Riot's own tail seemed to flick mildly as. Nikita's nose pushed back, just as she did a hum of a purr rattled from underneath the cubs chest.

Her nose was warm, and didn't seem as rough as his own...

As she started to move, the earth cub tilted his head in a raise, puzzled as Nikita rose. Was everything okay. Curious eyes fallowed her movement, was she wanting to play more?

Seeing her move beside him, he got the idea-she was going to lay down next to him. Turning his brown body a little on his side, his hind legs remained tucked under his body. Nikita seemed to fit perfectly in her lay, that was rather like his own.

Curiously, Riot's head remained raised as he looked to Nikita as she became relaxed. Slowly, the cub nodded as he realized that she maybe couldn't see him.

"Yeah." The cub hummed, his front paws mindlessly flexed and grabbed at the earth once more. Blue eyes lowered to Nikita's horns once more as they caught his attention...again.

He couldn't help it, they where just so curious. Gently he poked his nose at the vary near horn. He was tempted to lick...then maybe
Gnaw on once more...

"It's perfect." The cub added before stilling his curiosity and lowering his head in his own paws. Eyes pulled themselves off the horns and to a close.

"Vary nice." Riot coed as his body hummed softly to the nearness of touch.
