Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:09 pm
Great for clearing out the sinus.
Below me has a sore in their mouth.
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:15 pm
Oww. Ih noow ah shuhnt hah eahun thah cuctuhs
Below me is clinging on to the back of a wild and out of control rodeo colt for dear life
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:14 pm
Where are the clowns to rescue me?
Person below me is a registered sex offender but is innocent of all charges.
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:23 am
*sits on a whoopie cushion over and over, giggling*
below me thinks today is Psyzapp's birthday.
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:27 pm
Son of a... stressed I could have sworn I had just gotten her something recently... not that I buy things for the queen of evil or anything ninja *starts counting pennies*
Below me has a compulsive habit of stealing shiny things.
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:43 pm
Ooh. Pretty armband. and earrings. and belt buckle. and ring. and jockstrap. Oh, that's just sweat sparkling in the sun. gross.
Below me wants the jockstrap.
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:28 am
ewww. Is that crusty thing STILL here? *throws up a little and gets her gloves and grunny bag out of her shoulder bag*
guess i'll take it to the nearest biohazard waste bin. on second thought, i've been having trouble with varmints around my place, probably coming from most wanted... i wonder.
*cuts the jockstrap into pieces and drops them around the perimeter of her place to "mark" it.
below me wants to visit, but smells a certain stench.
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:36 pm
I don't think I've been to bandy's house yet. I kind of always thought she lived in the clinic or something. *notices a familiar smell upon approaching* Why does it smell like me here? emotion_eyebrow *finds a piece of jockstrap half buried in the ground* Wait a minute... *takes out a pen and uses it to take the jockstrap piece out of the dirt and notices his name written on it* I was wondering where that went....
eek bandaidd must be my stalker eek
*backs away*
Below me thinks I put the jockstrap there myself.
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:25 pm
Hungry. Man, I haven't had a nice BLT since... when did I go vegetarian? It's been a while. I could leave out the bacon and just add avocado and it would still be yummy. but then there's that little issue of celiac. It would have to be a wrap. And somehow tomato and avocado wrapped in lettuce just doesn't sound quite as yummy. I used to love BLTs. Bet I still do...
Below me wonders what a BLT has to do with Tes' jockstrap and finally figures it out.
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:30 pm
BLT? Weren't we just talking about my jockstrap? Does it smell like bacon or something? emotion_puke
Wait no... that can't be it. Maybe it isn't the sandwich, but rather some kind of other acronym. Let's see.... Bold Like Tes? ... hm... maybe, but where does the jockstrap come in? Ball Lifting Tourniquet? ... don't think tourniquet is an accurate description...
Oh! I get it! Born with Large Testicles! That's definitely it. cool *ignores how it's grammatically incorrect when used in context*
Below me is positive that isn't right at all and wishes to change the subject entirely.
Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:59 pm
Oh hi, Tes. What HUGE, SMELLY .... stacks of money you have there.
*tries not to stare hungrily at Tes's uhhhh stacks of money.* *gulps and looks at the sky*
Hope you have a nice Valentine's Day err, if you celebrate that sort of thing. Oh! I have heart balloons and a helium tank. Here, I'll make you a nice balloon.
*looks though balloons...I love you, I love you, All my Love... settles for "Hugs and Kisses", inflates it and ties on some red curling ribbon and hands it to Tes*
Below me would rather have the helium tank.