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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:02 am
"We each fight for our own reasons but our cause is united, I can not lose, I can not die, I can not stop fighting for if I do then my family will be in danger, I fight for them," said Flage and he swung his sword and focused,"For those I care about, I will do anything I can to stop you,"
He pointed his sword at Eggman as he said his last words as he readied himself.
"I admire your strong hearts," Hyukia said to the group as she prepared herself,"Eggman, when you threaten the thing I cared about and made me join you, you forgot that loyalty is where the heart lies, to turn me against it and use me was foolish, you seek to bring retribution for your Grandfather and his cause, your heart I can understand and admire, I agree with the cause even but I could never agree with the method, you seek something, we all do here, if you wish to understand then you should look at his work. Project Shadow was designed with a purpose as was the deal made but his real purpose was changed, he was made to protect what you are trying to destroy, that was your grandfather's work. His ultimate goal in life was to protect, G.U.N was the only problem, they're mistake meant Maria died and your grandfather who I respected at the time went down the path of revenge,"
Hyukia took a breath quickly then spoke more,"Do you think your grandfather would wish you to destroy what he protected? I see part of him in you, he was determined till Maria died, he had a cause like you but revenge is rarely the answer, if you change your mind when we stop you, you know where my base is,"
Seriku said a few lines under his breath which were most likely like everyone else's on how they said they fight for a reason.
"Now attack," ordered Hyukia and the group lunged forwards. Seriku was fastest to reach the mark but was knocked back by Shadrik, Dessenger and Kayonis reached next but missed there targets as they were too close to each other, Rasu managed to hit Shadrik but was forced back. Sonia and Manic managed to hit there mark but the walker did not take damage and Iko's attack was the same. Hyukia was knocked to the ground by Shadrik. Flage managed to land a hard hit in a weak spot on the walker but it only shook a little and he looked like it had hurt him more than the damage it did.
"I have an idea," said Flage, everyone was back where they started, he explained and the attack was launched.
Seriku, Sonia and Manic managed to create a strong gust around the corridor. This allowed Dessenger, Rasu and Kayonis to use it to gain amazing speeds which were beyond them normally. Hyukia then started to chant something and the winds increased as her power was used. Flage swung his sword at the wind directing it and launching it towards Eggman and Sharik. Rasu and Kayonis shattered a barrier Shadrik had made and sent him flying with it. Dessenger got a strong attack with his sword on the Eggwalker and the leg sparked. Together they launched a final attack and the walker fell as the legs were cut at an angle so Eggman was on his side, defeated.
"Eggman, we work as a team, we are strong because we fight for a common goal with strong heart, something you have never done and that is why you can't win," said Flage putting his sword away before it broke.
"You don't get it," said Eggman with a smile," You have failed, the cannon can fire again," the timer above them hit 0 seconds and that meant it could be fired again.
"You have lost," said Eggman as he pressed a detonator.
"Warning, cannon firing in 7 minutes," said an alarm. Everyone looked to Hyukia for help.
"It can't be stopped, the cannon will fire," said Hyukia," we can't stop the firing or that it is aimed at earth. Back to the rocket we came in,"
They quickly went back to the rocket.
"I won't let you do it," said Seriku back at the rocket," you plan to take the hit,"
"The shot will be fired either way, this way at least I can stop it reaching it's target," said Hyukia.
"Let me do it," said Seriku,"You have more reason to live, we were only here because of you, you are more important than me,"
"Seriku, I have lived a life, I have no regrets if it is my fate to die, you have a future, your life is more important than mine is, be happy you can live in a world that is happy," said Hyukia.
"What are your chances of survival in that battlesuit?" asked Seriku.
"That depends if I can hold on to the cannon and get back in after," said Hyukia," There is about a 17.3% if I can get back in, the suit was never designed for this,"
"And if you fail to hold on?" asked Flage interrupting.
"0.004% if I am lucky," Hyukia said, her eyes contained no fear.
"The suit is only designed for a female shaped body right?" asked Seriku.
"It is," said Hyukia.
"That is why you don't have to be that person, it is not shaped just for you, I could fit," said Seriku and everyone was unclear of the meaning,"I have been hiding this from you all," with that Seriku let go of the power he used to hold his shape like this and his body changed, it quickly become more feminine and within a few seconds although it was similar it was clear that Seriku was a girl.
"My name is Sarukia, my twin brother was the true person to go missing but I changed myself to look like him that I even fooled Shadow," Seriku said,"I can explain it later maybe,"
"You can, I will not let you risk your life," said Hyukia.
"And what about that you leave behind?" asked Sarukia.
"Take this, you will know what to do," Hyukia said taking off a necklace and giving it to Sarukia.
"You knew my secret all along?" asked Sarukia a little shocked.
"Shalong only trust female Mobions, that is why only you who had the aura of a girl hidden were the only person who looked like a boy he woud trust," Hyukia said as she got into her battlesuit.
"Flage, you know how to make this rocket return, I trust it to you, Good luck everyone, there is no other way," said Hyukia.
Everyone said good bye to Hyukia as there was about a minute left and wished silent luck. Hyukia left and just over a minute later an alarm sounded.
"Warning, cannoning switching to firing sequence, firing will begin shortly," said the alarm.
Everyone rushed to the windows. The cannon opened up and Hyukia's battlesuit was rapidly moving to the middle of it. The energy was building up and the suit punched hard into the sides of it about half way down the longest part which aimed the cannon.
The energy focused in the middle and fired along it. The battlesuit took the hit without moving back too much and it was clear that it was firing at full power. The energy dispersed as it his the battle suit. After about half a minute the energy weakened and then stopped. The battle suit was still there and it had blocked and protected the earth. Hyukia made it move on the rod it was holding onto and then a snapping sound was heard. The aiming rod gave way and broke off flying towards Earth with the battle suit following. Hyukia tried to grab onto the Ark but failed and fell...
Flage said a quick pray for her under his breath.
"I thought she was going to make it," said Sarukia nearing tears.
"Her final act was to protect, she had lived a long life and helped many in her time, I am sure she would have wanted to go this way, dedicated to those who made her and those that she wanted to protect," said Flage.
The cannon made loud noises and something came out of it. It was the AEMFB that Hyukia had created and it was glowing almost as bright as the sun, it floated and moved it a strange direction against the earth's gravity, it then emitted a wavelength and the broken pieces of the moon were attracted to it. It was an amazing sight to watch, the pieces twisted and floated around each other and within 10 minutes the moon had been repaired.
"Created for a purpose," said Shadow watching.
Flage moved to the place that Hyukia had sat before. He did a few things then got up.
"Route confirmed, launching on auto-pilot," the rocket sounded and it moved controlled by pre set co-ordinates.
"We beat Eggman, saved the Earth and yet, Hyukia who did the most is the only person who is not coming back," sighed Flage.
"She was a guardian angel to the earth, do you think that she was created to prove something or to protect?" asked Sarukia.
"Tenshi, that was the project name, it means angel in Japanese where it was based even though it was a united creation from people all around the earth, I am sure she was allowed free choice like an angel would have, after all she willingly gave her life to protect what she loved," said Flage,"The Earth may have created her but she has given more back, I just hope she will be remembered for all her deeds..."  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:31 pm
Rasu clenched his fists. 'We won, but it doesn't feel like a victory! We lost a friend and I wasn't able to do anything about it...' Rasu thought. Elie noticed Rasu and embraced him. He returned the hug but was still torn between his feelings. Elie understood what he was thinking about and tightened her grip around him.  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:12 pm
Kayonis had his fists clinched so hard they bled. Tears threatened his countenance. His father died three days ago and now Hyukia. He didn't even get a chance to apologize for being rude. "I'm sorry...hyukia." He whispered. Sonia held him and he her.He glared at Eggman and broke from Sonia's grip. He was filled with anger now, the runes from before appearing over him. Somebody was going to have to stop him before he got to Eggman.  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:53 pm
Rasu sprang into action almost instantly. He felt Kayonis start to lose control. "Sonia get away!" Rasu said. Sonia understood what was happening and backed away a bit. Rasu grabbed Kayonis from behind, putting him into a very tight headlock. "Kayonis!" Rasu yelled. "Calm the hell down! I know exactly how your feeling right now. You need to control your anger!!" Rasu yelled. He could feel Kayonis slowly freeing himself from his grip. "Not this time!" Rasu started glowing as well, though the runes did not appear. 'Quick, lend me your strength Skeith. We need to stop him before he loses control!' Rasu said. 'Right.' Skeith replied. Rasu's strength tripled, and regained his grip on Kayonis.  



PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:54 am
"Kayonis, violence is not needed now, the past is the past, nothing can change that, Eggman is on the Ark and if you wanted to get him it is too late, we are returning to the earth already," said Flage,"Hyukia would not want violence when there is no need for it,"
"Anyway," said Sarukia,"It is not certain Hyukia died, she said there was a 0.004% chance of survival meaning she might live, maybe it is childish to believe in the near impossible but we can not say she is dead for sure, it is possible that we could see her again,"
It was clear Sarukia liked to believe in things even when they were very unlikely.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:51 am
Struggle as he might, he couldn't get loose this time. He eventually calmed. "What's happening to me?" He asked. He didn't lose control like that often.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:23 pm
"Kayonis," called Flage,"In your current state I think you should rest, this is only the start of things to come, I think that there is a lot more to come, something seems, different,"
"Different?" asked Shadow.
"There is a strange aura coming from somewhere, it just does not feel right, maybe it is the seal needing to be mended," said Flage,"Anyway when we go to the gathering of the guardians later, whenever it is called, you will have to be ready and focused, not every guardian is friendly, some of them would quite happily kill another guardian if they thought they needed to be replaced," said Flage
"That's savage," gasped Sarukia.
"There are 3 ways to become a guardian, inheriting it like Kayonis did, being trained and selected like I was along with my brother and sister were and to forcefully take the role by proving that the last one is not strong enough, if we face the one I fear, there will be much blood to come, he has already killed of 16 different guardians to be the current one he is," said Flage,"he is not a bad guardian but he is blood thirsty and someone who wants to be the strongest out of everyone that he meets, most guardians are no match for him now but people who show they can preform there guardian duties are left alone by him, I can't say I agree with his methods but I respect him and would trust my life to him if we were fighting on the same side,"
It was clear that Flage deeply feared the person he talked about but did not have anything against them except how blood thirsty he was.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:29 pm
Rasu heard him and pulled him off to the side. "You must learn to control your emotions, by learning to control your avatar." Rasu whispered to Kayonis.  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 1:21 pm
Kayonis breathed deeply. The runes disappearing. much to the chagrin of the avatar. 'What the hell was that?' Chaos asked him. 'I dunno.' Kayonis responded to Chaos. 'Things are getting crowded. My job being merged with you is finished. Are you willing to part?' Chaos asked. 'Yes.' Kayonis said. He didn't like Chaos was dwelling inside him from the beginning of the incident with Chiro. 'Very well then.' Chaos spoke and flowed from Kayonis. Kayonis's familiar amber eyes returned and he felt as normal as he could. 'When we return. I'm going to return to the Master Emerald. Though it is not complete yet. Eggman managed to get away with the shard." Chaos spoke. "Dammit, I knew I'd forget!" Kayonis cursed. "I'm going to try to rest like Flage suggested." He said. "I'll come with you if you want." Sonia said. "It seems you need all the comfort and relaxation you can get." She said. Kayonis nodded.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:35 pm
Flage looked at the sword he had been using, it was almost destroyed and looked like it was going to fall apart.
"That sword is not going to be a lot of good in the time to come," said a voice. A moment later a purple spiral appeared in mid air and the lifeform Kayonis and Flage had talked to came out of it.
"Leave your father's weapon when you return," it said.
"My plan was to restore it then leave it, I only used it because I did not have time to train with my one," said Flage,"This sword will rest like my father does now,"
"There somewhere you want to go now then?" the lifeform asked.
"My village would be good but I will do it when we return to Chris's I have something I need to do first," said Flage.
"As you wish," it said.
"Do you have a name or did Dr. Robotnik never give you one as you were beyond his control?" asked Flage.
"He never did," the lifeform said.
"Do you want one?" Flage said as if offering.
"I guess it would be useful," the lifeform said.
"How about Kouken?" said Flage,"It seems fitting to your role,"
"I guess I will accept it," said the lifeform understanding the meaning of it.
"Guardian," said Sarukia over hearing,"It means guardian right?"
"It does," said Kouken,"My role and purpose it seems,"
"And do you want that role?" asked Sarukia.
"I accepted it, I had no purpose before, I was meaningless so it suits me to at least do what is needed of me," said Kouken...  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:38 am
Kayonis sat on the bed and Sonia joined him. "You made it so here's your wrist com." She said snuggling up close to him. He took it and laid it on the bedside table and wrapped his arms around her waist. "We all know how you feel aby, but these things just happen." She explained. "It's not just Hyukia and my father's death. So many things are happening so fast for me." He spoke. "It'll work out. I know you. You're very strong and can handle almost anything. I've seen it." She said. "What if I can't? What if I'm not as strong as I've led on. Sure I can handle things but still." He said. "Where in your mind are you thinking you can't?" She asked. "I've been called upon to be one of the new five guardians." He said. "Kayonis that's great!" She exclaimed. "No it's not. I can't even guard the Master Emerald." He spoke.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:32 pm
"Hang on to something," Flage said so everyone heard,"We are entering the atmosphere,"
Flage quickly sat down on the main seat as if to take control of the situation and Shalong, Sarukia, Shadow and Amy followed suit sitting in a chair to hang on. It was sudden and the whole rocket shook and outside the windows was a red glow. The only one who was just standing there was Kouken. The shacking did not even knock him down, then it was notice he was not standing but floating.  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:23 am
Sonia and Kayonis fell back as they started to enter the atmosphere. "Hang on!!!" Kayonis told her as he held her close. She buried her head in his chest. Manic and Iko managed to get a seatbelt on and was holding on to the arms of their chairs.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:39 am
Dessenger sat down and straped himself in. He hadn't considered Hyukia a friend. He just didn't know her at all. But he now saw her for the hero she truely was. She had given her lif for the world without a second thought and she had done happily. He didn't know if the time came if he would do the same or if he would be a coward and run away. I hope that that tiny percentage was right and you surived. You deserve to live in the world you saved. he thought as he felt the shock of the ship enter the atmosphere, Home again. At the very least at least the Earth is safe. In the end that is what really mattered. Hyukia thank you. You gave your life to save our home. Dessenger thought a smile on his face. "So guys when we got back what should we do? I think we should finish the cruise." he said as he saw the wings of the plane begin to glow red from the re-enter burn.

(Hey I got a pic for Dessenger check it out if you want)  

William Sstrider

Shirtless Gawker


PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:03 pm
"I have already made arrangements," said Flage,"I contacted them and it will be heading straight home after we get to them, I would like to give you an idea where we will be landing but it is most likely in a 3 mile radius of Hyukia's base, there are some supplies here and an electronic mapping system leading to the base and how to get in, from there we will have to rest at her base then get to the ship after that, should be no problems but it is still in an area of extreme coldness so we still have to be becareful,"
Sarukia looked at the necklace that Hyukia had handed to her, she already knew what it was for but that would need to wait for now.  
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