Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:54 pm
Akiba was the first artist I stalked watched here on Gaia. Not only did she make huge strides in improvement in the time I knew her, she was also really quick in filling orders, faster than most other artists I've come across. I used to credit that to the fact she had a tablet, but even after I got a tablet, I haven't been any faster really emotion_facepalm I don't think she's been active on deviantART either. I haven't really checked recently, but it seemed she dropped from there around the same time she dropped Gaia. I like to think she's still doing art, though, and would completely blow our minds with her level of skill now.
Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:03 pm
Oh man... that sucks. I hope your computer's not damaged too. I spent all of last summer using a computer that was dying. I was actually working on a drawing for a few hours, hadn't saved, and Gimp crashed. cat_gonk That was awful. I learned my lesson after that, save often. Sketch? *checks front page* Oh yeah. cat_sweatdrop I kinda forgot about that, actually. I don't really have anything in mind for it. I have collected some of my avatars, so maybe one of them will give you some inspiration?
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:32 pm
Kits Rose I spent all of last summer using a computer that was dying. I was actually working on a drawing for a few hours, hadn't saved, and Gimp crashed. cat_gonk That was awful. I learned my lesson after that, save often. I had something like that happen to me early on in my days of digital art emotion_facepalm It's made me hyper aware of remembering to save I think. Getting up to get a drink? Save. Going to take a leak? Save. Switching out music? ********' save. I don't so much as switch to another window without saving first, even if it's just to reply to someone on skype. Ctrl s is about as much of a staple as ctrl z now.
Looked over the avatars and one definitely sticks out to me. If I don't punch my computer for being so goddamn loud and annoying, I might actually start on it tonight. Glad I at least don't still have the same anger issues I had a couple years back. Not sure I would have even been able to handle being on this computer at all with how thin my patience was.
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:57 am
Aaaaand done. That's one thing I can strike off my backlog finally. Might start work on Akiba's in the next few days or so, and if I still don't have my graphics card back after finishing that, then I suppose I could do Icy's full color freebie. I already know which avatar I'm likely going to choose for it. Since it's classified in the freebie section, I won't feel bad about using lesser tools for it. Although typing it out and reading it back somehow still sounds bad sweatdrop But I'm just trying to keep the momentum going so that I will actually have a clean plate for the first time in who knows how many years.
I suppose there's also Brat's mistletoe freebie that's been unofficially sitting on my backlog that needs to be taken on as well...
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:07 pm
It's cute! cat_xd You chose the avatar that I'm working on a picture for now.
I don't think it sounds that bad to get the freebies done on the old computer. I think it makes sense. I at least don't expect as much quality from a freebie as from a paid piece.
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:11 pm
Ffftt, as if Icy needs any more art. So, what'll it take to make that full color freebie of Icy's into mine? emotion_awesome
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:58 pm
Flame Knightmaer Ffftt, as if Icy needs any more art. So, what'll it take to make that full color freebie of Icy's into mine? emotion_awesome References and details. I wouldn't mind drawing your current avatar though if that's fine with you.
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:32 am
In other news, my attempts at starting Akiba's piece have been unfruitful so far. I'm not sure if it's I've just fallen out of my art mode or that I'm having trouble "connecting" with the character to figure out what to do with her since I haven't spoken with her in so long. If it's the latter, it might be wise for me to move on to working on something else before I actually do become demotivated. I was just hoping I would have gotten hers done about as fast as Kits' and thus that would have struck two things off my list in a short amount of time and make my backlog look a little less crowded and intimidating.
I'm also getting my graphics card back soonish. The company emailed me to say they shipped it out on Thursday, so might be here between Monday and Wednesday. I've been too lazy to check on the tracking to know for sure. When my other computer is up and running again, assuming there's no other damage to it, that'll open up being able to get back to work on Icy's.
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:50 pm
ThisEmptySoul Flame Knightmaer Ffftt, as if Icy needs any more art. So, what'll it take to make that full color freebie of Icy's into mine? emotion_awesome References and details. I wouldn't mind drawing your current avatar though if that's fine with you.I'm fine if you're fine with this avatar. Pretty proud of it due to having it equipped since the legs first appeared. Hhmmm, details..... Aside from my usual pissed expression and cigar, I can't think of anything. You can reference the piece in my sig for skin tone and hairstyle, but I think that's about it. You can do whatever you want stance wise and the knife is optional, since I only wanted the arm mod not the weapon. *feels a frosty glare* ......You know you want more art of me emotion_dealwithit
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:22 pm
Saved references on my computer, though that may be unnecessary since I don't think I'll be starting on it on this computer. Good news is that I don't think I fell out of my art mode quite yet since I'm really wanting to art, but the bad news is that my patience for using this computer in order to do it has about run out. My graphics card is slated to be coming in late Tuesday so I just have to grin an bear it a little longer. I may or may not try to push out Brat's freebie before then just to keep myself busy and get it out of the way. Given the low quality of the sketches I churned out around the same time hers was put in, it should be the least stressful to try to work on, though I'll have to double check to see if I even have a reference for the avatar. sweatdrop I know I have it on the other computer and that it involved a bow...
Edit: *checks freebie thread* Bah! Imageshack took Brat's references down... and because xp is out of support for websites, I can't even post my hissy fit emote to express my discontent emo
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:07 pm
Card came in today and I just popped it in a few moments ago. And let me tell you, it feels soooo... ********... good... to be back on this computer. Quiet as hell too. I tend to not noticed just how much background noise stresses me out until it's not there anymore. Hell, when I lived in MD, I didn't even notice there was so much background noise until I came back to CO, but that didn't stop it from interfering with my sleep.
Anyhow, will probably spend most of today reveling in having a computer that works, then tomorrow it's back to work on Icy's piece. On a side note, since I felt like arting yesterday but had no patience for drawing, I took to writing a wall of text in my Gaia journal about the psychological significance of my characters. TL;DR version: Taus needs to ******** everyone. The end.
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:35 am
Sounds like there were no issues from trying to use the other card, so that's damn good news. As far as Flame goes, you can have all the fun you want with him. twisted Even put him in your little pink tutu if you'd like emotion_dowant
The hell he can! I ain't wearing no ******** PINK anything!
.....Pretty sure you wore dame a helluva lot at one time..... stare
......Let that s**t go, will you!? emotion_facepalm
As I said, you have complete free reign on what to do with Flame. -Anything- goes
emotion_donotwant ......I hope you get laid..... and soon.......
Already did! emotion_awesome
SHUT UP!!!!!!!! scream
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:00 pm
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:00 pm
Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 10:43 pm
Clearly fell out of art mode. I have made some progress, but not much. I think what I'm going to do is try to push myself back in by doing some sketches or something. Feeling like I shouldn't do art if it isn't finishing Icy's piece {even though I damn well know she doesn't mind the wait. My brain is just being weird} is probably contributing to the slump, so in theory, I just need to get some other ideas that I've had floating around in my head out and I'll be more motivated to pick Icy's piece back up where I left off. I mean, I could also just suck it up and plow through it, but I'd feel like a d**k for half-assing the rest of it. And I know Icy's told me herself before that she'd rather have something that I actually wanted to work on.
Damn... just typing that out is starting to make me want to work on it... too bad I already made plans to help someone with questing tonight gonk