Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 1:04 am
I cant afford the thyroid medication I SHOULD be on, so I continue to not be able to lose weight and can only eat one meal a day otherwise I gain weight. I just broke off a month and a half relationship because the guy was starting to be overbearing and now he's trying to make me feel guilty I've had to start constanly dye my hair once a month to prevent people to start seeing my grey hairs (Grey hair runs in the family early in life - started getting them at 1 cool My baby sister who is married and has a kid has been pressuring me along with the rest of my family to find someone and settle down. My dad's ex girlfriend has been harrassing me at work about giving her my dad's phone number. I'm in complete pain from putting together my computer cabinet by myself that weighs over 250lbs. Ouch. My arthrietis has actually gotten to the point I have to wear bengay sweatdrop I woke up the other day from a ceasure (I have epilepsy) and had to call out from work and had everyone giving me the third degree because I was too scared to go to work considering I cant afford it if I have a ceasure at work and they call 911. I want more money at work, but retail pharmacy is a lame business. The customers scream at you, the managers complain that customers are complaining at them because their inssurance wont cover whatever drug they have AND the pharmacy manager is a complete b***h. A co-worker of mine that I actually like, is moving to another store and everyone is talking s**t about her and its starting to piss me off.
//done with rant
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 4:45 am
I only drank tow beers with dinner. Why does my head hurt?
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:10 pm
The weather has the bursitis in my shoulder flaring up... I can barely move my arm. xp I hate waiting for the swelling to subside enough so I can work on my art again.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:51 pm
I gotta complaint for you. Kids shows today! With their anthropomorphic yellow seaslife and witty social commentaries! And all that big eyed anime stuff. What happened to live action kiddie shows with wooden puppets and hosts who hate kids? twisted Remember live action kiddie shows? Those of us in the later stages of senility spend most of our time there, reliving such classics as . . .as . . .well, as this! http://www.fazed.org/video/view/?id=75Warning--link may cause fear, panic, and a sense that the modern world isn't as bad as we aged coots tend to think it is. I will say only this: Nimoy. Bilbo. Singing.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:37 pm
...The...Ballad...of...Bil...bo...ARGH! I CAN"T GO ON!!! gonk So I'm umemployed and can't find work because everybody's already hired their "holiday help". I'm trying not to be a food pig so the money will stretch. I'm a Matron of Honor and have to sew my own kimono to wear AND it has to be dark green silk/satin and I have to pay for the supplies. And I have to sew the Bride's sister's kimono too (and the under kimono and the Obi and the sash). And I have no money so I get to sell all my goodies on Ebay and nobody will put in any bids this week. And I can't find a religion that sticks for more than a week. I was raised by a kind of New Age mom, so Buddhism in it's most Americanized format is my default choice. And I want to become something that my mom can be proud of, but the best I can seem to handle is working as a motel maid/laundry. And right now I can't even find that kind of work. Whew. I think I'll have a nap now.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 2:15 am
My eye freaked out on me the other day; eye doc says it's the warning sign of retinal detachment. Joy of joys. Now I have to practically walk on eggshells for the next few days and wait to see if anything worse happens. xp
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 8:50 pm
I gotta drive 300 miles every day this week and it's been snowing like an albino with dandruff for the last three days in the three cites I deliver to. And my tires need rotating. And I'm out of underwear.
And no one but me has responded to the Andy's Gang thread.
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 6:41 am
I need more socks. I need sleep. It's too cold. I'm really really nervous about this trip I'm taking over the holiday (first time I booked airline tickets myself). I need more time to prepare for it. My love-handles are laughing at me. I want to go home! domokun
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 6:39 pm
And we still haven't found the nurses... wink
What's this only 1 week to Christmas stuff anyhow... when did we get stuck in the overpaced, not enough time, where did the weeks/months/years go time warp? Or perhaps this is a question for the good Doctor of Who lol
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:29 pm
Would I consider a thread tied to my catheter???? What kind of poll is that???
Where's that nurse? Who wants to tie up my ....
"Cathartic"? ... Never mind. neutral
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:21 pm
Sheesh - just when I get used to the "new" layout, we get another "new" layout.
And boy is Gaia ever slow today... tis slower than us geezers on a Sunday. C'mon Gaia, get the lead out, it's Tuesday now. rolleyes
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 6:27 pm
Why the heck does this still say I was the last guy to post?
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 6:44 pm
Dun know why it says you're the last guy to post. Perhaps cuz I'm a female, not a guy wink
Damn dryer is on the fritz - I have bruises all up & down my forearms from spinning it to get it going (looks like someone's been beating on me); my car needs new tires and an alignment because of course it's damn near paid off; my brother gave me my truck back, but some fool put the tires on with a air gun so I can't break the lugnuts to change the flippin flat it got from sittin there cuz it has no windshield wipers. I live in Washington ~ hello dumb... the wipers worked before you got it. evil
Ummm ~ I'm sure there are lots of other things to whine about but I kinda forget what they are now lol