Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:30 pm
 +++++{ I will always be there...}{...for my family... }+++++
Belphegor cracked his knuckles. Ignoring Kazu because this tamer (Marco) was challenging him. "Oh Hell yea! Now we are talking. Bring it on!" He snapped his right hands fingers and suddenly a holographic screen appeared in front of Belphegor. He tapped two pictures. One was a picture of Veemon while the other was Wormmon. He then looked at Marcus and sighed. "Hmph looks like you called it first Marcus. It doesn't seem like he wants to talk and it seems the crest of envy is glowing he must be jealous of something. That or he has been taken over by the lord of the sea." Belphegor said as he put his hands in his pockets and just stared at Marcus and Destino. This will be the first time he will see the two fight. How will this go? He must know so he can learn some new tactics with beast natures Digimon.
_________________________________________________________  {Belphegor Sagawara}+++++
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:54 am
 Marco Sombra de Milagros If he is the light and sun then I must be the shadow of miracles... The crest of Envy began to appear on his forehead again, his eyes turning red as they stared at them. "I'd rather not fight either, but this needs to be done..." Marco knew that he wasn't in the best shape right now, but if he didn't fight then he felt like he would explode. These feelings and thought that were running through his body and mind was the works of Leviamon's influence on him. He could still feel the Demon Lord's presence like it was standing right beside him. He wasn't sure how to deal with this, but he felt angry, frustrated by this feeling and he needed to let all of it go. They were looking for strong people? Then they had to be very strong themselves or very weak. Marco hoped that it wasn't the latter. He glanced at Marcus, his Leafmon still in his arms. "I suggest you make your digimon digivolve now." Marco glanced at Veedramon, his partner's loyalty was unquestionable, but he felt bad for making him fight. He would have to apologize to him and Leafmon for his actions. Veedramon kept his eyes locked on the Gaomon, he was ready for a battle and seemed to be excited by this. Typical for a fighter digimon, he welcomed the challenge. He was worried about Marco, but he trusted him and he was there to protect him. If Marco wanted to fight then he would be his sword and shield. Leafmon still felt uncomfortable by Marco's actions, but he wasn't as scared anymore. He had done enough crying, he wasn't alone anymore. Marco and Veemon were with him, he couldn't do anything for them right now, but when the time comes he would lend them his strength.
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:13 am
══════ ►ɱąՐʗυՏ ℈ɠσs◄ ═══════════════ "Scarred by the past, cast out from present, and forced to glimpse the future--" ════ The thought of being told what to do sent a shiver down Marcus's spine, not of fear but of pleasure. It had been a long time since someone had challenged him with such directness. The frown would quickly flip into a smile of ravenous intent. His posture would soften as his interest in Marco started to increase. "Oh? And what if I refuse?" His smirk would almost come off as insulting to someone if they weren't one for sarcastic joking. He would take a moment to look away from Marco and would throw a glance at his gaomon. He would chuckle for a moment and would then look back at Marco, shrugging with his eyes closed. "What if I told you that we didn't even need to digivolve to beat you." He would then open his eyes and stick his tongue out at the duo opposing them.
Gaomon, on the other hand, would be very much opposed to the idea, looking at Marcus with a shocked face. "You're joking, right?! I think you should be a little more serious here!"
Marcus would sigh and shift from a smile to a look of boredom. "Why should I? It's obvious that he's not in control of himself. I take no pleasure in fighting wild dogs... it's too cruel." With that, he would spin on his heels and walk towards Belphegor. "Twas a pleasure meeting you, Marco, but at the moment... you're in no condition to fight neither me nor Belphegor, but you're welcome to try once you've exorcised your... demon."
Cupimon would look about at Marco with a look of concern and would then tug on Marcus's hair. "Cu...CUPIMON!!"
"Hmmm? I should help him?! Why would I do that?" Marcus would stop for a moment and look at the white fluff as if having a mental conversation with it through eye contact. He would then shrug and sigh before opening his eyes and beaming with the power of chaos burning bright orange. "Alright... IKU ZE, DESTINO!"
Cupimon flies upward to get out of the way.
Marcus would extend both of his hands out with his digivice glowing his his right and nothing in his left. "Dark Soul..." The once empty left hand would spark with a grayish flame, tame yet powerful. He would then bright both hands together, allowing the gray flames to link with the back of his digivice and glow frantically. "... CHARGE!" A stream of purple energy would shoot from the screen and would hit gaomon in the back, causing the beast to jump in shock and then slump over as the beam then engulfed him in what would appear to be an egg of some sort.
Inside the sphere, Gaomon would roar out, "Gaomon... SHINKA!!" His body would glow and then enlarge as he changed from a bipedal canine to a quadrupedal hound. The green bandanna would undo itself and would move down to his neck where it grew into would would be best interpreted as hands. Much larger than before, the eggs would erupt to reveal Destino at his champion state. "GAOGAMON!!!"
"Finally, it is time to change all three. Come, Forth... DEXMON!"
   The Digital Team:Gao━Leo━Gato━Lilly━Sting━Anubis━ Asura━Panda━Guil━CPied━CWarGrey━ Tyranno━Digitama━Darkdra━Cupi━Hawk━
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:37 pm
 "If we head for the future..."
Kazu Matsumoto
"...Then we can be forgiven for the past." "For the love of Yggdrasil..." Kazu scratched the back of his head, exasperated and more then a little worried. There was this new Tamer burning with Envy, the other guy talking like some mafia bigshot and then Marcus rising to the challenge as per. BanchoLeomon snorted and unfolded his arms. Kazu took a few tentative steps forward and cleared his throat. "Guys... Guys? ... GUYS!?" Trying to make himself heard Kazu raised his voice a little louder then he intended, "Is there really any reason to fight? You've just met each other! Don't be stupid!" realising his words would probably fall on deaf ears Kazu folded his arms and stared at the back of Marcus' head, planning his next move. If he stayed here he could have the potential of three dark Tamers baying for his blood. If he ran now then he may not get any answers from Marcus for quite some time. Deciding to stay Kazu shifted his gaze to Belphagor. The man was an enigma for sure, with a strange Digivice built into his glove. If he was with Marcus then, in Kazu's opinion, he could only mean more trouble. "Jeeze, never a day off huh?"
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:29 pm
 Marco Sombra de Milagros If he is the light and sun then I must be the shadow of miracles... Marco grabbed Leafmon and pressed his forehead against its head. "Stay here and be safe..." He lowered the tiny green digimon that simply nodded its head. Marco faced Marcus, his digimon had dgivolved now and it stood on four legs meaning that it was probably a speed type digimon. Its attack would mostly consist of bites and scratches, no room for anything else. Veedramon would be able to counter him, but he was certainly not as fast as that digimon. However, he knew that Veedramon was stronger. It would be strength versus speed. Marco clenched his fists, he wasn't going to let his digimon be the only one to fight. Marco charged forward bring his fists up to properly guard against any attack. Once he got in enough range he thrust his right fist forward for a jab aimed at Marcus' face. Veedramon eyes narrowed as he stared at the new form of that Gaomon, it was Gaogamon and it looked like it was a good fighter. Veedramon would not hold back against this opponent, he quickly charged after Gaogamon with his head out, his horn pointing at the dog-digimon menacingly. Leafmon watched as Marco and Veedramon went to fight their battle, he knew he could not help them, but he would cheer for them. He knew they would not go down so easily, he could tell his tamer had strength, but he was afraid of that other tamer. He showed power as well.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:25 pm
OOC Making me do so much that I don't want to do... classified_fu ══════ ►ɱąՐʗυՏ ℈ɠσs◄ ═══════════════ "Scarred by the past, cast out from present, and forced to glimpse the future--" ════ Marcus would chuckle at Kazu comment now that he was only a few feet away from his arch rival. On the verge of commenting, Marcus would notice that both Marco and his Veedramon were charging them. He noticed that the tamer's fist were brought up as if he were planning to fight as well. This action of Marco's would cause Marcus to shudder and shift into a defensive stance... he did not want to fight anymore, not human on human. Human on Human usually meant that it would be life or death and he had no plans on dying here, but on that same note, he had no intention of taking another human life. "Foolish... Destino, make it quick."
The red colored gaogamon would give a toothy grin as the blue dinosaur charged at him; unlike his tamer, Destino thrived on fighting. As he watched from a good distance, he would chuckle and think to himself, They always charge.... The muffler like appendages that were attached to the back of his neck would curl into fists, ready to pummel something. "Take... THIS!!!" Reeling the green-colored fists back and standing on hind legs in preparation, the dog digimon would come down full force and launch the fists in a flurry of speedy punches. All would be aimed for veedramon. While his muffler hands would work like they had a mind of their own, Destino would suck in air for his next attack.
While Destino was taking on the Veedramon, Marcus's attention would be completely set on Marco. His orange eyes would glare at the boy. "I don't wish to fight you..." He would say as he too moved into action. As the punch came for him, Marcus counter with his own right hand, sweeping under the punch to knock the fist out of the way and twist into catching Marco's wrist. He would then step forward into the boy and bring his blacked left hand (open-palmed) to slam into Marco's face with intend putting all his force into knocking the boy off balance and into the sand.
"Finally, it is time to change all three. Come, Forth... DEXMON!"
   The Digital Team:Gao━Leo━Gato━Lilly━Sting━Anubis━ Asura━Panda━Guil━CPied━CWarGrey━ Tyranno━Digitama━Darkdra━Cupi━Hawk━((Edited))
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:08 am
 "If we head for the future..."
Kazu Matsumoto
"...Then we can be forgiven for the past." The fight kicked off with not just the Digimon evolving and duking it out, but bot Tamers launching themselves at one another. Kazu's heart sank like a stone. A sharp pain blasted his head as he flashed back to Vaccine Sentinal Tower, the last time he had fought a Tamer head on. He'd fought Marcus, and died in the process... "Graah!" Kazu's legs went weak but before he could even drop an inch BanchoLeomon gripped his arm, holding him on his feet. "BanchoLeomon thinks you should take it easy." while his words were kind an underlying growl could be heard as he kept his feline eyes locked on the conflict. "Yeah... Thanks." regaining his footing Kazu watched as Marcus deftly parried his opponent. The difference in skill was obvious. "Stop it before you get killed!" while the statement was ambiguous it was clearly aimed at Marco. "Do you want BanchoLeomon to step in?" the beast cracked his knuckles expectantly but was stopped by Kazu's arm blocking the way. "No. We can't make the choices for them... We'll only get involved if we need to."
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:09 pm
 Marco Sombra de Milagros If he is the light and sun then I must be the shadow of miracles... Marcus knew how to fight and that made Marco feel relieved. He wouldn't have to hold back against him. Marco leaned his body back, letting it fall down so that Marcu's open palm would not hit his face. With his body falling back there were only two things that would happen: Marcus would let go of his wrist or he would fall down with him. The latter was the more likely. As he fell back, noticing that Marcus would be falling with him, Marco used his free hand and his legs to stop Marcus's body from completely crushing him. He then pushed his legs forward, to send Marcus back to make some distance between them. Marco had heard some shouting, but he didn't dare to look for the source, he needed to concentrate on the opponent before him. So whoever had shouted, their words were unheard by Marco. He stood back up and raised his fists up again, getting ready, but this time he would wait for Marcus' move. Veedramon continued to charge towards the orange dog digimon making it look like he would be tackling or head smashing him. He saw Gaogamon standing on his back legs ready to attack him with a fury of punches, but Veedramon was ready for it. He would need to get really close distance in order for those attacks to hit, but he had a much better idea. Getting as close as possible, without stepping into the range of those fists, Veedramon suddenly stopped and then turned his body 180 degrees as his tails moved like a whip to lash at Gaogamon. The digimon was standing on its hind legs meaning that its balance would be off. His body would be too heavy for his hind legs to support him, after all it was a four-legged digimon, and his only choice was to fall forward. Veedramon's tail was long enough to reach Gaogamon from the proximity they were in. The tail would hit him right at his side. Leafmon had hopped away to safety, he was near some bushes, the perfect camouflage for a digimon like him. He would be able to view the battle from a safe distance, he didn't want to get in the way of his new friends and their battle. He hope that they would be safe.
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:56 pm
OOC If only the others knew how much OOC just went on between these two posts, lol. And crushing?! Are you calling me fat?! classified_fu ══════ ►ɱąՐʗυՏ ℈ɠσs◄ ═══════════════ "Scarred by the past, cast out from present, and forced to glimpse the future--" ════ Gaogamon had been caught off guard as the Veedramon seemed to be much closer than he had calculated. It seemed that in standing on his hind legs, he had lost track of when the digimon moved and came at him from the side. As he came down, he was met by a powerful tail attack that sent pain to his side. The force from it would send him rolling to the side and would interrupt his charging, but would be nowhere near enough to fell him. "Heh, seems like I underestimated you... fun." The dog digimon would give Veedramon a toothy grin.
Picking himself up, the dog's muffler hands would move towards the sand and grip into it. "If I were a good dog, I'd feel no shame, but I'm not so..." As if on cue, the green hands throw clumps of sand at the dinosaur. "SPIRAL BLOW!" He would then bellow out a gust of wind that would combine with the sand to make a sandstorm like blast with the intent of potentially blinding the digimon.
Marcus would also have a hard time ending the fight quickly as he would like. A kick would hit him in his bare chest, knocking him back a bit to create some distance. He heard Kazu screaming for them to stop and would shake his head. Without looking at the boy, he would call back, "Oh Kazu, have you not learned to simply asking for two to stop won't work?" He would chuckle and then remember so, "And just so you know, neither does jumping in... I figured that I got my point across last time." Steadily himself, Marcus would look at the boy. "So... not to seem like a hypocrite, but I must know. Why are we doing this again?" His body would loosen up and he would smile as if he had genuinely forgotten (if he even knew in the first place) why he and Marco were fighting.
"Finally, it is time to change all three. Come, Forth... DEXMON!"
   The Digital Team:Gao━Leo━Gato━Lilly━Sting━Anubis━ Asura━Panda━Guil━CPied━CWarGrey━ Tyranno━Digitama━Darkdra━Cupi━Hawk━
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:08 am
 "If we head for the future..."
Kazu Matsumoto
"...Then we can be forgiven for the past." The fight continued with the Digimon going at each other, however after a solid blow to his chest, Marcus seemed to pull back, quizzing why he was fighting. But not before a razor-sharp comment, harking back to the penultimate time Kazu and Marcus had fought, sent a wave of painful memories through Kazu's mind. His eyes seemed to rapidly shake and he clutched at where Marcus' spike had impaled him once before... It wasn't for a few seconds that Kazu realised he was being held up roughly by the arm. He steadied himself and tried to regain his focus. Shaking free of BanchoLeomon's grip he tried to focus his eyes back on Marcus and hold on to some of his resolve. "Marcus..." there was nothing he could say that wouldn't make him sound ignorant or stupid. Dealing with Marcus was difficult, he wouldn't talk about issues and if you attempted to use force to change his mind nine times out of ten you would end up in a worse state then when you started whether that be dead or flat out exauhsted. BanchoLeomon growled but Kazu was calm. "Whatever... If he wants to fight then let him be. He'll be led to his own destruction soon enough..." Realising how self-righteous he sounded Kazu smirked. He didn't care at this stage, so long as there was no more fighting involving him for the time being he was happy.
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:23 am
 Marco Sombra de Milagros If he is the light and sun then I must be the shadow of miracles... Marco lowered his guard, that was a good question. He sighed as he suddenly seemed to regain conscious of his actions, was this Leviamon's influence again or did he just wanted to fight? Marco lowered his fists, "I just wanted to punch something..." he replied truthfully. That was it, he didn't want to kill a total stranger he was just mad at everything that was happening around him. It was a confusion, a jumble of chaos in his mind. He just wanted to punch something and release stress, but that was it. When you really start thinking about it, it was down right stupid, but it didn't need to make sense. Those were just his feelings, but he would make the best of them. Marco looked at Marcus and the remembered the strange way his fist glowed when he tried to attack him, "What was that move you used with your fist glowing?" It was kind of random change of topic, but he was already over the battle unless Marcus wanted to continue. Meanwhile, Veedramon was facing his own troubles with a sandstorm attack that had hit him directly in the chest, knocking him back. Some of the sand gotten in his eye and now he was desperately trying to rub it off, "Damn dog, playing dirty tricks." His eyes were stinging him, but he was sure that it would be gone soon. Unfortunately he was practically defenseless in his current status. With sand in his eyes, his accuracy would be lowered and Gaogamon might be able to evade his attacks.
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:44 am
══════ ►ɱąՐʗυՏ ℈ɠσs◄ ═══════════════ "Scarred by the past, cast out from present, and forced to glimpse the future--" ════ Marco's response hit him harder than any punch he'd ever received (sort of). Grabbing his stomach, the once battle-minded tamer would bellow out in laughter! "BAHAHAHAHA!!! Just wanted to punch something... that's rich. Woo, that was a good laugh." He would wipe a tear from his eye and would walk closer to the tamer, placing his right hand on Marco's shoulder. "You're new here, aren't you?" He would smirk at the boy and then look back at Kazu "Hey, we're done fighting, so you can quit sneering like that, it's really quite rude for all the history you and I share."
He would wink and then turn back to face Marco only to see Gaogamon and Veedramon still fighting. Bringing his left hand up to his mouth. With a light layer of digisoul, he would whistle loudly and then call out "Destino, HEAL!" Using digisoul in this action, would make it extremely effective to Marcus's specialty, beast digimon.
Noticing that his tactics had worked, the dog digimon would move into his next action. Crouching low, he would bare his teeth and prepare to lunge for the digimon's neck. This action, however, was interrupted as Marcus's soul-enforced whistle hit him in the ears. He would howl in irritation and then glare at Marcus. "AYE!! What the hell was that for?!" This question would be answered and he would back down in his aggressive tone. Feeling that it was due to his recent action, the red hound would look up at Veedramon with a half smile, half frown "Sorry dude for throwing sand in your eyes..." With that, he would sit on his hind legs and watch the digimon continue to wipe the sand from his eyes.
Bringing his hand back down, he would allow the glare spark to continue to spiral around his hand and would show it to Marco once more. "It's called a digi-soul... simply put, it's the digital data from you being in the digital world, manifested into a tangible power to boost your digimon. We all have it, but not everyone can use it." He would step back and would chuckle at how natural he made it sound when his own wasn't very natural at all.
"Finally, it is time to change all three. Come, Forth... DEXMON!"
   The Digital Team:Gao━Leo━Gato━Lilly━Sting━Anubis━ Asura━Panda━Guil━CPied━CWarGrey━ Digitama━Darkdra━Cupi━Hawk━
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:19 am
 "If we head for the future..."
Kazu Matsumoto
"...Then we can be forgiven for the past." Kazu rolled his eyes and blushed a bit when Marcus winked at him. "Yeah well I'm just glad the new guy isn't dead..." As Marcus began to explain Digi-Soul and the digimon themselves began to calm down Kazu could feel himself relax, which was strange considering his proximity to his biggest rival. "Should we leave?" BanchoLeomon could feel the calmer atmosphere and quit his growling. Keeping his distance, Kazu raised a hand and hollered over to Marco. "He summed it up pretty well. Digi-Soul can be used in a bunch of different ways..." as a quick example Kazu's hand burst into a brilliant Blue flame which he waved across his face, removing the pointed glasses in an whisk of blue. He waved his hand back across and the specs returned. "But more often then not we just use it to help our Digimon grow more powerful."Kazu wasn't entirely sure what he was doing. He was acting like there was little bad blood between himself and Marcus when, in reality, there was a fairly hefty chunk of it. Choosing to just roll out the situation at present and ignoring the nagging feelings in the back of his head. He folded his arms and raised an eyebrow. "So how long have you been here new guy?"
Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 1:19 pm
 Marco Sombra de Milagros If he is the light and sun then I must be the shadow of miracles... Marco raised his hand to eye level. He examined his hand wondering if those strange pieces of data would be collected around his hand like Marcus' hand. He looked back at Marcus, everyone had this power, but not everyone could use it? Then what was the point of having it if only a few could perform it? His digimon had already reached mega level and he had two digimon with him so what else did it take to release this energy? There were so many questions spiraling in his mind, so many that this person could perhaps answer. However, was it wise to trust this guy? He didn't seem like a bad guy, but then again he didn't look all too nice either. He was certainly a strange fellow, "How do you use it?" If it was a power that could be used to boost his digimon's strength then he wanted to find that power's secrets. He didn't want to be tie down to Leviamon, but he wasn't strong enough to protect himself or Veemon from that Demon Lord's rampage. He turned to look at that other guy finally noticing his presence among them. He seemed to have been angry at them, but for what reason he did not know. His question was simple enough except for the fact or whether he meant how long he was in this black ocean place or how long he had been in the Digital World in general? So he decided to answer both, "I've only been in this black place for a few hours, but I've been in the Digital World for some days now." He averted his eyes from them, "I guess you could say I'm pretty new." Leafmon emerged from his bush where he was hiding as he made his way over to Marco. He immediately jumped into his friend's arms, nuzzling its head against Marco's chest. He was happy to see that they were not hurt and especially relieved that everyone was getting along very well. Marco petted Leafmon in order to calm his nerves, the little guy had been really worried. "It's okay now." He spoke, but he wasn't all too sure if everything would be okay. He was still among strangers and Marcus didn't seem like he would do anything, but that could all change very quickly. Veedramon managed to finally rid himself of the painful sand in his eyes. He glared at the dog digimon for doing this to him, but seeing as the battle was over, he forgave him. He grinned at the dog as he de-digivolved back to Veemon, he was still grinning. "It's okay, you seem like a strong fighter, we should battle again some time." Veemon walked over to Marco's side and watched the other humans calmly. What would happen now?
Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:39 pm
 +++++{ I will always be there...}{...for my family... }+++++
Belphegor sighed as he turned off his Digital Archive on his Digivice. He then clenched his right hand and a the dark orange flaming aura appeared. He walked up next to Marcus and looked at Marco. "As you can see I too have a Digi-Soul. But of course mine looks different in color as well as form. Your Digi-Soul represents who you are deep inside." Belphegor said as he looked his burning soul. He stopped the flame by shaking his hand and put his hands in his pockets. "I'll admit, it was an impressive fight. I learned a thing or two on how to use not only beast types but dragons as well. If you still have steam in your body I'm available to remove it." He to Marco
_________________________________________________________  {Belphegor Sagawara}+++++