Ara Dertah Dainte

The only mystery around me is whether or not I'm involved in illegal dealings, am a man or a woman, and sacrifice rabbits in my yard. confused

Aww, why would anyone think we kill rabbits? I don't know about you, but I adore them too much to sacrifice them. 3nodding
See, look at all the crazy stuff people come up with when they don't know you.

I like rabbits. 3nodding
I like rabbits, too. But I haven't made a proper pie in so long...
Having taken that straight line, I would like to make a distinction, because of my religion rather than my taste in music, between slaughtering an animal to eat it and sacrificing it. I have never done the second but I cannot honestly say I totally reprehend other people doing it so long as they are respectful to the animal. I mean, it's just like eating it. The rabbit has given everything it had for your tasty supper. Respect the rabbit!
I feel so bad reinforcing the stereotype that pagans are a bunch of goths (or that goths are a bunch of pagans), but both are such a part of me to an extent I feel I should just swing with it.
This pertains to being a goth in America in that people have this image of both pagans and goths, not to least of being a goth pagan, and trying to explain to someone you don't wear black tie dyed kaftans or prefer music with angry feminist themes. Basically that the two are so unrelated they can be unrelated in the same person, and as you can tell by my blithering that's a hard concept to express.