Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:45 pm
hola guys my name is Random (i was named after a book character) and i wuv digimon rps but i dont really like the shows very much except for the one with Davis! and my favorite digimon is the golden evolution of Veemon but i dont wanna spoil him
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:14 pm
Welcome Random!!
Davis is my favorite character in the series.
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:57 pm
hey Random. 3nodding Hope you have a great time here. I personally think Davis is cool as well.
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:44 am
Well.. I'm iEmo iCry, But feel free to call me Sorrow. (My old name was "Glowing-Sorrow") I LOVE digimon! Especially Terriermon! heart I've only been on gaia for over a month, but I love it. I love Anime and reading.. I have Spilt personalities, and I may have A.D.D god knows if I do or not, I'm a true blue emo kid, but Thanks to my split personalities, I can be hyper, like I've eaten 30 lbs of chocolate, even if I Haven't. I'm just about to go Send my request for my First Digimon! WISH ME LUCK! -I heart Terriermon!!-
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:47 pm
Welcome iEmo iCry!
Bunni-mon are cool.
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:03 pm
Yoza! Yes my own personal way of saying hello!
Name's Chase, Chase Heart! Yes, the name is indeed a action and a name! Doubling up what can be better!
I love justice! And thing's to do with it! My dream job's being a doctor so I can solver mysteries and help people! My favorite digimon is Justimon! He's so justice filled!
I tend to act heroic, brave and courageous both online and off, however I know when to back off as well.
surprised Oh um...let's see! I'm half blind, my left eye looks completely normal but I can't see the sun in a window through it!
I'm random use the words 'Justice','Heroic','Awesome' and 'Extreme' alot in Real life and on Gaia.
;3 My favorite color is silver! And I believe no one should be hated lest they prove otherwise!
My quote is: ''Fate does not decide the ending, we do that ourselves!''
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:11 pm
hi my name is rena and my digimon is Gatomon!
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:23 pm
-Dashes in heroicly and rolls-
Pleasure to meet you Rena!
>;3 I'm brand new, too! Let's have fun and work super hard! >:3
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:29 pm
Arctic: What did you do to your artwork...>.>
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 1:27 pm
Hello everyone! I am Sand, Sandwheel, Jay, J, whatever smile I am 15 and come from England. I am generally a happy person and always want to make new friends ^^. Hope to get talking to some of you smile
And I think she edited it herself just by cutting them out xD
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 4:09 pm
Oh nice to meet you! I'm Chase~ I'm new too and I hope we can work well together :3!
Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:19 am
hi im StephenG im new i like all digimon series my favourite digimon is myotismon and i will be getting a demidevimon soon
Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:59 am
Welcome StephenG hope u enjoy the guild i like myotismon too but i mostly like armaggedamon or chaosmon
Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 6:53 pm
Hi, I am Ryou Tagayashi. I am into most kinds of anime, and I have been with Digimon since the first season. I hope to make many friends here. And as you can see, my current digimon is Gigimon.
Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 6:58 pm
welcome Ryou! :] Hope you make a lot of friends here!! ^ -^ I CAN BE YOUR FIRST ONE XD LoL :]