Killed by the Fall
I can't say I ever found it disturbing, I never really concidered it until I was about 11. When I read my first yaoi fanfiction I thought it was a little strange but I thought about the author's reasons for putting the pairing together and I was just like 'Oh okay, that makes sense.'
This is basically the same situation for me. I stumbled accross a slash fanfiction for Harry Potter (strangely enough) and it ahad the pairing of Remus and Sirius and I was like 'hmmm...' I was probably around 12, which was a couple years ago. And then I basically built up on that with fanfictions and my friend send me a link to a profile here on Gaia that had an AMV on it for Sukisyo (a BL anime) and I really liked it. And then I saw some funny Gravitation AMV's and I watched Gravitation and fell in LOVE with it ^___^
heart anyway, since then I've liked a couple other pairing from non-yaoi anime like HieiKurama from Yu Yu Hakusho and I was talking to my friend (the same one who sent me the link) on the phone about it and I forced her to watch Gravitation
rolleyes heart *huggles Ryuichi plushie*
although she and I are reluctant to admit our BL/shounen-ai fangirlness to basically anyone else(who is opposed to it). I have one other friend, though, who will pretty much shamlessly admit it
rolleyes my parents are old-fashioned but I've always been pretty open-minded I think. I had my sister and her boyfriend watch the first episode of Gravitation though and whe was really squemish when Shuichi and Yuki kissed(funny thing is, we watched it in the big screen on youtube and it stopped
right before it happened but I forced them to watch the end of it *evil snickers* if I recall correctly they both[or just my sis did] sighed [in
relief] when it stopped
domokun domokun ). And she's had gay friends before
stare who have made put in front of her
stare her boyfriend is really cool though. He and I talked about it once. Basically, he doesn't like it and doesn't encourage it but he's not prejudice against it
mrgreen I want him to cosplay as K (Mr. K from Gravitation) 'cause he's really tall and I think he would have fun with that part (and according to the second Gravitation novel, K is
married to a Hollywood star
eek eek eek didn't see that one coming!!!!)