I'm 29 and feeling every minute of it after Otakon this weekend.
Woot! A fellow Otaku Geezer ^^
I wouldn't feel too bad
I'm 24. I went to Comic City in Osaka this past weekend and was happy to see I wasn't the oldest one there. There was a hand full of middle age women there and lots of 20 somethings.
There's this older gentleman I see at Sakura Con every year. He's gone white all ready and cosplays in a Gundam Federation uniform. And I know one girl that goes with her grandma who dresses as Ayeka from Tenchi ^^
Then at one of the schools I work at here in Japan, one of the teachers is an otaku. He knows all the anime, not just the old ones but the new ones too XD
We'd talk anime all the time and he's tell me when anime specials are on TV ^^