This one's set in WWII xp

Dying Soldier

Her eyes were so bright in that picture,
Brighter than I ever remembered them being before
I stared at the image
Taking notice of every feature...
Her smile...
Her slightly flushed complexion from the sun...
That one strand of hair that had fallen down into her face...
The ground shook around me
I stood motionless
I watched as friends fell
Screams echoing through my skin
But somehow within all the chaos
I was not afraid
I was about to meet my mortality face to face
But there was a nostalgic peace that consumed me
And even as the tears hit the surface of the photograph
I hoped that she would not cry for me as I was for her
I kissed that happy face one last time
Pressing it to my heart and reloading my gun...

... Hours later the picture of a young woman was found
in the firm grasp of a dead soldier's hand, his wedding ring still wrapped around his finger...

Wow.... That is amazing! How did you come up with something like that?