UnHolyFudge generated a random number between
1 and 300 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:03 pm
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:07 pm
GrandMaster Draco_Lord Nope. Because no one has won yet. Winning is important.Actually having fun is more important than winning!Winning is fun. So winning is important. Also no art until every contest has a winner. Who are you talking to? confused
UnHolyFudge generated a random number between
1 and 300 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:07 pm
People should look around more for contests and stuff so they don't complain.
UnHolyFudge generated a random number between
1 and 300 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:08 pm
Darkfire Karan GrandMaster Draco_Lord Nope. Because no one has won yet. Winning is important.Actually having fun is more important than winning!Winning is fun. So winning is important. Also no art until every contest has a winner. Who are you talking to? confused Whoever was listening?
UnHolyFudge generated a random number between
1 and 300 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:09 pm
UnHolyFudge generated a random number between
1 and 300 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:10 pm
crying RNG that was just mean.
UnHolyFudge generated a random number between
1 and 300 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:11 pm
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:11 pm
People aren't? But... that is how you tell people there are contests! That is how it was done!
And I was talking to Liger Karan.
You sure?
UnHolyFudge generated a random number between
1 and 300 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:12 pm
. . . 6 above now 8 below can i not win?
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:13 pm
GrandMaster Draco_Lord People aren't? But... that is how you tell people there are contests! That is how it was done! And I was talking to Liger Karan. You sure?Ahh gotcha man
UnHolyFudge generated a random number between
1 and 300 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:14 pm
yeah i can't but i will still try.
UnHolyFudge generated a random number between
1 and 300 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:17 pm
UnHolyFudge generated a random number between
1 and 300 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:19 pm
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:21 pm
UnHolyFudge People should look around more for contests and stuff so they don't complain. Not if you don't know... we've got quite a few new guys that don't have the basics down sweatdrop
*ish tempted to make a directory thread*
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
UnHolyFudge generated a random number between
1 and 300 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:22 pm
maybe you should liger(half jokeing and half serious)