Once again I am without a computer... This time my PC started be doing random restarts... then would go threw back to back restarts...
The next day it started and ran for about 10 minutes... then started the same thing over again. I tried it in the middle of the day again and it would not start at all... then tried it again that evening... first it would do the back to back restarts, then it would start that and freeze up. I would hit the reset button on my tower and it would go to a double line box that took up over half my screen with a cursor in it. After that happened about 3 times it gave me this odd screen with screen with red, white, and black lines, some with blinking hearts and others with blinking symbols???
When that happened my husband told me to turn it off and I haven't turned it on since...
I have my daughter's computer to use some times, but I hate it... and the keyboard (It's in Japanese so you have to completely type a lot of things by memory.. and the space bar is for the left hand only and I am used to using my right hand for it).