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#1 Digimon Guild where you can actually be a Tamer with your very own Digimon. 

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The Sadistic Toan

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:27 pm

(I would kill you both, don't kill the babies! Toan love the kids!)
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:59 pm

((Well duh Toan he's supposed to be evil. Also Alter don't yah think that some angels might sneer if they really hated something? IDK))
Seraphimon turned back to face the human still pushing on his waist. He hadn't really hurt him, but it was more annoying than the baby digimon. He threw a small fireball over his shoulder, turning the whole lot into digitama. "You are wrong, and now you have moved back up in line to be deleted." His hand shot out, and gripped the tamer's head, holding him up so his feet dangled above the ground. "You don't seem to understand, do you? I am an angel, and now you will suffer for your impudence. I was sent all the way out here to track you down and terminate you. Now you have the disrespect to resist? You will be deleted now, but now goodnes requires that I give you your last words. So do you have any?"

Matadormon (clone) watched the knives coming at him from all sides, and laughed. His arms moving faster than his counterpart could ever hope to manage. The knives flying in all directions, "So are you ready to accept defeat yet? I'm better, stronger, and more powerful than you!"


GrandMaster Draco_Lord

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:06 pm

(Got ya)

Matadormon pointed up as his knifes flew off to the side, cutting the vines that were part of the jungle. A loud cracking sound could be heard. All those trees that Matadormon had been cutting wasn't to slow down his clone, but for this. The roof of the jungle fell down around the clone, crushing him. (At least I would say so.)

(And no. For some reason I don't think so.)
Alter gasped and let out a chocking sound as Seraphimon held his neck. "I don't have my last words yet. You won't be around to hear them." He pushed a button on his digivice, summoning his Piedmon to the field once more.

Hisoka yawned, his sword flashing to cut the Seraphimon's arm. "You are one weak angel. Why do you need me?" He asked, Alter as his sword returned to his hand.

(Metamormon gets his power back when he transforms. So I get that awesome auto hit.)
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:54 pm

The wooden roof started to fall towards matadormon (clone), and would have crushed him if not for the fact he had scanned dracmon indepth. Dark rays shot off his body as he switched to matadormon's mega form. Grandracmon (clone) shoved the falling trees to the side, and shot off a Darkness scream attack at the still imobile matadormon.
((That's why I had him scan all the data... I have no clue if that's possible sweatdrop or not ))
Seraphimon (clone) looked down at his severed arm, before his eyes flashed red. "Now you would have your virus digimon attack an angel? That is unexcusable! Now you will truly pay! Testament!" The metamormon had been instructed to never let on what he was, so this was his fallback plan. The blast destroyed any data left for seraphimon, to become him again, a brand new scan would be required. As the blast hit everything in the immediate vicinity, the eggs all ruptured and were gone. Piedmon was taken by surprise, having no chance to dodge, and Alter was burned severly by the attack. The only reason he lived was that the angelic attack was not made to kill humans, and that saved him. During the blast, the metamormon scanned piedmon before dissapearing into the jungle. When the blast cleared, Alter (clone) and Piedmon (clone) exited the jungle and confronted the now dazed foes. "How dare you kill an angel! It is my duty as experiment 666 to erase you according to the angels' will."


GrandMaster Draco_Lord

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:02 pm

(Yeah. You are really pushing the limits. But what ever. I know the trick to defeat this guy. Which I should tell you... the metal plate on his chest is how he scans people, and that is where he is weakest.)

(Also I object to the GranDracmon being that strong! It isn't that there is one or two large trees. It is that there are tons of smaller, but still large enough to hurt. LIke the side of a lamp post. Falling on him, he couldn't hit them all away and attack.)

Alter was blown back into a tree, couching heavily as he stood back up. He was still laughing as the new clones appeared. "God this place must be completely corrupt. They don't even know how to be original." He said, watching himself.

Hisoka was more then happy to fight, finally a worthy opponent. "Oh. I see that you are fairly strong. I just hope you don't revert to your Seraphimon form again, that would be no fun." He said, the Piedmon across from him was himself, which meant it wasn't him. Hisoka knew enough about the different digimon in the world that it must be a Metamormon.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:22 pm

((Fine fine, I'm just trying to do the whole dopperganger deal... just modified and with deeper impact also I'm just going to post what he would do now instead of editing, I'm lazy like that, but I'll cave... although I object to piedmon just knowing about metamormon like that... maybe alter could be a bit more shaken I don't know, having that kind of doubt would be a bit more useful to me, but you don't have to I guess... I'll post Alter and piedmon (clone) dependng on your response to this request...))
Grandracmon (clone) looked up at the falling trees, and split apart into the many seperate bats, scattering, and managing to fly through the small gaps in the wood, and out the other side. Some didn't make it, but two or three bats worth of data was nothing to him.


GrandMaster Draco_Lord

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:30 pm

(That is better! You could even have all the bat survive, that just makes more sense.

And I still say Hisoka would know, he is designed to fight and reads people quiet well, but I see where you are coming from, but it doesn't matter completely. As for Alter, but I guess he can have doubt... I just don't see it. How about Alter turns into an Angemon or something, since that would throw him again.)

Matadormon started to digivolve as soon as the first bat left the pile of tree. He soon appeared as the king of the vampire digimon again. He roared, dramatically, as he watched his clone reform.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:10 pm

((Nah a few bats shall die, not all should escape... although if the seraphimon didn't faze him, how is the alter(clone) to angemon gonna get him?
o.0 nevermind! I gots something even better!))
Meanwhile the real angels were looking for Alter, he was rouge as far as they were concerned. This meant months of reconditioning and isolation, which was such a pain. He finally spotted experiment 666 and swooped down to give him his orders to return. As he was going down, he saw the experiments virus digimon attack and kill an angel digimon. He grew calm and devoid of emotion. He relayed this turn of events back to HQ and continued to approach knowing he would have to confront him.
The metamormon copying Alter sensed the approaching angel, and smiled before grabbing Piedmon (clone) and both of them melted back into the surroundings, slithering back to their compainion still engaged with grandracmon. They quickly scanned him, and took on his form as well. The three of them together faced the one.
Angemon came down near the tamer, and came out of the woods towards the pair. "I came to find you when you stopped reporting in, but now you must be destroyed. I saw how you attacked the angel, you have become corrupted beyond redemtion, and I will now clense the world of your taint. Kneel and submit to my judgement."


GrandMaster Draco_Lord

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:14 pm

(You know it isn't time for him to start moving away from the angels, I have a whole arc for that, so I am going to have to prove the Metamormon are real. Editing in just a moment.)
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:18 pm

Alter stepped back as the Angemon landed, as his heart wavered the Piedmon besides him started to waver as well, the energy that was given to him was getting cut off. Alter fell to his knees as soon as Angemon told him. "That wasn't an angel." he said, stating a fact. The Angemon would see the truth.

GranDracmon wasn't pleased to see more steal his form. "You guys really need to get a life." he roared, "Dead Scream!"

GrandMaster Draco_Lord

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:39 pm

((Don't worry the other angels won't know, but you will have to convince him a bit better... and if I was meaner, you'd have to admit that it was a perfect way to get a wedge between you and the angels XDD))

Angemon faltered, "What proof do you have? You will have to convince me, but you will have to do it without the angel's power this time."

The three grandracmon (clone) laughed, "Dead Scream!" The three attacks easily overpowered the one and rebounded it back in addition to the their own three. The attack spread out in a cone as it rampaged towards the origional.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:24 pm

(The return of Neo)
Neo: OK come out an fight us.
Growlmon: I'm getting ready Neo!! (but Growlmon was eating some food behind Neo's back)
Finally the digimon came out an it was a Agumon
Agumon: Hey have anyone of you seen my friend Patamon?
Neo: Sorry no we haven't
Growlmon: But we can help you look!
Neo: Come on lets go looking for your friend
Agumon: Thank you very much lets get going
WTF Five hours later
Neo: How long have we been looking
Growlmon: An hour past forever
Agumon: We can take a break
Neo: Thats sounds great
Just when they sat down they heard cry for help
Growlmon: You heard that Neo
Neo: Yep lets go check it out
It was Patamon running from a Garurumon
Patamon: Help someone help me please
Neo: I'm Coming to the rescue
Agumon: Patamon!!! Hold on we're coming
Neo: Lets start the battle!
Growlmon: Lets get going
Just then an intense battle happened it lasted an hour
Growlmon: OK it took longer than I thought but I won!
Neo: Patamon is saved we're done
Agumon: Thank you for saving Patamon
But when Agumon turned to say good bye Neo an Growlmon was gone
(End of Neo)

Corruption Zero

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GrandMaster Draco_Lord

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:47 am

(It is prefect, but I don't want it to be. It just isn't time for it to be prefect.)

If GranDracmon knew one thing, it was how sound waves worked. He guessed something was up, what are the chances three digimon showed up all looking like him? But it didn't matter, the dream screams did. He charged forward, finding the point where the sound waves started to cancel each other out, he was still hit with the waves, they just were weaker then normal. GranDracmon growled. "You guys are starting to piss me off." He stepped closer. "Crystal Revolution!" He knew he couldn't cover all of them in crystal, so he went for just covering part of each.

Alter looked up, this was an angel, he could see he was telling the truth. "I don't know what it was... but it wasn't an angel. It was a virus in the form of an angel." Hisoka was about to tell Angemon was it really was, his mouth open, just as he was returned to the Digivice.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:32 am

((That's for you do deal with then, but I did think it was perfect... oh well good luck in your endevours... I can't really give you a hint on how to win, since you know the weakness... I'll just ask that your goal should be find a way in all of this to bond with one of your digis...))

The three grandracmon (clone) knew what the attack could do, and split apart into seperate bats, the crystal still got a few of them, but only the ones. The ones containing finger nail, and toe nail data. The different grandracmon flew around the one, reforming at random times, and atempting to have a gorgon's eye aatack connect soundly.

The angemon nodded, "Fine bring back some sort of proof, like a scan of the digimon on here." He tosses a small device to Alter, "and your crime will be proven a fraud."
((Scan one while it's not transformed, otherwise, you are gonna need to kill angemon...))


GrandMaster Draco_Lord

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:54 am

GranDracmon smiled as they turned into bats, prefect. "Dead Scream!" He roared out, the sound waves would destroy the bats, both because they are weaker to sound and because of their sound.

Alter nodded, smiling insanely as he grabbed the device. "I will! I will find them." he said, heading off towards the last place he saw the Clones.

(My real prefect plan will have Seraphimon, the real one, turn into Black Dominimon. Which is a corrupt angel, and then since his hero is corrupt, everyone is corrupt. Or something like that.)
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