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[FIN] ... It Doesn't Have To Be A Snowman (Buck, Jack &Elsa) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 [>] [»|]

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[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:17 pm

"Not at all, Princess." Jack rose his head proudly, his eyes closed as he proudly tossled his mane. Shame? Come on, now...did Jack have any Shame?

Just as he turned his head in to the air, the added pressure on the ice under his paws begain to creak as if to protest his weight.

A sharp 'SNAP' cracked tough the air, and his paws felt the icy chill of the lake's edge under his webbed paws. The water slowly flooded over the snow that covered the ice, creating a almost 'sponge' look in the packs of snow.

Picking his now damp pads from the lake, Jack looked at the 'scar' he created in the ice.

Hmm, not strong enough.

And Ear flicked back to the Ice Queen as her words caught his ear again, pass the curious and distracted thoughts.

"That you wouldn't be interested in knowing what I thought." Jack answered, letting his hunches relax back on the lake edge. Turning his head, eyes came to rest back on IceQueen.

Hey, she asked...

The little nub of a tail shifted in the snow at the thought of the stick she had given him...
PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:36 pm
The lack of answer to her specifications mad Elsa bristle just a little once more. Jack was playing another one of his cubbish games. She was three breaths away from a growl toward him before *CRACK!* Her near leaped as he sound of the ice cracing reached her ears. Her entire frame whipped toward Jack, ready to pounce toward him for assistance.


While she looked back at Jack standing, as a CUB, in a pool of cold water not even to his ankles her fur bristled further. The water was not very deep. He wouldn't have drowned.

Suddenly a warm blanket of embarrassment overtook her entire frame. From toe to ear tip she felt a numming warmth pinch at her flesh. TO top off the whole ordeal he responded yet again with an answer not leading in any direction.

Her upper lip twitched.

"I suppose not." She lashed at him with the access frustration to her embarrassment.

The feeling was not anything she would ever want to feel again! Yet it lingered. Much like Jack, but definitely no hope of ever being amusing. Her fur remained bristled while she stood there glaring sharp icicles at Jack and his stick. He had better not laugh. SO help his soul if he dare laugh at what had just taken place here. Elsa was already planning on pushing him back into those cool waters for laughing. Part of her almost bet on him starting to laugh uncontrollably. It wasn't funny that she thought he was in trouble. The fear in itself was not fun. Now piled with embarrassment! The more she lamented on these things the more she grew angry at Jack. Her brows begun to furrow while her fur puffed. Even the tips of her claws begun to unsheathe from their resting place while she glared at Jack. First he wouldn't answer, now he was causing all these uncomfortable feelings.

The hot puffs of her breath came in steamy bursts from her nostrils and quickly floated up and away. One might thing she was getting ready to breathe fire upon the poor soul before her. If she could she likely already would have at this point! Every inch of her frame was tense as if ready to spring. Claws baring down into his flesh, the thought should have brought some ounce of comfort! but no, she was still left with feeling scared and embarrassed and most of all, grateful.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:03 am

After sitting on his hunches, Jack removed his paw from the icy and broken ridge of the frozen edge. His attention had returned to look back at the Ice Queen, only to be taken by her alarmed demeanor. Blinking, Jack took in the look of panic, that was graced over and politely seasoned with fear and worry. Instinct to act was apparent all over her flexed and halted form.

Slowly a rqised paw rested it's self on the snow bank, and Jack's ears slowly lowered as if to offer some condolences to her alarmed state. A pleasent and almost sheepish smile twisted gently on his maw, blue eyes crinkled happily upward to the movement. He didn't laugh, however. He was taken aback by her sudden worry for him.

It was unexpected, and yet comforting.

"Awe, you do care..." Jack smiled, his statement unlike before was even more sincere then the last time it was spoke. She was actually concerned with the fact that he was going to fall into the frozen lake. How sweet.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:22 pm
[ Radical Dreamer ]
Hey! (Is it bad I just got the notification for t his?)

Elsa could feel her ears starting to pinch with a fiery sensation once again. It was bad enough that he made her jump as he did, now Jack was pretending that it was some sort of test for whether or not she cared about his well being. The ice under her paws seemed to seep up through her spine and push her fur to stand on end further. "Aw"? The words bounced mockingly off the walls of her skull.

"Or maybe I was ready for you to pull me in, again, Mr. Frost." She responded to him venomously.

One would think she would have simply walked away at that point. However, she remained planted in the snow where she continued to brood over her own internal conflict. Truth be told, she did care. She did not want to be alone again, but it was not something she cared to admit to anyone. Let alone a cub who seemed to have a knack for getting himself in trouble.

"You'll end up freezing yourself... that is embarrassing, even for you." Elsa hissed before turning her head completely away from him.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:45 pm

Jack's ears bounced to The Snow Queen's words of discouragement. If he remebered correctly she had broken though the ice, and he almost drowned trying to save her. (Key word being: 'trying'.)

"I think you'll 'thank' me one day." Jack spoke, a little smile on his maw he looked out to the icy pound. The chill on his paw went unnoticed, as his head thurned to the cloudy sky. He found himself wishing for the familier sight of the moon for comfort. Though he always was silent, The moon always seems to know what to say.

Letting out a breath, Jack let his eyes closed briefly. Then again, maybe not...

Perhaps he would never get that: 'thank'.

Oh well, he didn't jump in that freezing water for a 'Thank you'.

Shifting a paw, Jack's Attention slip down to the frozen stick he tapped with the movement. A smirk flicked on his maw, she did give him that.

"Annnnnd, I'll take my chances." It was Jack's responce as his attention returned to the Nahtil beside him. After all, one couldn't be embarrassed if they thought it was all in 'good fun' or even amusing.

Which he did.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:33 pm
Once again Elsa's frame stiffened to Jack's free flowing words. She was at this point convinced he had no filter for what comes out of his maw. At least he is honest? No, he had a loud mouth that didn't know when to stop.

"You can have your chances Mr. Frost." She snapped.

Her own nose turned upward toward where the moon usually sat in the sky and watched in silence. It was behind all those clouds. She missed it as well, but the snow and gray overcast she did not mind at all. Rather, she welcomed it. Something about the cool drift of the fresh snowfall was comforting.

"What will you do now? Do you plan to follow me until the moon falls from the sky from sheer boredom?" Elsa spoke with loss frost in her tone, but still rather coolly.

Not like she really cared what he planned on doing with whatever he had. Life, she supposed.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:16 pm
"Oh, and I gladly do." Left Jack proudly, a smirk graced on his maw as his chest playfully and proudly puffed. His head raise all the more as a wild squinted sly gaze looked to the Ice Queen.

" They are good chances."

After all, it was by chance he had found her....

Ears bounce back, at the Queen's next question. She did like her questions, she was always asking, them instead of just letting them be.

Would he follows Her?

"Why? The snow cat smiled, before pawing at another question

"Are you asking?" Jack smiled, his head turned to his query. Easily he turned the question back on her, tone of his words as smooth as snow drift. A smile to slid across them. His wet and icy paw took a step to turn him closer to the Ice Queen.

Mr. Frost had no plans, nor did he need them. The free-spirit was content to just live as uncharted as a snow flake. After all, tha is what it ment to live, right?

Well, that is what he thought the moon told him anyways:


Perhaps, he only hung around, because he was stubborn and wanted to know her name. Heaven forbid he enjoyed her company. It was he was just so attracted to toasty heart of hers and all the warm feelings she was giving off.

Or maybe, it was because he was so headstrong and knew that there was a way to break past the ice in her chest to help her see past the glass in her eye?
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:42 pm
Elsa's glare moved from the sky and pressed on Jack. He didn't answer her. Her fur bristled a bit while she drew in a deep breath. A trail of fogg passed her nostrils as the breath was released.

"Did I stutter? Or did another creature happen to fly by and speak? Of course I am asking -you-!" She spoke coolly, insulting his intelligence by mere tone.

Her ears, however, betrayed her words. Instead of docking back they perked forward toward Jack in anticipation for an answer. It debunked her threatening posture, almost.

"I doubt you will receive any thanks from me, Mr. Frost... and what I will do now is none of our concern. Besides, you did not answer me, why should I answer you?"


Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:33 pm
Jack's own tail flicked as the Snow Queen's tone and fur bristled. Why was she always so quick to anger? Ears laid back as they icy wind of her breath seemed to push them back, by the shear force of her tone.

Eyes rolled as she continued on her praddle. Did she stutter? what was even that? Glancing up, Jack looked to the sky. No, no animal fly over head. A breath released from Jack as she finished and claim no 'thank you', to give him. Well, Excuse me Princess....

"Let me rephrase, Princess." Jack stated coolly, perhaps shed didn't understand the nature of the question.

"Do you want me to?" He asked more slowly. The question was serious enough, though the slow tone perhaps didn't help the out come.

Honestly Jack didn't have any plans, just fun and games. Why would such a creature like him have any sort of responsibilities. Why! The idea! It had sounds of all sorts of horrible.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:54 pm
Jack's sudden turn from playful to cool as the ice concealing the lake caused her eyes to narrow all the more on him. She stood to all fours as tall as she could mange and still look elegant. Princess, no the term sounded wrong.

"-you- may call me 'Queen', you sniveling cub. I don't care what you do. Jump in the lake if you so desire." She growled. " or follow me like a lost flake of snow. I wouldn't have wasted my time to stay with you if I did not find you even a speck of interesting or pleasant to be around."

She huffed a cold icy breath that trailed from her nostrils like a frozen flame. She waited for the tail end of it to vanish before she turned away from the lake and begun to walk away as elegantly as if she had been carried by the winds. Her focus remained forward and her head held pridefully high while she took her leave of that cub. Her own words a moment before were nothing but a mere blurr in her own fogged and very upset mind.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:11 pm
Jack sat at the lake's edge as the Nahtil continued to patronize him. A breath released from him as the ice queen continued to give him the cold shoulder, even if she said that she had some interest in him.

Yeah, that didn't go by him...However, she was just still cold hearted to him.

Sniveling Cub...There that was again. It was getting tiring being called such, what was a 'cub' even?

Eyes fell down to the stick he had, that she in all truth gave him...

Better to be a 'Sniveling cub' with a stick, then a 'Queen' with a cold heart.

"Alright, you have fun then." Jack called over his shoulder, he was getting bored of the disrespect. Surely he could find something else to do, perhaps he could play snow b'alam or find that one Tahtil. He was lots of fun...

Picking up his Stick, Jack rose to his paws and started in the oposite direction of the Queen. She seemed to want to be alone, Jack had tried to hard to convince her other wise. She even seemed to want him to be around, but he just didn't fully know. If she wanted to be alone, as muhc as his heart tugged at following her, he would let her. Jack could get along with out her, right?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:42 pm
Elsa's ears angled behind her at Jack's "release". Without turning hear head she bore her fangs and released a heavy breath. The nerve. Jack didn't deserve so much as another word. He was a cub, something she had some idea of upon awakening. Young and new to the world, Elsa had come to the conclusion the term meant "dumb".

The soft tapping of footsteps becoming ever softer caused her head to turn slightly over her shoulder. He was truly leaving than? At the sight her heart sunk a little as if whimpering to the thought of something that had been apart of her leaving. The thread was being yanked away from the formerly complete pice of cloth... Whatever that meant. Elsa couldn't puzzle why it felt that way.

A long trail of breath left her nostrils before she turned away once more and proceeded to walk away from the lake and Jack. Despite the slight tugging she felt it was beneath her to turn back and change her mind. This "tugging" was probably because of the snow or maybe it was simply a desire to murder Jack. Perhaps tonight the moon would be so graceful as to answer these questions...

Bucky had wandered around the forest since departing the two ice b'alam. He couldn't help but think of what condition poor Jack was in. He had his work cut out for him...

Jack was resilient though, Bucky could tell this even in the very brief time they had known each other. Hopefully they would get to run into each other again, and hopefully he would have survived the "snow Queen"

He glanced up to the gray sky peeking between the pine canopy above him. Quietly he wondered if the blue sky was going to return...

[ Radical Dreamer ]

(Word counted to here)*  

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:09 pm
As Jack started away, his own ears took in the sound of her paused paw steps. Looking over his shoulder he stopped, a heavy breath passed his maw, created a soft cloud of warm breath. It did well to compliment the sinking in his heart, the further he let her walk away.

Sharp blue eyes, narrowed on the Ice Queen.

Tilting his head, and with the stick in his maw he picked up a scoop of snow on the tip of the stick. Whipping his body around, and just as he did the pile of snow, was whirred by his thoughts to a perfect orb. In the motion that he completed his turn of his body, the ball of snow was quickly launched at the Ice Queen. It was a symbol of stubborn retaliation...

As the Snow ball was launched, eager ears perked with anticipation to see if he hit his mark.

GunSniper rolled 1 20-sided dice: 11 Total: 11 (1-20)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:48 pm
(1-3 Face Hit // 4-6, Tuckas Hit // 7-10 Leg hit // 11 + Miss )

Elsa had begun to loose herself to thought while she pawed forward with head held high. Than, before she could sink too far into thought, She heard a sudden soft 'thud'. The snow bomb sent small sparking diamonds to dust the back end of her heels. Like a flash of lighting she turned her head to look at the impact area, than Jack.

He was still standing there with his dumb grin and his stupid stick and his playful eyes!! The fool!

Well, she would show him that a "queen" (He said so himself) was not to be trifled with. Quickly she turned around and gathered her own 'not as perfectly round" snowball. Her head remained high while she hurled the glistening white mass back toward him.

He would learn to stay away! and behave...

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ RP Zone ] The Northern Tundra

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