you expect life to be fair? no wonder you're constantly dissapointed....

i never SAID life was FAIR!

U r puttin words in my mouth and assuming things that r stupid...thus u have made ur self look stupid...

and plus life isnt fair but we can manage by tryin to fiz its problems...

was it fair when hitler killed jews and other races to build his "perfect" race? NO

but we stopped him bc we want to make things better for everybody!

so even if its just a little thing in the world or something huge

every difference makes a deifference

this is why U weill never get anywhere

cuza u seek to make me feel bad about myself when i am perfectly content im just a little upset and dissappointed i am not CONSTANTLY dissappointed, i am just upset how the admins havent noticed or havent done anything about it

so whatever

continue with ur degrading life n ways

@other people

thanks for ur opinions and comments! ^^