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Total Votes : 2665 |
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:34 pm
3- what color are your eyes? Brown.
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:02 pm
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:29 pm
4- when did you last laugh? Right now; I'm listening to Cabin Pressure.
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:31 pm
5- without looking, guess the time 1am?
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:33 pm
6- what time is it really? 12:31
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:43 am
How much gold do you have right now? 8498
2. How much gold would you like to have? 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
3. Do you think you'll finish this quiz? Yes, i think.
4. Why are you doing this quiz? Because i need money
5. Do you have a dream avi? Yes
6. Are you questing for anything? If so, what? no
7. Do you like gaias layout? Sure
8. Do you like gaia? Yes the best online chiz in the world
9. What's your favorite gaia game? zomg
10. Do you go on forums much? no , i do it when i need to
11. Have you donated anything before? Yes (yay im a good person)
12. Are you in a guild? yeah thats why im doing this
13. What's your favorite food? pizza (supreme)
14. What's your favorite course at a meal? ham , cheese and bread or tortilla
15. What's your favorite beverage? refresco (soda)
16. What's your favorite letter? KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
17. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
18. Black or White? black
19. Black or Yellow? Black
20. Demonic or Angelic? both but more Angelic
21. Tv or Computer? both but more tv but i still looooove heart heart heart heart gaia
22. i-pod or mp3 player? i-pod
23. i-pod or cd-player? i-pod
24. Animation or Cartoon? cartoon
25. Beach House or Island retreat? Beach House
26. Donator or Slot Jackpot? donator
27. Las Vegas or Las Angeles? Las Vegas (there live the csi actually one of them)
28. New Zeland or New England? New England
29. Australia or America? america
30. Superhero or being normal? Superhero
31. Gold or items? Items
32. Girl or Boy? im a girl , i like boys
33. Are you famous? Nope... but i wish to open a fanacy restaurant
34. What color is your hair? black
35. Are you a boy or a girl? girl
36. Are you wearing a hat? Nope
37. Are you wearing socks? i was but nope
38. What clothes are you wearing? (Give a description)! sweter withflowers and gray pants (going to bed soon)
39. Do you like this quiz? Yes!
40. How old are you? 10
41. Are you happy with that age? Yes
42. What time is it where you live? 6 15
43. What continet do you live in? America
44. What's the most embarrassing movie you've ever watched? idont know
45. Is this quiz earning you alot of gold? i soupose
46. What's the worst thing you've ever ate? rice balls
47. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? fly , speed or super streght
48. Are you sitting near a cactus? Nope
49. If you could redo any moment of your life what would it be? 5th grade
50. what's the craziest thing you've evr done? fight in a real but no real fight
51. Are you an animal person? no , what kind o question is that? (laugh)
52. How many people do youhave in your family? (including you). 5
53. How many pets do you have? 1 dogie mystie
What grade are you in? 6th grade
55. Do you know what time-zone are you in? no
56. What's your favorite pop product? (coke or pepsi) Coke
58. What's your favorite flavor? strawberry 59. Do you hate the dentist? yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
60. Do you hate the doctor? no!!!!!!!!!!!!1
61. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no (im to little)
62. Are you wearing a hat? Nope...
63. Have you ever had lice? no
64. Do you have a cellphone? Yes i have!
65. Do you have any syblings? Nope
66. Does anyone beside you in your family go on gaia? yes my two sisters
67. Is this quiz long? loooong
68. Is it long enough for you? Yup
69. Do you like school? Yes and no
70. Do you like homework? no homework hurts trees
71. Do you like your teacher(s)? not all of them
72. How many gaia accounts do you have? 1 this one
73. Are you happy with that number? yaaaaaaaaaay
74. Have you ever got gum stuck in your hair? no
75. Ever got gum stuck on your shoe? yes like 6 times
76. Ever get gum stuck on anything? no
77. Do you have a i-pod? Yes
78. Would you rather be a child or an adult? child ,go childy!!!!!!!!!!
79. Is this quiz boring you to death? Nop , its entretaining
80. Is this quiz worth it? if it does give me money or an item then yeah
81. Ever entered in the arena? Was it worth it? Yes . It was.
82. Do you have a trading pass? whats that?
83. Do you have a shop? Yes i have .
84. Do you like cookies? who will not like cookies >w<
85. Do you like pickles? Nope ew
86. Do you like milkshakes? I Loves milkshake
87. Do you like ice cream? i love it.
88. Ever had sushi? nop i wantto have sushi some day
89. Ever had octopus? yes is sooooo good especially with lemon over it
90. Do you drink alchohol? noooooooooooooo not good
91. Are you a grammer freak? Nope
92. Would you consider yourself rich? yes because i have God in my heart and im not afraid to say it
93. Would you consider yourself poor? no
94. Do you keep up with gaia news? yes
95. Do you keep up with trends in fashions? no why
96. What's a tv show you watched when you were little? clifford
97. Do you like bugs? Yes
98. What's your most memorable quote? im the kind of person who will try for hoursto drown a fish i love funny quotes
99. What's your most memorable moment? I didn't got one yet
100. When's the farthest back you remember? My 2nd grade
101. What's your favoite book? El hijo del rey (the kings son in spanish)
102. Do you like music? Yes I love music
103. What's your favorite band? skillet
104. What's your favorite song? Open wounds
95. What's some of your must have's? Android~
96. What career do you want to have when you grow up? chef
97. Do you have a fireplace? No don’t need it
98. What's the last thing you ate? candy
99. Do you go on gaia much? Yes when i get time
100. Does any of your friends go on gaia? Yup 101. Have ou ever sat on a cactus? No (laugh)
102. Have you ever even seen a cactus up close? Yep
103. Do you put salt and pepper on alot of things? Yess!!!!!!!!!! I love pepper
104. Do you like muffins? Go muffins
105. Do you like turtles? Yes , they are so cute
106. Do you like pizza? I LOVE pizza. Looooooooooooooooooooveeeeeeeee
107. What's the last time you had a trade? Some months ago
108. Post each emoticon in seperate posts. biggrin smile redface crying stare xd 3nodding blaugh gonk scream stressed sweatdrop heart xp whee wink sad surprised eek confused cool lol mad razz cry evil twisted rolleyes exclaim question idea arrow neutral mrgreen ninja 4laugh rofl pirate talk2hand burning_eyes cheese_whine dramallama wahmbulance emo
109. Post each letter in the alphabet in separate posts. A ,B ,C, D, E, F , G, H ,I, J, K ,L, M ,N, O ,P ,Q ,R, S, T, U ,W ,X, Y ,Z.
110. Post each character in your username in separate posts. c u t e _ l i t t l e _ k i s a _ t i g e r
111. Post each letter in GAIA in seperate posts. G, A, I ,A.
112. Bump 10 times. Bump.Bump.Bump.Bump.Bump.Bump.Bump.Bump.Bump.Bump.
113. Count down from 25. ,25. 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 114. Have you ever made a petiton before? Yeaaaaah! . 115. What color shoes do you have? none
116. What's the brand name of your shoes? noone
117. What career do you want to take on as an adult? chef
118. Have you had any dreams recently? no
119. Do you eat alot of fast food? yeah
120. Do you like fast food? yeah
121. What's your favorite candy? Ball of chocolate
122. What's your favorite number? 777
123. What's your favorite season? Summer
124. What's your favorite holiday? xmas
125. Have you advertised this thread? Nope
126. Do you watch naruto? Sometimes
127. Do you watch Inyuasha? Nahh ;
128. New or Grunny? Grunny
129. Offline or Online? Online 130. How or Where? Where!
131. Why or What? WHY!!!
132. Are you earning alot of gold? Nope
133. Do you like chainletters? Maybe..
134. Do you do chainletters? Dunno
135. Do you make chainletters? Nahh
136. Are you sad they removed the 'send to all friends' at the pm's? Nope 137. Have you ever owned a pet? Yes 4
138. Are you allergic to anything? Ho dog
139. What's the craziest question anyone's ever asked you? Are you a nerd?
140. Do you like reading? Yes
141. What's your favorite subject? I don't have
142. Day or Night? Night
143. Twilight or Dawn? Twilight
144. Starlight or Daylight? Starlight 145. Can you play an instrument? Yes piano
146. What's your favorite day of the week? sunday
147. Inside or Outside? outside
148. What's your favorite fruit? strawberry
149. What's your favorite cereal? Cocoa pebbles
150. What's your favorite veggie? lettuce
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:06 pm
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:07 pm
1- Username? Kandie_cakez
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:09 pm
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:11 pm
3-What color are your eyes? Brown
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:12 pm
4- when did you last laugh? When my Grandma Drop hot coffee on herself and yelled out Oh S***.
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:13 pm
5- without looking, Guess what time it is? 3:11
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:14 pm
6- what time is it really? 3:14
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:17 pm
7- With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?Music
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:22 pm
8- How do you spell irony? I-r-o-n-y