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[FIN] I thought I lost you....( Riot x Nikita x Bob ) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 7 8 9 10 [>] [»|]

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Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:50 pm
Nikita looked from the 'levitating' Ruby to what she could see of Riot's face. Really? No he wasn't sorry. She culd see it on that grin of his. That was something that seemed to have held the same of the years, just on a larger face.

Actually, Nikita was somewhat surprised that he hadn't tackled her and continued the assault. Well, somewhat in that it was her inner cub who still remembered the little things they used to do.

Her head head leaned forward a bit, maw opened, to take hold of the Ruby, however, she paused and glanced upward to Riot. Slowly her maw closed again. The ruby remained withing the corner of her sights, as if she were scared it would vanish if she did not keep tabs on it.

"... you aren't really sorry are you..." Nikita stated as she continued to glance up at him past her veil of fur.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:01 pm
"No," Riot spoke, still keeping the gem in place for her. It wobbled a little in thought. She may have thought he was dead, but she remebered him.

"I'll Take Anything to distract your thoughts, at the moment." The Tahtill smiled, he really wanted to free he from her own mind. However at the moment he knew he physically wasn't up to doing something like tickling her. For a few things he knew she would do-like struggle and the thought of him hitting his head of jarring jt, made him sick just thinking about it.

The thought cause a sigh to leave him, the sooner the 'fog' left him the sooner he would be more: 'himself'.

Chuckling the Nahtill lobbed the Jewel for her to grab. "See, you remember me, more then you thought." Riot spoke turning himself, and waited for her before they started in there walk.  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:26 pm
Nikita unknowingly waited for retaliation with her inquiry of his credibility. Her ears perked forward while her tail raised just slightly in anticipation of jumping in on direction. It was as if in that very brief moment that hidden cub had a peek out of the subconcious box. Though, just as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone and left her to the bleak fog of her mind.

Once again her tail lowered and her ears returned to listening to the area for any threat.

She caught the ruby in her maw as carefully as possible before following after Riot, just behind his head where she felt the 'appropriate zone' was. It wasn't much of a comfort zone. She didn't feel comfortable. Despite the moment of inner cub surfaing, she went right back to feeling miserable and twisted.

Once again crimson eyes focused forward and her mind returned to reliving her cruel past.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:50 am
Riot rolled his eyes as Nikita still wouldnt walk at his side, taking a step. He nudged her with his torso and more or less his rump. He did notice how she was closer this time, but he still wasn't satified

"Don't make me sit on you, Nikita." Riot playfully stated, his eyes remind forward as he spoke.

"I have gotten heavier." He was keen to remind her, it was something he had felt he needed to do a lot of.

Remind her.

"And when I feel better, I will do well to remind you of such a fact." The adult stated with a arrogent Bob of his head.

"I don't think you have it in you to pin me." Riot challanged.  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

GunSniper rolled 1 20-sided dice: 18 Total: 18 (1-20)

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:10 pm
Nikita suddenly felt the weight of the earth shove against her side, causing her to bobble slightly in her walk. Her paws were keen on correcting the interuption and keeping her from toppling over. In tune with her step, her tail flicked about it aid in regaining her balance. It was a well seasoned instinct. Her balance and flexibility were some of her more defining qualities.

Crimson eyes looked over to Riot. His threat was not hollow. He had more than trippled in bulk, looked to be as imoveable as a mountain. Though, he did not appear as fast... To her anyways. His legs were like tree trunks, his tail as a thick branch, his body was a boulder, and his head was still fat. Even if he had grown into it.

With a deep sigh Nikita begun to slow her pace to be behind Riot. Just briefly. He wanted to sit on her? Not only that, but he issued a challenge. In their current state (him with his obviously fogged mind and her with... lack of strength) she knew full well she could not push him over by mere pounce. Headbutting might cause more damage... If there was anything she could take from her old captors, it was to choose -how- one went about their battles.

'...fat head..." Nikiat breathed the words from behind the ruby still in her maw.

With the snap of a twig benieth her paw Nikita launched herself forward. Her legs streteched to their fullest as she tore through the forest, her frame weaved skillfully through the trees, ocassionally leaping at a trunk and using it to quickly launch herself forward. She may not have had strength at the moment, but she still had speed. Her claws unsheathed for greater traction as she plowed forward, living up to her accumulated nickname "Fire ghost". Her white frame was as a blur as she weaved through the trees.

She did hold her ears backward to tune into Riot, just to be sure he had followed. Or maybe direction... The fact she had no idea where they were going was not pressing on her mind. She felt free! Running, like swimmng, took her thoughts above the thick waters of her sorrow for a breather.
[ Radical Dreamer ] rolled 1 20-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-20)
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:43 pm
Riot braced himself for what he thought was going to be a blind sighted tackle. His eyes closed as he braced himself and he stopped in step. As the tackle didn't come, Riot released his head breath as he heard the sharp snap of the twig.

Eyes open caught the blur of white lightning shot through the trees. With a laugh, Riot reared up on his hind legs, and with a thud he pounced forward. Thick legs carried the Balam forward, not nearly as quickly as Nikita. Fatigue was still getting the best of Riot as he thundard in heavy steps through the Forrest. Taking in stride to advoid obstetricals, his breath was sent in to a heavier rate.

His paws felt like rocks, and his mind tried to remain focus as he concentrated on his breathing. Eyes skillfully kept track of the white lightning as he just like thunder followed after.  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

GunSniper rolled 1 20-sided dice: 7 Total: 7 (1-20)

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 1:33 pm
The first thing that Nikita took note of was Riot's heavy steps and deep breaths. That noise seemed to stand out even above the chattering of birds flying abouve them. He really was the thunder, shaking the earth. Or perhaps it was the weight of his fat head. Well, the playful thought only lasted briefly. Nikta's mind focued more on running, leaping in and out of trees with precision and a fine display of skill.

She bound about a bit further before her pace begun to slow to a trot, than a pause. By the sound of it, her own breaths, though they had deeped, were still softer in pace than the mountain chasing after her.

Her tail flicked. Crimson eyes narrowed on the woods behind her.

Nikita waited in place for Riot to become more visible. Nikita's frame tensed in anticipation of taking off once agan, like teasing a kitten with a ball of yarn. Almost there, but not quite and always just out of reach.

Her ears perked forward.

Though as she held still, the fog in her mind worked to regain dominance and send Nikita's thoughts back to the miserable abyss. Workd, yet was not completely successful. It was only successful that she begun to wonder if the buklk frame would emerge from the veil of the woods... Her frame laxed slightly.
[ Radical Dreamer ] rolled 1 20-sided dice: 17 Total: 17 (1-20)
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:05 pm
With a leap, there was a pause in the thunder, and out of the veil of trees Riot's brown and pink fur clashed with green as he bound his way to Nikita. Call him stubborn, he was going to make good on his challange. Espically if she had stopped running and suddenly became easy pray.

"Now, you are making this too easy Rock head!" Riot roared playfully, with a bound he would soon be on her, if she dare not move.

His breathing heaved, but it seemed his stone body was warming up and catching speed much like a stone tumbling down hill. He would only get quicker with time. Tail angled he honed in his leap to land on her, if she did not move.  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

GunSniper rolled 1 20-sided dice: 10 Total: 10 (1-20)

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:15 pm
Nikirta watched until suddenly the forest seemed to 'move' out of the way of the incoming bolder. Not litterally of course, but NIkita felt they had. Her ears twitched while he drew closer. He was still there! He was... not going to stop.

Nikita freed herself from the moment too late to turn around and dart forward, the surprise was gone. Thankfully her mind had not completely sunk into despair and rendered her imobile, or agressive.

With the ruby in her mouth she couldn't verbally retaliate being called 'rock head'. However, she instead flared her nostrils and huffed. Simple, but the thought of 'fat head' was still in place, if Riot had remembered the 'you are a fat-head' face.

All Nikita had time for to correct her momentary loss of focus was a side jump. Powerful legs tensed as she moved to leap to the side of Riot and dash back the way they had come, that is, she hoped to be able to dash at full speed away. This depended on if she could manage to successfully dodge Riot.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:40 pm
Riot landed on the earth with a heavy thud, skidding he turned himself. Blazed blue gaze, hawked on Nikita's as she narrowly missed getting 'crushed' by stone. Riot made a lazily clawless swipe at her just as she leap toward the direction they came.

Hind paws dug into the Earth, and Riot retaliated her chase with one of his own.
He was tired, but would press on, a little bit of her 'old' self was seeming to show. Too bad it just took so much engery.

"I'm still...gonna..." Riot called, heavy paws gripped a log as he pulled himself over it. His tail whipped behind him.

"...get you!" The Tahtil annouced with a released breath. At this rate he would be lucky to see Bob on all fours.  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:38 pm
Nikita propelled herself forward as quickly as possible. Her eyes watched the trees carefully as she continued to weave in and out of them. Each breath she drew she tried to keep it as controlled as possible, despite starting to feel a bit light headed. It made her feel numb, and was more so a relief at the moment. Right, Cain had nearly drained her blood the other night... The thought was short lived as her ears swiveled back to hear the heavy steps of Riot.

She could hear the winded breaths of the might mountain behind her.

As before she held still and waited for him to appear through the veil of trees. The Ruby in her maw was starting to collect a fair amount of spit about it while Nikita ran to her fullest.

Saddly, there was no where else to put it. She couldn't run with it in her paw, and it would not stay in her fur...
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:48 pm
Riot stumbled out into the clearing this time, landing on all fours, Riot released a breath. Strightened, his Boulder like chest puffed as he tried to catch his breath. The new found strength had gone unotice in his tired state. Tail flicked and whipped. Angling his ears, eyes placed themselves on the elusive Nikita.

Tail swayed once more.

He honest didn't know how long he could keep the pace up, just to barely follow after Nikita.

"Hey." The Balam breathed, being winded he paused and licked his paw. Taking in another breath, his paw raised to point behind him. "We're..." He tired once more and let his body fall against a nearby tree.

"Going the wrong way..." He breathed, being thankful to be held up by the trunk of the tree and not his paws.  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:45 pm
Nikita's head tilted as Riot all but flopped into view this time. Her ears perked forward while her tail flicked from side to side curiously. He looked exhausted. Wherever they were going, could wait a bit more, couldn't it?

She took time to watch Riot and study his condition closely. Her eyes bouced about his fatigued frame from paw to nose.

With unseen hands, Nikita removed the ruby from her mouth reluctantly. She wasn't found of the idea of not holding to the ruby, but she needed to speak and did not wish to do so with a slobbery gem in her mouth.

"We can rest here." Nikita stated boldly, her tone finally making it above a soft whisper. "You are leaning against a tree and need to rest."

Her head lifted while her crimson eyes narrowed demandingly.

"These trees will make it impossible for Cain to sneak up on us, not without me hearing. He will also not be able to attack easily without catching his wings on a tree branch." Once again her tone lifted. "You can rest here, even if it be only for a little while to re-gain your strength. I will stay awake and watch."

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:04 pm

Riot pushed off the tree, his paws found the stubborn strength to move. In a little hop and trot, Riot paused Infront of Nikita. His blue eyes watched her own narrowed ones.

His brown tail flicked and swished as she demanded that they rested. She was bold, and so vary strong.


"You need your rest too, my dear. My plight is mental, you know I am strong as a earth." Riot told her.

"And I dare not leave you alone with your thoughts." Earth was kind to remind her. "That and..." Riot spoke his tone grew increasingly more serious.

He paused, tail swayed behind him. She was right the trees made wonderful cover from Cain.

"I think I would miss you too much." Riot spoke, a grin took his maw. He would really miss her in his rest.  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

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