Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:52 am
Money Money Money, Money! could use the gold becauseeeeeeeeeeee, I luv gold, and getting stuff, and i like giving gifts to people.......Well mommy says im to selfish, but i dont care, JUSt giVe mE THE GOLD!! please? biggrin
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:29 pm
Okay So ... Let's Make It Hilarious.
Reason 1 : Why I Want That Gold. Answer : I Can't Poop Gold Out, So I Need Gold.!
Reason 2 : Why I Crave For The Gold. Answer : Blaberity Of Mine Can't Spit Gold [ But Spit Saliva, Yucky Saliva ] So I Crave For The Gold.!
Reason 3 : Why I MUST HAVE Those Gold. Answer : Questing Some Stupid Pixel Crap To Statisfy My Myself. [ Pixel Hunger, Gawd Damn It.! ]
Reason 4 : Why I Need The Gold. Answer : Donating's Fun, Fun, FUN.! But I'm Lying On That. No, The Opposite Of That. Yes, The Synonym Of That. Wait, I Love Donating When I Finish My Pixel Crap Quest.
Copyright Of Dreamscape, DO NEVER STEAL. Or I'll Go All Berserk On You. Promise.
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:57 pm
WARNING: TRAGIC TAIL BELOW!! crying "Once upon a time, a brilliant, beautiful, woman who had absolutely no flaw-" rofl "Yeah right!" scream "Shut up, Ricky!!" *clears throat* "Any ways, this woman had a dream, a beautiful dream. OF COUNTRY DOMINATION!!! Now not world domination, no! Who wants to deal with that head ache? I mean really. 'help our village is starving,' 'save us, a dragon destroyed our town,' 'he stole my cow!' It's never ending! So this brilliant girl decided to only dominate Australia. Every thing that walks, crawls, slithers, flutters, flaps, stings, or buzzes is a walking death trap. What more could a girl want?!" neutral "Uh...life?" scream "Can it Ricky" 3nodding "Anty who...It was all going according to plan... cry until that stupid no good, lily livered, backstabbing, flame coughing, son of a Trojan whor-" eek "Jade!" evil "What? It's true. He stole my plans and dominated Australia for himself! stare "I thought we were talking about some ' brilliant, beautiful woman'" stressed "And just what are you saying?!" gonk "Nothing! Not a thing!" sad "Anyways, he stole MY PLANS!!" surprised " No" scream "Yes!! And that's why, with the money you donate to my cause, not only will Australia be in better hands, but... cool twisted I can buy an AK 47 and blow his $@*#&%! head off! After I of course -CENSORED FOR EXTREME VIOLENT AND GORY PLANS OF TORTURE-CENSORED FOR EXTREME VIOLENT AND GORY PLANS OF TORTURE-CENSORED FOR EXTREME VIOLENT AND GORY PLANS OF TORTURE-CENSORED FOR EXTREME VIOLENT AND GORY PLANS OF TORTURE-... ... ... eek "Jade...You need help..." blaugh "And that's why I need the money the mostest out of all and everybody!" *please note that Ricky is an innocent bystander kidnapped for the ransom of this prize. The police can not figure out why she kidnapped someone who is a complete stranger to you and then did not demand said ransom, but it is a likely hood that she may feed Ricky to the two headed ferocious fuzz bunny which lives in her closet. Think of the boy!
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:21 pm
I would love the money so I can, uh, give it to starving children in Africa. I, um, like children. I am in no way planning to buy a weapon of mass destruction at all. In fact, I am so against wepons of mass destruction tha- shhhhh! try to quiet down the bomb simulations in there.- anywho, I like children so much that I plan to adopt one. Yes, I am a good person and would like ten k very badly.
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:21 pm
I may not look like it, but I am a gaian hobo. Search the streets for food that I can eat, one day I confused chocolate with, well you know. Other times when I could not find bread crumbs, I had to eat off of the under side of Liam's athlete shoe. My clothes are all knock-offs or, rarely, gifts from kindly people. People pull me off of the street asking me if I have anorexia, causing me to cry and run away in a hysterical fit. I want to be beautiful. Who said you don't need money to by happiness has never lived in my, old and holey, shoes. When I do get donations before, most of the stores kick me out thinking I will steal under their noses. How Cruel! So I would go to the marketplace, but everything there sells for more then they bought it for, what kind of yard sale is that! So please if you would, kind sir, will you spare me a small piece of gold?
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:08 pm
Why? Cause I'm your best friend! 3nodding
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:23 am
just want it! And Rawr xD
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:00 am
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:31 pm
i live at the homeless shelter, we are so poor that we only have 1 pair of shoes. only 1 of us could go out to play at a time.i really hate the food at the soup kitchen, and breaking in to a house for computer time, so this would help me alot
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:09 am
Because my tree needs a surgery and he isint gonna make it and because he is playing gaiaonline his last wish is to get 10k D;
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:00 am
so i was lost in a snowy white dense forest i forgot how i got there maybe coz i was singing carols to the neighbors too loud, so maybe i got lost in my mind singing but i just kept walking. so i hugged mi teddy bear and held on to my hand as the doves flew above me. the doves were so pretty, that i didnt notice a thief was slowly getting my purse, until i saw him. so i yelled and ran after him. he escaped with all my money in a motorcycle..... its not funny, though, i think..... but thats the fiction story on how i got bankrupt last christmas sad
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:22 pm
Because if I don't get the gold... you'll lose the Game. twisted
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:25 am
Do you see this cat? well do you? if you do i will tell you i don't know this cat but i do know some one is looking for him who can't love a cute cat like this so thanks to this cute,confusing and just plain weird freaky looking cat i am making a cat finder to find all cats in Gaia and return them safely to there family, but i just need 10,000 gold to build the "Cat Finder 2000" So will you do it? for the cats?
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:49 pm
Well you see my pet uni-elephant ( a cross between a unicorn and an elephant) Got hurt while swimming me across the ocean. I need the money to re attach his horn and his eagle wings. My poor cotton corn....); I can't lose him! How else am I supposed to beat traffic, I mean uhm I just love him so much. OH and you know if there's a little somethin somethin extra I could take it and you know.. BUY HIM ANOTHER HORN! hehehe It'll make him a polycorn X_X Thank you! biggrin
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:52 pm
Oh my flippin' gosh my cat chewed up my gold and them my cockatoo got a hold of it and ate it and pooped it out a day later and now my gold is unusable. So I really need some new gold to replace it.