New RN's. How bout it? |
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally |
22% |
[ 10 ] |
I just want a drink |
35% |
[ 16 ] |
Say What? |
24% |
[ 11 ] |
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels? |
17% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:30 pm
I heard something about it on the radio. Some sort of auditions that Psy's having...The men are lined up all the way down the block! cat_gonk
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:32 pm
What the hell kind of audition is she having? rofl Is it for the movie?
Kits Rose rolled 5 6-sided dice:
5, 2, 3, 1, 1
Total: 12 (5-30)
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:38 pm
I don't know. cat_sweatdrop I didn't pay that much attention. I didn't even know it was today until I saw all those people lined up outside.
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:40 pm
That's a lotta guys, lol. xd -dame rummages in the fridge for something to drink-
Kits Rose rolled 5 6-sided dice:
3, 3, 4, 1, 4
Total: 15 (5-30)
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:50 pm
Yeah, it is. cat_xd *finishes her drink and gets up to take care of her glass* Well, I gotta go. See you later, dame. ^_^ *leaves the bar*
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:56 pm
Night, Kits! biggrin -waves as she heads out and then just decides to go down to her room as well-
Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:11 am
*charming the board before she vanished again it updates automatically*
MW Ladies WORD OF THE WEEK: You better watch your mouth! Each Monday we pick and announce a "hush word" you need to avoid like the plague. If you get caught with the "hush word" in your post ANYWHERE, you'll have to RN a penalty and do the required action or task. This includes EVERYONE! Yes…I AM talking to you! *Points* (Fine Print: The Monday Announcement of the new hush word is the only post granted immunity and is the OFFICIAL cut-off point ringing in the brand new word. xd )WARNING: This game includes each and every post within this thread, even the "Out of Character" statements. NOBODY is immune. If you don't like or want your character to be in bad situations, then either use a different character you don't care about or don't post. There are a multitude of ways to accomplish your task if you happen to get caught and you can be as elaborate as you want or don't want. You may, but are not required to, RP your predicament out. When in doubt, PM someone. OR you could always just pay the bribe and not even go there. If you post, you take the risk…the choice is solely yours. Habitual whining about it will only get you in hot water…Capisce? talk2hand "Hush Word" ninja … FILM (4/8 - 4/14) RN PENALTIESOh boy…you must have really done it this time. Random number 1 to 20 in your post to find out how to get out of the mess you are in. May the MW Ladies have mercy on your soul. All community service tasks must be posted in MW and completed in 2 WEEKS from when you were caught. If you are unable to complete your RN service within the time frame, you will be put onto our WALL OF SHAME and subjected to ridicule or humiliation. If you would prefer the "EASY WAY OUT" of your service, you could always bribe Psyzapp with 10,000 gold to get out of your predicament. 
Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:54 am
:: Miro knocks feverishly on the elves' back door, out of breath from having practically run there from her home. She had to be cautious of bumps and uneven pavement along the way as she was also pushing Morion in his carriage. It was a very stressful trip for Miro, but at least Morion seemed to enjoy the faster than usual ride he got taken for.
She waits a few moments between knocks which seem longer to her than they actually are. To the residents inside, it seems more like an incessant pounding. Tes eventually gets annoyed enough by it to answer and almost immediately finds himself getting a diaper bag dumped onto him ::
... uh... emotion_eyebrow MironeedsyoutowatchMorionforawhileVassntanevercamehomelastnightandMiroIsLateforworkandshedoesn'tknowanyoneelsewhocandothisforher crying :: goes over to the carriage and starts carefully, but hurriedly, lifting Morion out of it. :: :: drops the bag and puts his hands up, backing away a little as Miro approaches with the baby :: Oh HELL no! scream Go find a daycare or something. I'm not looking after that poop machine talk2hand But Miro doesn't know if she can trust any of the ones around here crying And you'd trust ME!!? I don't know s**t about taking care of kids. :: hands Morion off to Tes despite his objections, pretty much forcing him to take him by cornering him since if he had tried to back away any further, he would have fallen down the stairs :: Miro made it easy for you by packing plenty of bottles. You can try feeding him some soft foods if you really want to, but that can get kind of messy sweatdrop Everything you need should be in the bag. Make sure he gets a nap in. Oh... Miro also wrote down the number for the pet spa if you need to get a hold of her for anything. There's also a spare key to the house in case you need to go pick up anything Miro might have forgotten.
:: leans over and kisses Morion on the top of his head :: Mommy's going to work now. You be nice to Uncle Tes and Uncle Ryzan, okay? :: raspberries :: xp Hey, wait a minute scream Bye-bye~ :: quickly waves as she dashes off ::
Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:46 am
*is tempted to chase her down and dump the baby back off on her, figuring any possible brain damage that might be inflicted on him from the run could be healed by Mir anyway, but that still somehow doesn't seem like it would actually work out too well in the end. emotion_facepalm Sighing, he begrudgingly accepts that he's stuck with the poop machine for now and heads inside, kicking the diaper bag down the stairs.
All too soon after the door closes, he's suddenly reminded of one of the biggest problems this situation is going to bring...*
*shouting from another room* Who was it? What did they want?
Oh s**t eek gonk *given Ryzan's crazy ideas about him and Mir, this whole babysitter thing isn't going to go over well with him at all* gonk Erm... it uh.... just some overzealous girl scouts. Bastards didn't even have any thin mints.
*looks down at Morion, speaking to him in a hushed voice* Alright, listen here. I don't like you and you don't like me, but if either of us are to survive the day, I'm going to need you to keep that nasty little mouth of yours shut. No googoogaagaa s**t, no laughing, no crying, and certainly no screaming. Understand? *stares blankly* neutral .....good. Now to just hide you away somewhere until Mir gets back... *descends the staircase and starts heading toward the spare bedroom* *actually keeps perfectly quiet as he takes in his new surroundings. It's a lot darker here than at the house and it takes a while for his eyes to adjust, but once they do, everything suddenly looks so very interesting looking. Lighter colored objects especially as they have this glow to them that he doesn't normally see unless it's nighttime, and even then, it wasn't nearly as brilliant there at the house as the stuff here was.
He's placed in the center of a bed and as Tes goes to retrieve and dig through the diaper bag to see what all was in there, he rolls over to get a better look at things, squirming around as he attempts to view everything in the room. Tes doesn't seem to be paying him much mind, but occasionally puts a hand on him to keep him from wandering out of reach or rolling right off the bed while continuing to search through the bag.
Soon, he feels a slight shaking of the bed. He tries to turn to investigate, but Tes had placed his hand on him again and it's not very accommodating to his exploration attempts. stare He starts squirming around harder to try to escape when suddenly he feels a presence very close to him. Looking up, he finds a bright green bunny sniffing at him and instinctively reaches out to it, squealing loudly in amusement* blaugh 4laugh
.....Quortek.... what was that...? emotion_eyebrow gonk *cuts eyes to Morion* Idiot! You've killed us both! gonk
Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:41 am
*walks into the spare bedroom just in time to witness Tes throwing a baby blanket over Morion in a pathetic last minute attempt to hide the child* rolleyes stare
*points* What is -he- doing here? mad *squeals again as he tries to navigate his way out of the blanket* *eyetwitch* I... uh.... um.... MironeededustowatchMorionforawhilebecauseVassntanevercamehomelastnightandMirowaslateforworkandshedidn'tknowanyoneelsewhocoulddothisforher gonk Ha! rolleyes Unlikely excu... *stops short when the part about Vassnta never coming home registers. His initial thought was that Miro must be trying to push Tes into taking on the father role, but then he recalls the p***s auditions in IR and puts a finger to his lip as he ponders* .... I do suppose Tauschung being around would indeed mean Vassnta would no longer be there to be her babysitter... Wha..? emotion_eyebrow Since when is Tauschung back? emotion_eyebrow I am naut really sure, jhal I saw him just the other night when jabbress and I were.... eek *suddenly flushes when he realizes that he almost admitted to Tes that he spent a whole night looking at other men's private parts* eek sweatdrop Uh... while we were... uh... just... enjoying... um... some dinner! Xas xas! Dinner and dicks... I MEAN DRINKS... and uh... a bit of music... nothing else sweatdrop *laughs nervously* .... emotion_eyebrow uh huhn... emotion_eyebrow I think maybe you've been "out of the business" too long. Your deception skills are getting pretty shitty emotion_eyebrow *scowls* mad But how about this... I agree not to give you s**t about whatever the ******** you -actually- did the other night, and you don't give me s**t about this. *gestures to Morion, who by now has gotten a hold of Grunny and is slobbering all over the thing* Agreed? *sneers at Tes' proposal as well as the child, somehow feeling he's getting the short end of the stick here. However, admitting he'd gone off to "window shop" wasn't something he was at all looking forward to and he reluctantly agrees to his husband's terms.... for now* stare
Intellectual Conversationalist
Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:36 am
:: though highly displeased with the level of care Morion seemed to have gotten from the elves yesterday, her son having had a bad diaper rash and covered in grunny hair when she picked him up stare , with there still being no sign of Vassnta and her not wanting to hand her child off to complete strangers to take care of, she feels she has no choice but to leave Morion under their care yet again today, this time additionally making the request that they try to locate Vassnta for her. In her rush to get Morion settled there and get to work, Tes doesn't have time to tell her that Vass isn't around anymore before she's out the door and off to work ::
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:30 pm
*Enters the bar and settles in quietly at a booth in the the corner. Pulls out a scroll and examines it careful, line by line.*
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:01 pm
Franco pulls into the back lot, and enters through the back - which is customary for him. cool Upon reaching the bar he first is taken aback by these, security personel... neutral Looking one over real careful like he pats the in disguise Ork on the face.
What's Gattina feedin yous guys? Glads to see someones gots some sense round 'eres. Although... confused sometin offs about yous...
The security guard in questions doesn't even flinch, speaks no words, which just creeps Franco out even more. soprannaturale emotion_8c He feels himself convulse over the thought then after continuing in further he spots a man sitting in a booth engrossed in some type of document. Recognizing the man and seeing none of these so called "MW ladies" taken cares of da business he approaches the booth to see just what is going on 'eres.
Ehh, Franco knows you, no? Back in da years 'ere. Dats it! Zitellona's matrimonio. Hows dese ladies treatin you? Cuban?
Franco offers the man up a cigar after taking one out for 'imself.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:24 pm
*Looks up and finds a cigar being offered.*
Sure. biggrin
*Takes the cigar and takes a few puffs*
Yeah, I know you. Recent events have returned my focus here. The ladies are... the ladies, ha ha haa! What do you know of the events going on here?
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:36 pm
I's know dat porco been cercando di gettare fumo over mine eyes wit 'is intentions to Zitellona. Let Franco runs somethin by yous.
Sits on the opposite side of the booth and speaks lower.
Lets suppose yous 'ad a altro significativo goes and vanish on yous, sì? And den yous go and gets all dese odra peoples involved to help yous figure outs hows to cope wit it. Den yous get dis joke of a riscatto. Dem captors don't want nothin, niente; just tells yous sit real tight like and dey bring dat persona back real soon. Dis, dis don't sit right wit yous now do it? Franco tinks some idiota be tryin to pulls one over on 'im. Sei d'accordo? See Franco asks yous cuz yous seem to be able to stand up against il arrapato uno. Wit dat one, Franco stays via. gonk Franco needs a reals second opinione 'ere from yous.
By da ways, whats evento yous talkin 'bouts? emotion_eyebrow