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Yu Yu Hakusho When Parody takes over

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What happens when Yu Yu Hakusho and Parody mix? Many Fun Stories 

Tags: Parody, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei 

Reply Spirit-Human-Demon...::: Role play Area:::...
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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:21 pm
Neko stepped back, out of range of the punch and grabbed Ables wrist, her free hand going for his shirt. She spun on her heel so that she was closest to the outside and promptly threw Able over her shoulder and out into the street once more. Dusting her hands off, she walked over the threshold, shutting the door to the shop behind her. "You know, That copy demon you sent damn near did the job. Better than you've done in a long time." She took a few steps toward him as she spoke, voice eerily calm. A few shadows pulled toward her, forming over her arms like gauntlets that covered her knuckles. Her own shadow started to shift. One of the tails elongating and reaching out to wrap around Ables Ankle, yanking him toward Neko as she slid into her stance and quickly hoped up and twisted to bring her heel down into Ables Stomach.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:48 pm
Able moved struggling to get up again, he grunted at the heel on his stomach and spat to the side. He chuckled and brought his hand up to his face. " Yes, well we always knew I wasn't much of a fighter. I was better at...other things. Isn't that why you stuck around so much you little Harlot?" He said with a chuckle and moved his hand going to stab one of his needles in her leg.

" Here have some of that ******** poison Kazu fed into me that little ********." Able said snarling and moved trying to reach for his knife in his belt. Struggling under Neko before forcing his wings open to push him up and as he came up went to slam her down reaching for his knife to go at her throat.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:04 pm
"Yeah, what a shame, I even kissed that copy of you goodbye before it died." Neko hissed at the injection but didn't do much else. She danced back and away from him as his wings came out, pulling a shadow up into a spear and bring it up as he charged at her, aiming for his wing, and putting a gauntlet up to deflect the knife. "And the thing is, I'm not even pissed about that. Not even a little. I expected it. It's just our thing." She moved forward, thrusting the spear at Able between words, aiming at his wings, his head, his chest, trying to get a hit in somewhere. "However, I wake up, get back on my feet, and then I find out you've been causing issues here for Kazu." She spun the spear around and brought the blunt end up under Ables chin to catch him off guard, tone of her voice getting angry. "You tell him hes worthless and better off dead?!" The spear vanished, the gauntlets shifting to elongate her claws, solidifying on her hands. "You wont hurt him again. I'm going to make certain of it." She moved, launching forward.

Iaffrette had moved, opening the kitchen door a crack when she heard the front door shut. When it didnt open again she moved forward carefully to peak out the window at the fight.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:31 pm
Kazu waited a few seconds before pushing passed Iaffrette and moving into his medical side and started to pull stuff down. He just had a feeling that Neko was going to need help after this, He shifted climbing up on a set of shelves and dropping a few things down. He was a bit short handed for climbing up like normal. He dropped back down and picked the items up putting them on his counter and glanced toward the window, seeing a bit of the fight before kneeling down and looking for a needle and and his mixing bowl and standing back up.

" What the ******** are you doing?"Jen asked walking out after him and went to grab his wrist. " You aren't gonna mix a drug right now are you?" Jen asked worried about his friend and Kazu ripped his bad arm free. " Idiot, that inject Neko has in her is poison that I made. I need to make something to null it." Kazu said and ignoring the blood from his ripped stitching and turned again.

Able moved trying to skip each attack, he let out a scream when Neko got his wing and he pulled away from her and jumped back and kept knelt down. He stared at her and snarled, moving before reaching for a needle and slammed it into his arm and let his silver bersker form take over. " It was a wonderful 5 months of Kazy and I catching up. That boy is magic when it comes to mixing drugs. His a gold mind and he did it all to keep me away from you. Why do you think I've been missing for so ******** long sweetie?" He asked and chuckled. " And you didn't noticed cuz you were busy with Lover boy." He added and slowly stood up and shook his head as his mouth grew with it's fang and he ran at her with his claws and went to attack her. " And your right, And how upset was I when I saw he was still alive. He can't do anything right now can he?" Able asked.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:40 pm
Neko moved a hand clawed hand up, letting Ables fangs bit down on the solid Shadow and moving to shove her free hand and claws at his chest. "I dont know, he ******** up that pretty face of yours awfully well." She smirked. She moved to tear her hand free of his mouth, not caring about damaging his fangs, but cracking the shadow claws and swiping at his face.

Iaffrette crouched, helping to pick up the things that Kazu dropped and setting them on the counter. "Tell us how to help, it will go faster." She suggested. She noted his torn stitches and grabbed a roll of bandages.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:23 pm
Kazu shifted keeping his bleeding arm close to his stomach and looked at the collection of items on the table. " Uh...okay. Um" He wasn't used to telling people he just always did it himself. He took a steady breath. " The two jars in your hand, Your going to rip the leaves off and drain the ooze from the steam." He sad and pushed the bowl toward her. " Then your going to crush it together." He added and used his hurt arm reaching for a knife and started to cut things, slower then normal and moved dropping it in that same bowl. He looked around behind him.

" Milkweed.....milkweed..." He mumbled looking at his collection and moved climbing shelves and chucked it with his bad arm at Jen who caught it. " Add water to that and bring it back, Hurry up. That s**t in neko is gonna rot her ******** skin soon and the rate she's moving it's going to go fast." Kazu said jumping back down as he moved back to his table.

Jen did as told and came back right after. " how do you know how to do all this?" Jen asked and Kazu glanced to the side."....There a reason they call me the candyman in the black market. Just shut up and help me." He said.

Able snarled moved away touching his mouth. " Yeah well the same drug he gave me is in you so his gonna ******** yours up too." He yelled and ran at her again going to slam his clawed hand at her and then stopped short coming upward with his other hand in his knife going to get her across the chest. " Is he in the hut? I'll ******** burn it right down with him ******** in it Neko." He snarled. " He shouldn't even be allowed a show here in the black market. Only the best of the best get one."  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:48 pm
"I trust him to fix me up after I kick your sorry a**!" She snapped. Able had a point though. She could feel the heat of that crap coursing in her veins, and her leg was starting to throb under her pant leg. She stepped back, a bit slower on the dodge, taking a cut that ran up in a straight line from her navel all the way up. She frowned, reforming her top over the cut and wincing. She reached up, grabbing Ables wrist with the knife and twisting as hard as she could. Her free hand reached out and gripped Ables throat, claws digging in. "Just so we are clear, I am going to kill you Able. Right here and now." She narrowed her eyes, the shadow under her hand on his throat forming into a solid spike that shot forward and through.

Iaffrette quickly did as she was told. Removing leaves and putting liquid from the stems into the bowl. "How much do you need?" She asked.  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:03 am
Kazu looked toward Iaffrette and tried to think. He wasn't used to his at all." Uh...that should be fine, we don't need much..it wasn't a double dose.." He said and moved reaching for the water milkweed and poured it in and reached for a needle and pulled some in and shook it around looking at it and nodded before putting the cap on it and moved looking toward window and looked at them. " Stay here. Both of you." He said and moved opening up a hidden compartment under his table and pulled out two more needles.

" How many hiding spots do you ******** have." Jen snapped shocked at more drugs and Kazu laughed. " Don't ask Jen, You don't want to know." He sad and moved heading toward the door and stood there waiting before he walked out and slammed the door and kept the drug he needed for Neko in his mouth but the other two in his hand opened. Those where for able. Even if Neko killed him. He wanted to give him a shitting ******** slow death.

Able screamed and pulled his hand back craddle it in his arm before feeling the spike that went through his chest and he stood there, trying to half a** flap his wings trying to get free as he sucked in more air struggling hard. " Yo...u.fu..ckng b***h." He yelled trying to get get free and spat up black tart like blood shaking. " Give me a ******** second and I'll ******** rip your apart you little skank." He yelled and tried to pull himself off from the spike but wasn't doing so good. His head turned and he struggled. " Come here you little punk, I ******** see you you useless ******** child. Come here. I'm going to kill you Kazu!" Able yelled.

Kazu shifted and looked at Neko and moved toward her and moved his bad bleeding arm up to his mouth taking the needle from it and handing it to her. " I know yo don't do needles. But take this. I'm sorry he used that poison on you. It was never menat to cause harm to you." He said and he moved pulling the caps off the two his hand and he walked toward able.

" Here, these two. I had saved for you and me. So we could both go down together. But I'll just give you both. Then Neko and I can feel the freedom of watching you suffer." Kazu said and jabbed the needles into his face and slammed the poison into his body. He felt Able slashing crazy and Kazu stumbled back and cradled his chest in pain from the cut but stared at him standing by neko. " Now sit and enjoy the show mother. You had him dying. This is just going to make it more...painful"  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:02 am
Neko shifted, putting her weight on her good leg and taking the needle from Kazu. She watched him carefully as he moved to stab Able with the other two, moving quickly to catch him as he stumbled back, bleeding from the slashes. "Well done." She was feverish to the touch. She moved, uncapping the needle with her teeth and spun it in her fingers to inject it into her leg, wincing a moment.

Iaffrette stoofmd st the window watching, glancing at Jen. "They're gunna need help coming back in. Able cut up Kazu pretty good and Nekos looking ill." She pointed out, going to the door and stepping outside, walking over to the duo. "Let's get you both back inside. You're starting to draw a crowd"  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:27 am
Kazu leaned into Neko staring at the older silver bat who was twisted and turning in pain and screaming as it felt like his inside where melting in on himself. Kazu shifted standing straight up and held his chest and looked around at everyone showing up and looked at them and glanced at Neko."...we're free...after all that ******** torment." Kazu said watching the body spasm on the shadow spike before slipping off onto the ground rolling around and watching as his wings fell off. Those needles had some weird s**t in it.

Kazu looked toward Iaffrette and Jen then at Neko.

Jen shifted walking out and looked around at all the people staring at the dying silver bat and he moved putting an arm around Neko to get her inside and moved walking into the hut, he moved sitting her down in Kazu;s bed. " Lay down, I'll grab some water and a cold cloth." He said moving to leave.

Kazu shifted standing there staring at Able and smirked. " This is nothing compared to the pain, Sayuri and I went through, or Mom....or even Neko but this will due because i'm free of your s**t." Kazu said and slowly lifted his bad arm up gripping his hair as he sway a bit.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:20 am
He'd feel a warm hand on his shoulder, steadying him as Iaffrette stood next to him. She offered a small smile and a nod. "Let me get you back inside. You need to be bandaged up." She pointed out, helping to get him back to the shop. She paused a moment though, glancing back at the body of the now dead Silver bat and snapped her fingers. Hell fire engulfed the corpse. "No reason to send him off peacefully it seems." She turned back, getting Kazu inside and setting him down in his clinic. "I am afraid I am not too good at first aid. I may need some direction." She admitted, grabbing gauze and bandages that she knew shed need for sure.

Neko took a couple deep breaths, lying down where Jen set her. "Thanks Jencho. I'll need some gauze too to clean up. Ill shadow skin the rest." She explained, closing her eyes a moment.  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:11 pm
Kazu for once didn't jump, he relaxed into her for a second before he nodded and moved slowly walking toward his store again and touched his wound and walked in with her.

He glanced at the burning body and chuckled and sat down on his chair and moved pulling his tanktop off slowly and looked down at his body. It has old scars and wounds and self harm all over him but the new fresh cut, Able got him pretty good. He shifted and moved pointing at a small kit. " This wounds is a bit to deep. Your going to stitch it. You did decent on my arm so you'll be fine. Its only the middle one that got me good. The other will bandage after the sitch" He said and shifted a little and reached into his hair pulling out a few strains and moved working on making the strands into a longer thread and handed it to her and looked toward a needle on the table. " Silver bat hair is strong and the only thing to close wounds on a silver bat. Our skin is weird. Normal medical thread doesn't work on us." He explained and sighed.

Jen moved and left for a few minutes, he grabbed a few things from the medical area and walked back into Kazu's room to Neko and moved sitting down and smiled a little. " Thanks for helping Kazu like that..." He said and moved looking at her. " What can I do to help?" Jen asked and looked out of the room again and moved to close the door and shifted back to her. " Does Kazy have an Eye for my partner?" Jen asked.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:44 pm
Iaffrette smirked, kneeling in front of him and starting to dab at his wound to clean it as he explained about the stitches and using his hair as thread. "I am familiar with medical anomalies. Hellions come in many forms, so the medical staff in hell is pretty broadly trained. Just the medical staff though. Soldiers are taught basic field dressing, but that's about it." She explained, looking up at him. She reached up, grabbing the needle before taking the thread and setting to work. Her fingers lightly moved across his chest before settling by the gash and holding it closed while she stitched, quickly but efficient enough to hold.

Neko sat up, turning her back to Jen as she slid her jacket off and cleaned the cut that ran up her front. She smirked as Jen asked about Kazu liking Iaffrette. "Don't make a fuss about it. He'll get uncomfortable and won't even try." She tilted her head and looked over her shoulder, smiling. "Its the first time I've seen him take a legit interest in someone like that." She turned back forward, pulling a shadow up to placing it over the cut. "You think a report got back to your dad yet?"  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:03 pm
Kazu nodded a little. " Well it's good to see that hell trains there soldiers well." He sad and shifted as Iaffrette worked on his wound. He glanced to the side as she worked on his wound and touched him. He moved gripping his leg as she worked and only glanced at her a few times on and off. " Thanks for the help." He said and shifted and moved playing with his hands as she worked on his chest. He slowly moved to look down as she worked, trying to hide his famous as he was getting a little red.

Jen held his hands up and smiled. " I'm not going to tease him at all. I promise or make a fuss or anything. I promise" Jen said laughing and moved handing some more supplies to her and opened his phone looking at the text message and started laughing. " Oh yeah, reports on dad desk already. His probably going to call you an--" Jen didn't even finish.

Hiei was already calling Neko asking her what the hell was going on.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:19 pm
Iaffrette leaned in a bit, making sure shes finished off the knotting on the stitches properly, her breath hot against his skin. "I think I have finished up." She leaned back, smiling a bit and blinked, tilting her head. "Kazuhiro are you well? You look feverish." She asked, noticing the red of his face. She moved to stand, setting the needle aside. "Ah, before I forget, I have question for you, if you do not mind. Jencho has mentioned before that you excel in hand to hand combat."

Neko chuckled. "That took longer then i expected." She smirked, pulling her phone out and answering it. "Kazu and I are fine, I promise."  
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