(( Woo... lots to reply to >.<... HERE... WE...
GOOOO!!! ))
I have my reasons... I would like to thank Poca for telling about it though, otherwise I still wouldn't have known that he left and... *shivers* was killed off. Guess I'd better go and find out how he died. xD
And no long on the side of the confused and evil? Oh well... guess I'll find another way to get Paramiere and Cadiaver back to me
3nodding Teaching is great, one of my the student's mother was a make-up artist, so she taught me how to make fake blood, skin, and other such props to make my first aid class the SHizz!!!
rofl Only for a little while. I go back offline on Thursday, but... if I'm right about things, my new phone might be able to be used as an internet router for my laptop for while I'm off in the wilderness xD
*fingers crossed*
Otherwise, I'll be gone for another week or so...
MY QUEEN!!! I beg thee for forgiveness. For too long I have been away and unable to protect thee from the wiles of the enemy that seek to take your throne... Beat me until you are content crying
I hear you've been acting out in my absence. That is good. I've been plotting out my return since the day I left. Our clash shall be epic!!!
twisted Shock? Massive? Horror? Whatever are you talking about
razz Posting style? In the RP or just now with the sweet font color and Italics??? o3o
wild wulfie of the forest
-is glomped-
You could have said something sooner!!!
crying I LOVED IT and will add it to my growing siggy board!!!
rofl Keep telling yourself that Boyo... I have yet to submit to that cliche and I don't plan on submitting to it anytime soon! The
True Awakening is on the way. The plague of Pandora's box will soon be unleashed upon the entire digital world!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
twisted ((Done
sweatdrop ))