Violet Song jat Shariff
I had a friend on another forum suggest taking the issue to Tyr since he's the fairest judge of all the gods. But I take it that that's not quite the best idea if he'd never accept an oath-breaker.

But isn't Tyr an oathbreaker too? wink

Anyway, the fifteenth stanza of Grimnismal attributes Forseti as being the judge, not Tyr. Infact, the Gylfaginning even states that Tyr is not considered to be a judge.
Deo and Tea have touched on this.

to some extent, he did play into the false sense of safety Fenrir might have had, however he was willing to keep up the side of the bargain if he wasn't released. i would in fact consider that an oath kept.

otherwise, i generally tend to work with Tyr and specifically right action. it might have been a bit of fancy talking to get Fenrir bound, but it needed to be done. Tea and Deo said it elegantly when they mentioned consequences, though.