"I haa-aate how Hue thinks she's the center of attention now that she had a baby," Madagulpa bitched. "Suddenly she's all mean and spoiled and nasty. Well, I'ma have a baby and I'll show her! She's not the only one around here who could have a baby!"

Caz wondered if he should even bother pointing out that Hue's baby was his baby as well. He had just succeeded in making Kunzite take her afternoon nap when Madagulpa appeared, yammering nonstop about Hue. He estimated her to have started yammering about two hours ago. Hue was at the temple with most of their friends. And now Caz knew why Madagulpa didn't join her.

"Don't you think so, Caz?"

"Hue's my mate, Maddie. I'm sure you'll understand that I can't answer that question."

"Who're you kidding? Everybody knows you also think Hue's mean and spoiled and nasty. Geebus, she's terrible like Kahlua. Well, almost," she amended hastily. "Of course, Hue is still fifty times better than Kahlua, but you know what I mean. Suddenly, she doesn't care about her friends anymore! The other day, Latte invited her to the temple and she snapped his head off!"

Caz could think of five dozen things he could be doing instead of listening to Madagulpa b***h. Deftly, he tried to steer the subject. "I heard you and Java are planning on having a baby. Congratulations."

"Well, I figured he's the best male of the lot. Aside from you and Latte, of course," Madagulpa added quickly. "But since you're taken and Latte doesn't seem to be interested in females..."

Madagulpa yammered on and on. Caz was debating the best way to make her go away when Harrar passed by. "Oh, Madagulpa, you're still here? I thought you and Java left for the breeding lab already."

"Why should we leave for the breeding lab?" sneered Madagulpa. "Should we climb up and out of The Basement and risk Cardi's punishment?"

"Well, no," said Harrar mildly. "But Cardi was just here, looking for a pair of slimehs to take to the breeding lab. I heard she left with a pair, and I thought it was you and Java. The two of you have been talking a lot about it, after all."

"What?!" cried Madagulpa. "No! Java's at the temple with Latte, and... and..."

Harrar shrugged. "Cardi left with a couple of slimehs. That's all I know."

"You can't mean... she didn't take Gin and Tequila, did she? She can't! That won't be fair! I'm supposed to go!" Madagulpa cried.

"Actually, it would be fair for Gin and Tequila to go," said Harrar. "The breeding couples have been mostly coffee slimehs and one summon slimeh, and--"

"Shut up!" shrilly Madagulpa cried. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" And then she fled from the greenhouse. From the way she yelled at people in the tunnel, Caz guessed she was running to the temple. No doubt she would cry to Latte and implore him to do something to correct the problem.

Harrar glanced at Caz. "Poor devil. I suppose she lost her spot because she was too busy grouching about spots to you, eh?"

"Yeah," he said, relieved at Madagulpa's departure. "It's quite sad."
