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Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:48 am
139. Thanks to the efforts of certain businesses, Valentine’s Day has been popular in Japan since the 1950s. Sure why not.
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:49 am
99. I'm not gonna write you a ____ song love
cuz u asked for it cuz u need one you see
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:49 am
15. If yes, did they come with candy for you to attach with them? (Post a heart if answered no) They did not.
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:50 am
16. Have you ever made homemade valentine cards?
Yup~! They're better than buying them. :3
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:50 am
140. Babylonians and Greeks thought of the liver as the seat of emotion. Yep.
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:51 am
38. Have you ever fallen in love on Valentine's day? never.
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:51 am
17. If yes, did you put a lot of glitter on them?
YES! heart
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:52 am
18. What candies do you typically see given out on Valentine's day?
Kisses. Hugs. Heart-shaped Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. <3 Yummeh.
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:53 am
19. What's the most candy you've ever eaten in one day?
Uh.. Probably when I got a huuuuuuuuuge chocolate Hershey's Kiss for Valentine's day.. I ate the entire thing by midnight. I died inside.
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:54 am
20. Do you think more candy is sold for Valentine's Day than any other holiday?
Nein. I'm sure more is sold for Halloween. :3 Since that holiday is almost entirely based on candy. And costumes. xD Therefore, I FREAKINLOVEHALLOWEEN. <3
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:54 am
39. Have you ever met someone who's birthday lands on Febuary 14th? nope
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:55 am
21. If no, what holiday do you think holds that record? (Post a heart if answered yes)
I already said HALLOWEEEEN
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:56 am
22. Why do you think Valentine's Day is on Febuary 14th?
Because Hallmark said so.
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:57 am
141. Kisses are known as baci in Italy. Yep, it's also chocolates <3
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:57 am
40. Have you ever attended a dance for Valentine's day? nope