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Ashara Vaadishk

There's a fine line between...
love and...

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Ashara gave another long stretch out as she thought of the words to explain it to Athena the way the other two might. The two of them had always been there for her and she for them in return. While she had no expectations of everything like either one of their personalities, she always wanted to make them understood. "Hmm think about back there just now, yeah. The tech Kami and those under her command makes are things exclusive to the Banshees. She's encrypted and locked away the details of the tech they have made even from Legion. Not because she doesn't want to share it but because she equipping us all exclusively with the best, yeah. That's a star for her. A reason for being here." The commander reached over to a pocket of her clothing that was left sprawled out to the side of them. It was a holographic access card etched with Athena's code name. "Another is building trust in those that work in the shop and the tech they distribute to protect us without faults." She held the card out to Athena with a smile and continued. "She could certainly learn to say it better but she was upset with you because that trust was broken before you even started with her, yeah. Kami even had this access card to the storage and workshop ready for you. Heck I don't even have one of these." She laughed hard knowing full well the thing that Athena and Nanira did was exactly the same reason why she had been permanently banned except in emergencies.

"You were right in saving us, yeah. You both are valid in wanting to protect everyone on this ship. But just as she must acknowledge it was what saved us, you will need to recognize how you could have killed anyone of us." She tucked the card back away and laid on her side to face Athena. "Any other stars you'll have to ask her about. Now you will be back to working in the shop under the understanding that you will both be working together and that she is your commanding officer while there. I know you are as skilled as you want to show us. Show her and yourself what your stars are. Do that and I'm sure this card will be in your possession in no time. I look forward to seeing what you'll make, yeah." With that she rose up to her feet and proceeded to get in one last good stretch. "Think on what I said. Maybe even ask your roommate why she's here. Trouble making can be bonding but defending someone with your life requires more. More than skill. More than survival. Next time we train let me know what you came up with. With that Ashara moved out of the hidden room to let Athena sit with her thoughts or take in the view as she pleased.

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We'll be happy together
For a time
But, for how long?


Professor Wi-Fi