comes on, prompting the cockroaches to crawl away, making a clear path)

Orenjichou: Thanks....

Meru: Anytime.

(Just then, the group hears a rumble behind them)

Mizuirochou: Quick, what does it mean in a movie or video game when you hear a big rumble in some ruins?

Meowth: It means a big rock's comin' to squish you!

(Midorichou looks behind him and sees a large boulder rumbling in the group's direction.)

Midorichou: RUN!!!!

(The group races down the sloping room and through another doorway, where the boulder rolls down another sloped hallway seconds later)

Aiirochou: At least that rock didn't block the doorway....

Anya: Everyone okay?

(Ierochou does a headcount and discovers that all are accounted for except for Misty)

Ierochou: We're missing Misty...

Kage: Odd--I know she was with us when we ran from the rock...

Akaichou: Assuming she didn't get squished, she could've gone on outside (she gestures to a light at the end of the hallway leading to a way outside) or she took shelter from the rock.

Orenjichou: I can understand going on ahead, but where could she have taken shelter from the rock?

Mizuirochou: Great question....

Kage: I vote that we go back into the sloped room and look for her.

(We rejoin the gang in the sloped room some time later, where they've found no sign of Misty. Just as they're about to give up, Aiirochou motions to the gang to come closer, where she is examining one of Misty's earrings)

Aiirochou: I found an item of hers, so she can't be too far away...

(An idea hits Kochou--would it be possible to sing in the old ruins to see if Misty will hear him and respond?)

(music begins)

Kochou: Koko soko asoko
Where are you, my heart?
Koko soko asoko
Can’t find you in the dark...

(We see the gang searching some more)

Kochou: I’m looking for a friend
Who is lost in the dark...
Can you help me find her?
She has lost her heart

When she looks at me
She tries to tell me where she is
But I can’t take this, tell me now
What is it that I miss?

Koko soko asoko
Where are you, my heart?
Koko soko asoko
Can’t find you in the dark
Koko soko asoko
Please let me find you now!
Koko soko asoko
Then I try with this sound

La di da di da di da di la di da di da
La di da di da di da di la di da di da
La di da di da di da di la di da di da
La di da di da di da di la di da di da

Koko soko asoko
Where are you, my heart?
Koko soko asoko
Can’t find you in the dark...

(Kochou leans against one wall in frustration, but suddenly finds himself falling as the wall gives way! Misty's arms reach out and catch him before he hits the floor)

Midorichou: Nice catch! And we're glad you're okay!

Orenjichou: You had us scared to death there!

Misty: I'm fine, guys... (she accepts he earring from Aiirochou and puts it back on) What happened was I found the wall open while we were running from that rock, so I ducked inside while you ran on ahead. Then, it closed up, and I was looking for a way to get it open again when Kochou leaned on it--although I could hear you very clearly through the wall.

Kage: I will admit, you do sound better inside, Beauti-boy. (Kochou shoots him an angry look) And you also sound good outside too! (everyone laughs)

Orenjichou: Speaking of going outside, lets go on out of here! (she runs on ahead through the door the group excited, and north into the setting sun and more brush. We see a brief glimpse of Yami in the brush as the scene fades out)

(An instrumental version of "When Tomorrow Comes" plays as the word "Next...." appears onscreen)

Midorichou(voiceover): Next time, on "Kochou and the Beautiflies"...

(We see Kochou and Misty emerging from the temple into some more ruins)

Midorichou(voiceover): Although they helped us through the temple, I can still sense the Rockets want to claim the treasure for themselves. (we see Kage and Anya plotting) But every time they try to get us out of the way, Yami always alerts us to the trap. (we see Yami pushing a large rock out of the way so the Beautiflies can pass) Is she having a change of heart, is she putting on an act, or is Kochou still getting through to her? (we see Kochou comforting Yami) All this and more in our next adventure! (we see the group sharing various gold coins and gems) Stay tuned!  
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