Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:46 pm
 ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ Iris gulped as they appear at the Vaccine Sentinal Tower. While she was relieved that after a day’s journey from the Toy and Tama Town that they had arrived, seeing such a splendid and tall tower was overwhelming. It was almost as if it could swallow her up. As the proceeded to approach the entrance of the tower, they were stopped by a digimon that reminded her of a knight. Like the kind that could be seen in Middle Age movie and novels. The moment the swords were pointed at them, Iris tried to look disarming, not a threat at all. She held onto Angel. Marco shook for the both of them, the same way that the digimon spoke to them as if they were one unit instead of multiple people. Iris lifted her brow when the digimon mentioned that the Virus Busters were busy and they had to prove that they had a good enough to be here. Even repeating it, it didn't make sense. Nonetheless Marco told him of the situation that they had just recently gone through. Apparently, mentioning DemiDevimon and Devimon was enough to like them through. However, there was the outcome that these Virus Busters wouldn't consider this to be something of importance and not help. That would be disappointing if in the end, after everything they went through to help the village, they would be left unprotected and very vulnerable to another attack. She really hoped that wouldn’t be the case at all.
Listening to the Knightmon, they still had to wait to meet with them; meaning that they had time between then and now. This was leaving them with time, how much was unknown. Iris looked at Marco as they walked inside. “Say Marco…” she started to say, “How about we take a rest. We’ve been walking for some time now and I think we could use the rest.” Iris looked around; there had to somewhere they could at least sit down at and rest. Iris took Marco’s hand. “Maybe we can work on some like of idea of what we’re going to say to them. If they have ability to say no, we have to make sure that we give a great argument so they can’t say no.”
She held his hand a little tighter. She didn’t want to fail the others. While she wanted to go home, she didn’t feel right just leaving when there was a village that could be gone from her life. Iris looked down at her chest, seeing the necklace and odd pendant. It was something that had appeared during the battle with Devimon and Iris had no idea what it was. Maybe she could ask them about it. Surely some had seen something like it before.
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Digimon Mood:Attire:Tribal like clothes OOC: ϒ ou’re probably dreaming a different dream ɪ don’t need the sun ɪ love your smile so much now
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:01 pm
 Marco Sombra de Milagros I'm still learning about this world... Marco walked inside the tower with his digimon and Iris (with her digimon). The Knightmon were letting them go inside and they would need to rest. Iris suggested they considered talking strategy since according to the Knightmon, the Virus Buster's had a choice of saying no to their request about protecting Toy and Tama Town. Talking strategy was a good idea so he agreed with her plan and let her lead him towards the front desk. She grabbed his hand they walked together. He should have felt uncomfortable, but he wasn't; it was nice to hold hands with her like this. When they reached the front desk, there was a digimon there who started explaining to them that they would be considered guest for the time being. Apparently, Knightmon already informed the people in the tower about their arrival as well as their purpose. The receptionist digimon told them they would be given a room and a meal to rest until tomorrow because that would be time that they could meet the Virus Busters. It was pretty late after all and there did not need to be a rush for the meeting.
Marco agreed, they could use some reason and after talking things through, they could see the Virus Busters tomorrow. They were handed a key with a room number, apparently they would be together in the same room; Marco didn't mind. The receptionist digimon told them they could have a look around the tower, but only the first two floors because everything beyond that was restricted access only. The second floor was the guest rooms and the first floor was for people to sight see and learn about the Vaccine Sentinel Tower. Apparently, they did allow people to come inside, but only after certain hours. Because they both arrived so late, they were stopped by the Knightmon. "I guess we should drop off our stuff in the room and then we can have a look at this tower's history." Marco suggested to Iris waiting to see what she would say.
Digimon Partner(s): Ally/Partner(s):
Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:15 pm
 ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ Iris nodded her head as Marco mentioned dropping off stuff and looking around. "Sure thing." she said with a smile, "With a place like this, knowing more about it would be nice. It must really have some history. I'm actually quite curious about it."
She scratched her cheek. "It would definitely take the edge off. Knowing the place more makes less scary."
"I wanna join the sightseeing! I wanna! I wanna!" Angel chriped in Iris' arms. Before Iris could say anything Ren took Angel in her arms."Nope, we're going to sleep..."
"Aww come on... I'm not even sleepy..." Angel tried to say but yawned. Ren smirked as she proven right and started to walk towards the rooms, just a little ahead of Iris and Marco. "You two can have a look around, I'm going to take a nap and enjoy it very much."
Iris looked at the two arguing and giggled. She was happy to see the two getting along so well.
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Digimon Mood:Attire:Tribal like clothes OOC: ϒ ou’re probably dreaming a different dream ɪ don’t need the sun ɪ love your smile so much now
Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:34 pm
0110101001000110010001010110 2013 13131313131313131313131313
Appearing from a light blue vortex of sorts, the Royal Knights make their entrance into the Vaccine Sentinel Tower. As the blue vortex behind them closes, the group of Digimon stand majestically as the Digital World's sun shined directly on them. There was then another vortex which appeared by into the sky, warping into a sort of window, broadcasting throughout the entirety of Tamer Island.
"As we have been talked of through the history of the Digital World. We are the Royal Knights. We bring justice to all as the protectors of the Digital World, and have appeared at a time like this only to address an event of utter importance," Alphamon announced ceremoniously, explaining their appearance.
"The Digital World which we inhabit and protect is in dire danger, and there is only one way to prevent the evil that is gathering at this time from taking over," Gallantmon announced loudly. Its voice echoed into the deepest reaches of Tamer Island.
Craniamon walked from the back of the group, and continued on abruptly, "All of these evils shall be vanquished, and as the Digital World has been saved before by... humans, we also do seek your aid at this time. It is for our mutual benefit that we battle these ne'er-do-wells if they do choose to oppose our World of order!"
Kentaurosmon's hoof galloped once it's fellow knight had completed it's statement. "We are here to ensure order, as the knights before us, and before them have always done so. We do hope that your cooperation will be from the goodness and courage of your hearts."
Duftmon nodded in a rushed manner in agreement, "We intend to keep the Digital World safe, from any sort of dangers presented, and if you... humans do decide to deject from those who have proven the Digital World wrong about human interactions in our world... you will be dealt with quickly as well."
One of the largest Royal Knights, Examon, roared, emphasizing the need of alignment. "We do not wish to disrupt the balance of which we have allowed to happen, of humans and Digimon allowing to bond and become Tamers. The Digital World has chosen ones, while the evils do still tempt even the best of humans. We need your wills, and strength to be strong as ever."
Dynasmon, beside Examon, nodded as well, quite nobly. "There are fighting spirits in all of us, and even those who may seem unsuspecting may prove to be the most powerful of us all. It will take all you can to defend the Digital World from the onslaught that is on it's way."
UlforceVeedramon spoke with a soft yet brash voice, "We know that everyone would do what they see is right, but rest assured, we shall see things through the end, and will make it so our futures will be bright."
Magnamon, standing in the middle of the group, continued on in a regal voice, "To better iterate, the Digital World needs us to protect it, all of us, and we can do it most effectively as a joint effort to stay solidly together as one force of goodness."
Crusadermon patiently waited for it's turn, as it stated solemnly, "We know we all have the strength inside of us, once we find it, with the faith, knowledge, and wisdom we have. We will strive to survive this attack, and stop the evil from progressing further than it already has. We will be virtuously victorious!"
Gankoomon appeared from behind all of the others, remaining hidden until now. "There are several new threats, and we are sure there will be new defenses against it that will arise in this time. Heed our words, and know that we can overcome anything together, united."
"We, the Royal Knights, would appreciate that all Tamers who do feel a sense of entitlement to defend this World from the emerging evil that will surely culminate, as we must do so beforehand, to stop them in their tracks, and save the Digital World!" Omnimon announced triumphantly, raising it's sword into the air. "There shall be a mode of transportation for all Tamers to be able to enter right to our location, and we do hope that you do decide to join our sides. It will be available through your Digivices. If you do come with evil intent, be prepared to be vanquished," it warned sternly, lowering it's sword once more. The window which was used to broadcast their announcement to all of Tamer Island closed, as a blue vortex with the familiar net pattern appeared a distance from the Royal Knights, being the portal for the Tamers to enter if they do wish to join the side of the just.
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:02 am
 "The world can only be saved..."
"...When you yourself have cast aside your heart." "So... The time has come for my rebirth..." The masked man sat at the base of the Tower, watching the Royal Knights' speech. It was inspirational, he'd give them that. He tossed a small item repeatedly into the air, catching in in his outstretched palm. No flesh could be seen on his person, his being covered from head to toe in elegant dress. He looked to the skies as the speech came to an end, with Omnimon beckoning them to come forth. "I believe it is time to move out." The voice resonating from the helmet was familiar, but distorted slightly. As the figure rose the light from Tamer Island's sun glinted off his visor, casting a kaleidoscope of light across the near ground. Standing tall the man held the small item near to where his mouth should have been. "I will protect the balance that this world fought so desperatly for. I thank you Yondairyū, for giving me the power I need..."With his short speech, the man headed inside the Tower, entering the foyer and heading upwards, through ornate corridors adorned with pictures of the Royal Knights, and of other worthy Digimon who had protected the Digital World. His footsteps rang out across the marble, like sharp blows to the silence, as he continued his climb to the top of the Tower. After traversing the building for a good ten minutes the man finally arrived at the summit. The Vaccine Knights' Round Table. The room was how the man remembered. Although the damages that had been caused upon his last visit had been repaired, but not well enough so it was not noticeable. The colouring on one of the walls was lighter where the hole in the wall had been filled in, and the repairs to the ornate pillars made them look like a mixture of classical and modern art. The man hesitated for less then a second before he saw the portal the Knights had created. "Omnimon... You claim that what you are doing is just. That it is the right thing to do. That balance can be maintained..." The masked man's head dipped slightly, as though he were remembering a long forgotten time. His left fist tightened harshly, causing the leather gloves he wore to creak, a sound which rung vibrantly out across the highest floor of the Tower. "I cannot forget what you did back then Royal Knights... But if you seek the same balance that I do. That Yggdrasil does..." The man's hand relaxed and his head righted itself so that he was pointed straight at the portal. "Then we shall see if you are worthy..." in his right hand the small item beeped as if in response to the man's words. His Digivice was linking to the portal, ready to grant him access. "Now. Who else shall answer the call to arms?"
Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:12 pm
✾To Come out of Hiding✾
Camden P. Healy  The vortex's power raged as Camden, now slightly more self confident, and her partner Prairiemon made their way through. They saw the exit at the end of the vortex and ran to it, pushing themselves against the immense energy pressures around them. Prairiemon made to the edge of the opening first and could see through to the Tower the Royal Knights had spoken from. He turned and waved to his slower partner, "Come on Cammy it's right here!" She had trouble with the pressure of the vortex as her muscles seemed to weaken with every step, not like her digimon was too affected by this change, "I-I'm coming!" she gasped for air as she tried to speak. She took her final step to Prairiemon and finally fell to her knees on the vortex's seemingly non-existent floor. She looked out as she caught her breath and was in awe at the sight of the tower. It was the tallest building she had ever seen, and Prairiemon was even in awe, "Come on let's go!" Before she could say anything he had her by the arm and he leaped through with her into the world. His leap was hoped to reach the ground safely, but with Camden weighing him down more than he thought they crashed to the ground. Camden rubbed her neck as she brought herself up from the grass. She went over and picked up Prairiemon, "I said to take it easy," and Prairiemon replied, "No you didn't." "Well I was going to before you pulled me through!" He waved his claws and patted her on the face, "Calm down. We got here didn't we?" She sighed and smiled at him, "Yeah I guess so..." He hopped up and grabbed by the hand again, more gently then last time though, "Okay so now we just go to the top of the tower right?" She looked up at the building and remembered what the Knights had said during their transmission:
If you do come with evil intent, be prepared to be vanquished. "What if they think we're bad?" She looked down at her hand, "What if they see this dark symbol on me!? They might blast me or cut me to little pieces with their swords," she began to panic and her breathing became uneasy, causing her to weep and gasp for air. Prairiemon was a little shocked and tried to calm her down, "Ah just calm down! Cammy these guys aren't evil or anything I doubt they would slice you up! Well maybe mane or chop down but not dice!" His words didn't help and she dropped her head to the ground. As she continued her panic attack Prairiemon back away and took a deep breath and spoke again, calmer and for once, slowly, "You have the mark of an ancient warrior, a hero from the past," He rubbed her back as her weeping continued, "Now do you you think they would cut down someone who has the mark of such a digimon?" Her weeping slowed and turned her head to see him and his impish smile, "I for one would completely disagree!" She slowly brought herself back up and tried breath normally, "I shouldn't worry, I just-" "I know but remember I'm here to protect ya!" he interrupted her. They got back up from the ground and looked at the tower once more. Camden took the first step to the tower's entrance.
Prairiemon ✾To Save Everything✾
Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:59 am
~Zocontho sitting in the corner of the room his whole body starts to twitch like some who walked outta mental institution. As his laughter roars from his twisted face with a smile that can only resemble the smile of the Cheshire Cat. As Zocontho SPEAKS V~
gaia_nitemareleft Oh look at this death, destruction, and the missing data looks so sweet wouldn't you say Omnimon, it's so beautiful but not as beautiful as life it's self huh. Well I stand for what's right Omnimon so I'm right at you're side gaia_nitemareright
~ As Zocontho finishes with a nice twisted smile.~
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:28 am
Devi was flying around the room in circles, worried about the destruction outside. He would normally be causing trouble, pulling pranks on the others an things like that. But today had been a catastrophic day for the Digiworld. Two of its cities were almost destroyed and neither him nor Pata could do anything until Soma made his way back to the Digiworld. "What's taking him so long!? He should have been done with his training years ago!" Pata said as he flew into the room, Devi stopping to listen. "Oh, if only he could see what was going on now. He would have us Digivolve and help out! But we're unable to do almost anything like this." Pata landed on the ground, obviously distressed over the situation. Devi came over and landed on Pata's head. "We gotta stay positive! You know Soma will be here any minute!" He said in an energetic and cheery tone. "And when he gets here we're going to kick some digibutt!" He hopped off Pata and landed in front of him with a grin. "You're right Devi. We just gotta wait. I just wanna do more to help the other Digimon is all." Pata said as he began to cheer up.
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:59 am
0110101001000110010001010110 2013 13131313131313131313131313
The Royal Knights stood in position as they have been assessing the destruction that had just wrung out in Network City and Drive City. Omnimon, although one of the most occupied, responded to the Tamers. "As the Royal Knights, we must protect the Digital World from these dangers. Thank you for you assistance, it is greatly appreciated. Now, please make your way to Network City or Drive City for damage control and to attempt to eliminate the current threats. We shall join soon once we are able to find the source of this attack and if there will be more," the white knight instructed.
Dynasmon noticed the two Digimon of Soma's who were talking to each other, but kept on working with the other Royal Knights to solve this mystery attack. As it analyzed more data, it relayed the information to the other knights. They have narrowed down there search already to a few suspects, as there was a certain energy signature that was given off by the groups of Digimon in each city that was under siege.
Duftmon ran though the logistics of how the entire area could be plagued by all of these Digimon so suddenly, and where the next attack may come from. Keying in all the results, it looked onto the other Royal Knights with a certain concerned look on its face. "A lot more is coming, fast" it said, as they anticipated the next downpour of Digimon to arrive soon.
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:51 am
✾To Come out of Hiding✾
Camden P. Healy  Camden's digivice began to beep frantically almost as soon as she took her step up the stairs. She was a little startled by it and fell back, Prairiemon catching her, "What is it?" He asked her surprised. She sighed and got back on her balance and took out the device. Omnimon, the royal knight, appeared on the screen and gave a new message.
Camden slumped to the floor and Prairiemon, still unsure of what was going on, came closer to get a peek but the screen had already gone static, "Cammy what was that?! Another message from the knights?" She nodded and scratched her head in frustration, "We just got here and we already have to leave!" He was even more confused, "Okay...why?" She took a deep breath and began, "The message said...um...places are being attacked, a Network City and a Drive City and we need to go to help..."Prairiemon stood there silent for a moment, "Drive City?" She nodded, "Well that place was already kinda risky. We should go to that one," Camden halted at the word risky, "Wait wait wait! What do you mean risky?" Prairiemon replies, "It's near a pretty common battleground, so it looks miserable but that only means it needs protection now."
He seemed serious this time and she stood up, her knees shaking at the thought of fighting. She clicked a sequence of buttons on her digivice and held Prairiemon's paw, "Okay if you say so we'll do it," She told him with a smile. He gave a impish grin and exclaimed, "Drive City here we come!" They disappeared as they were teleported to the battlefield, hopefully something would work out for those that don't fight...
Prairiemon ✾To Save Everything✾ [EXIT]
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:28 am
gaia_nitemareleft Zocontho turned to the two little Digimon. Did you say Soma!. If you think he's coming your wrong. Soma and I are friend in the Human world and when we where leaving to come here he was kidnapped I tried to help but the Digi Portal pulled me here. I've been looking all over for him and haven't found any clue's to where he is tell now. Plus I take it that you little guys are his digimon partners from when he first came here.
Guilmon walk's to Zocontho's side waving hello I'm Guilmon gaia_nitemareright
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:02 am
Pata turned to the tamer while he spoke. Devi's face quickly turned to anger. "I know Soma's here in the Digiworld! Whenever we need him he always shows up!" Demi said, rage in his voice. Pata stood next to him. "There's never been a time where Soma hasn't shown up when we need him, and this time won't be any different. He's probably on his way up here to come and get us now." Pata said with a smile.
-Enter Soma from Network City-
Soma had just made it to the tower. It always took a lot longer than he expected, but he knew now that he could help. Having to fight off and run from Digimon without his Digimon was no easy task. As he came up the stairs he could hear the voice of his Digimon. "Pata and Devi are right. I always show up when they need me. And this time is no different. We have a home to protect, and there's no time to waste dawdling around here." He said as he entered the room to see Zo with the Digimon. Pata and Devi quickly flew over to him, Pata landing in his arms as Devi flew on top of his head. After their brief moment together Soma turned to Zo. "Don't ever expect anyone to keep me away from here. I didn't train for years to get kidnapped all of a sudden and not make it back." He said as he lightly his Zo's shoulder. "Now, are you helping are what? I know that this guy here is your partner after all." He said as he rubbed Guilmon's head.
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:25 am
gaia_nitemareleft Zo Back hands Soma across the face and fall's to his knee's I was worried about you,(one tear falls) I tried to help but the force of the portal pulled me before I could do anything I spent the last couple days trying to see if you made it or not. But the good thing is you made it I guess
Guilmon try's to comfort Zocontho by patting him on the back but what suppose to be patts are hard slaps on the back
It's ok Zo, it's ok As Zo pulls himself up well it looks like we have work to do are you ready? gaia_nitemareright
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:08 pm
Soma rubbed his cheek and chuckled, a smile still on his face as he watches his dear friend. "We're ready when you are, Soma!" His Digimon answered it all for him. "Let's add a bit more strength to this team first. Ready you two? You haven't done this in quite some time." Soma seemed worried. He knew his Digimon understood what he meant, but there would always be the issue of if they were still at their maximum strength. "I'm ready!" "Whenever you are! Soma smiled and sighed before his Digimon flashed and Digivolved into their Champion forms, Angemon and Devimon. "Let's go kick some digital butt, Zo!" He said with a grin as Ange came and picked him up. "We'll head on to Network City, but you can head over to Drive City if you want. When I came through the portal in Network city I had to do a lot of sneaking, and I'm worried about anyone else who might come through. See you later!" Soma said before the three of them set off for Network City.
-Exit Soma, Ange and Devi to Network City-