Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:12 pm
Kaz was starting to lose focus again, Angewomon had forgoten that humans needed to breathe air, at least far more than digimon did. She moved as quickly as she could over to her allies, depositing her tamer inside Doumon's force field. (Like from the third season) She then motioned to Doumon that they should try to get to the surface. MegaSeadramon had finished demonstrating his new agility, and watched as his prey attempted to get out of the water. His evil smirk grew, "I don't think so, Maelstrom!" His attack swirled through the water, battering Doumon's shield, and shredding Angewomon, doing far more damage than it should. Kaz managed to catch his breath once more, and looked for his deck. He was suprised to find them dry, and stacked in side a leather pouch, attached to his belt. He took them out, and quickly flipped through them, before finding something that looked promising. He quickly slid the card through his digivice's card slot. Angewomon felt the rush of energy she came to associate with digimodify cards and watched as her hand glowed green. Then from the surface a cyclone of wind decended, parting the water, and creating a clear path to the surface. Kaz looked at the card he swiped, seeing an image of Zephermon, using just such an attack. He slipped the card back into his deck thinking, Hmmm I don't remember this one, I wonder what else is new? He started flipping through his deck, as all four friends took to the air, hoping to make good thier escape.
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:42 am
The situation was still not the best. They were now on the surface, yes. But they were trapped in a tunnel of stone. The sun shined far away from them on the horizon. Luckily both of their digimon could fly. Dou took it's tamer and ponited with it's face at Kaz. "Take him" It wanted to climb up but suddenly Doumon was stopped. "What is it...?" Rae looked at Doumon and then below. MegaSeadramon jumped out of the water and snatched Doumons tail. It tried to pull it to the water again. "Kaz come here!" It shouted. "Take care of my tamer... I need both hands..." It reached Rae to Angewomon and turned up it's sleeves. With both hands Doumon took it's tail and pulled. Although this was hurting. It wanted to be free. If that meant to sacrifice it's tail then I this had to be...
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:52 pm
Angewomon quickly flew over to her captured ally, and grbbed hold of the two tamers. She was able to keep airborne, but the added wieght prevented her from being of any use in the fight. She watched as Doumon struggled to free it's tail, before thinking of a way Doumon could be aided. "Kaz give Rae a card to help Doumon." Kaz felt stupid, he should have already thought to give Rae some cards. He quickly flipped through his improved deck, and found something that might help. "Here, it's a meramon card use it to burn MegaSeadramon off of you." He passed her the card and started flipping through is deck, looking for something else that could help. MegaSeadramon was frustrated, not only did his prey ecape from his watery trap, they nearly got away without any damage, but he would be happy if he managed to drag at least one of them down to thier watery grave. He just couldn't understand how it could be so hard to drag the fox back into the water. It felt like something was pulling back.
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:01 pm
Rae took the card Kaz gave her. "Oh nice one!" She slid the card through her digivice. Doumon glowed in a fiery red light. It enflamed. The flame it became burned the sea serpent digimons jaws. It shrugged and let Doumons tail go. The fox demon quickly flew to the others. MegaSeadramon fell down back to it's water tomb. It was angry and jumped several times up again. But with no effect. "You damn tamer!!" It shouted. But it's voice only echoed when the friends left. "Phew..." Rae whisked over her forehead. "Well done Doumon" Doumon turned to kaz. "I have to thank you for rescuing me und my tamer" It bowed down. Rae smiled. Her partner was always very polite. More than she was.
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:21 pm
Kaz returned the fox priestess's bow, and was about to say how it was no trouble at all, when electricity shot from the water barely missing him. Angewomon had felt the attack and had thrown Kaz to the side to prevent the attack from killing him. She angrily charged her bow far longer than normal before declaring her attack, "Celestial Arrow". Rather than the normal one arrow, this time, the attack split appart, creating a deadly barrage of light arrows. They sliced through the water, managing to pummel the unprepared serpent. Kaz felt himself falling towards the water, and turned to see his partner unleash an amazing amount of arrows, something he had never seen an angewomon's celstial arrow attack ever do before. He saw lighted silhouette of the serpent turning back into data, as the ocean rushed up at him. He extended his arms into a dive, hoping he hadn't been too high, and crashed through the water's surface. Below the water, he was extremley disoriented, and could only tell where the light was coming from. As he turned to the fragmenting digimon, his digivice beeped once, before the light changed, and MegaSeadramon stopped turning into data, and started emitting a different kind of light as he shrank. Right before Kaz passed out, he felt a small round shape bite the hem of his pants. Angewomon finially found her tamer, quickly pulling him out, and looking him over. She was relieved to see he was till breathing, but perplexed by the small blue ball of a digimon holding on to his pants. ((I was given permission for Chibomon, remember? I had to find some way to get him, otherwise we drift of, and I go "Oh yeah, I probably should have found away to fight rather than retreat O.o))
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:35 pm
(really? congrats! I'd like to have either Hawkmon or Labramon. This would be sooo cool.) Rae rushed to her friend. She touched his face. "Kaz? Kaz are you alright?" Also Doumon looked over the shoulder of it's partner. It realized the blue digimon like ball and sniffeled. Then it croached down and slightly touched it. It moved. Rae shrugged. "What is that...?" Doumon looked at it's tamer. "It is a digimon. It actually smells like a digimon" Rae pulled her digivice out and pointed at the unknown digimon. "Chibomon. Fresh." She slightly blushed. "Cute..." the girl mumbled smiling all over the face. She shook her head. "Don't forget Kaz!" She took her kimono and rolled it up. Then she put the pillow like kimono roll under Kaz' head. "You will be fine. I'm pretty sure." Rae turned to the digimon. "You also alright?" Doumon nodded. "You better should rest for a while. You fought a lot and probably lost a lot of energy" She set down. Doumon did so too. It looked all the time at Chibomon and otherwise at Angewomon. How could this be? Was there a chance that a tamer could get more than one partner. Did this mean Rae-Jou had also more partners? Doumon heavily shook it's head. It didn't like the idea. Relating to Rae it was kinda jealous.
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:53 pm
((Did you PM Pummel? That's who you have to talk to, and have approve. )) Angewomon watched over her tamer, even after she dedigivolved to Gatomon. She liked angewomon's power, but felt most comfortable as Gatomon. As she kept her vigil, the newly found chibomon slept, being dragged from the ocean had exhausted the baby digimon. Gatomon finially spoke up, "Maybe we should go back, and get our stuff from near the lake. That way, it doesn't get stollen by some random..." As she was talking Kaz started coughing and spitting up water. He sat up shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, before seeing all his friends gathered around near him. He almost missed the small blue digimon, but when he had sat up, the small digimon had awoken at the same time, and started to hop up and down on his legs. He looked up at Rae and asked, "Is this a friend of yours? Where did," he checked his digivice, "this chibomon come from?"
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:19 pm
(oh oops! see? my english is not perfect.... ^^; ) Rae hold Kaz back. "Are you okay?" carefully she looked at her friend. Also Doumon now de-deigivolved to Kyuubimon again. It layed on the floor but looked the new digimon all the time. Rae shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know where this digimon come from. It was suddenly there..." Then Rae smiled again. "Biut i think it's kinda cute!" Her girlish emotions were now active. When rae saw something she liked she directly began to grin all over the face, to blush and to say strange things. This was normal for a girl. That's what Kyuubimon thought. True. Most girls were like that. But Rae was actually not a typical girl. She disliked wearing dresses or skirts. She didn't quite liked the color pink, she didn't wear make-up and when she was a child she didn't wish to be veterinarian like all her friends. She was not a tomboy. Not at all. But no typical girl. She was just...Rae. Kyuubimon smiled. Again those emotions it didn't understand. Digimon thought always diffrent. They didn't show emotions that often or that directly. How could they? They were data. Rae touched the little digimon again. "It's so soft!" She clapped into he hands and jumped several times. "I wanna hold it! Please!" She pet it.
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:29 pm
((It's all good, I'm an American, and my english isn't perfect)) Kaz smiled, the stress of his recent ordeal washing away as he watched his friend fussing over the small digimon. "Sure he looks like he likes you." It was true, Chibomon never stopped smiling while Rae held him. While Rae played with him Kaz rexamined his digivice. He brought up his partners data, and noticed an blinking arrow, flashing on the screen. Pressing the arrow key showed a picture of Chibomon, displaying his few stats. "Rae I think Chibomon is my new partner. Did you know tamers could have two?" Gatomon's ears perked at the news that Chibomon was Kaz's digimon also. She would have protested, or asked questions, but her exaustion from the preivious battle won out. She curled up into a ball of fluffy cat digimon, and was soon fast asleep in a trademark cat-nap.
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:01 am
Rae cuddled the little one and pet it all the time. "It's so fluffy!" Then she stood still for a moment. "Hmmm.... no I always thought I can just get one digimon... if that means that I will get another one too?" Kyuubimon looked up with a shocked face. Rae smiled. "Relax dude... I will always love you..." She jumped over to her furry friend and kissed it on it's forehead. Kyuubimon layed it's head down on it's paws. It was kinda happy right now. Then she looked at Chibomon again. "I wonder what you will turn into...." She held it in the air so that Chibomon had to look into Raes eyes. She smirked and hugged it tight. "I hope you will be as cute as you are now." Then she sit down and tilted her head to the side. She thought. "But I can hold it as long it is so sweet yes?" She turned. The girl looked at Gatomon and grinned once again. Poor thing, it really was tired.
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:35 am
Kaz stood, knocking some of the dust off of himself, before saying, "Well I guess we should go get our stuff. If you want to carry Chibomon, then I'll get sleeping beauty here." Kaz gingerly reached down, and cradled his sleeping Gatomon in his arms, before standing back up, and starting the long journey back around the lake.
As they traveled, everything seemed fine, but Kaz was finially struck by how odd it was that there were no other digimon about.
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 2:57 am
Rae didn't seem to regocnize that. It was because of Chibomon. She played with him and cuddled him all the time. Kyuubimon thought that it would lose sontrol of it's temper when it's tamer didn't pay attention to Kyuubimon. It went a little quicker and took Chibomon puting it on it's furry, soft back. "It has to sleep... now" Rae was totally surprised. Her digimon never reacted that way. She smirked and went to Kaz. She needed a full time attention. Because she was someone who grow up with many children. She hit Kaz shoulder. "Is it still far away?"
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:25 am
Kaz playfully Shh'ed Rae, "You'll wake sleepy here if your not careful. Besides I think it's right over there." Kaz points towhere there stuff was still sitting. As they got closer, the sun decided to set with the speed only found in the digital world. "I guess we'll be sleeping here as well" He had completely forgotten his unease for the lack of digimon earlier. Laying Gatomon down for a moment, Kaz moved over to his duffel bag, pulling a large blanket from within. He spread it out over the grond, before putting Gatomon on it. Gatomon moved a bit in her sleep, and snuggled up with a corner of the blanket. Kaz lay fully clothed on a section next to Gatomon, before motioning to his new friends, "If you want to share the blanket, then feel free to pick a spot, there's plenty of room for all."
The mysterious figure who was still following them, broke off, to to report to his superiors, and get some instructions for what he should do next.
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:40 am
Rae sat down at the blanket. She slowly layed dwon. Kyuubimon layed next to the blanket. it was very tired at all and sirectly slept. Rae looked into the sky and sighed. "I wonder what's going on in the real world..." The girl missed somehow her world although she liked the digital world. The digimon were fast asleep. Rae looked to Kaz. "Are you tired?" She wasn't weary at all. She rolled her body to several positions but no one was fine. She rolled finally to Kyuubimon. It was warm and fluffy. A good place to fall asleep. "It is my pillow now..." she mumbled.
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:41 am
((drat, right as I have to go, I'll edit this to be a real reply when I get back from school, which will be earlier then normal, because today is thursday.))
Kaz smiled invisibly in the dark, talking softly he said, "Yeah, today was bit frantic, I think we all deserve some rest."
The other pair of eyes that had been keeping tabs on the tamers chose this time to leave as well, returning to it's own masters to deliver it's information. The mysterious digimon found himself in a room overflowing with radiance, the glare preventing the three digimon seated behind a bench on a raised platform from being identified. The mysterious digimon bowed, before recieving a sign to give his report. "I have seen how the two new champions of light fared in your first task. They sucessfuly defeated MegaSeadramon's menace, and that section of Tamer Island should be coming back under control, however one of the champions' digivices reacted with the conquered foe, becoming a new partner. I propose that more observation is warrented." The figure seated furthest from the right stood, adressing the mysterious digimon's concern. "We have already chosen a new task for them, you may continue you observation, but remember, you must not make yourself know to them yet." The mysterious digimon bowed low, "As you command."
On the otherside of the Island, the first digimon who had been watching our two tamers, bowed, telling his own masters "As you wish."