New RN's. How bout it? |
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally |
22% |
[ 10 ] |
I just want a drink |
35% |
[ 16 ] |
Say What? |
24% |
[ 11 ] |
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels? |
17% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:43 am
:: sits up after finishing a slice of cake :: Light bulb! surprised :: slips behind the counter and digs around for a piece of paper and something to write with, which is easy enough considering that she was looking for those very things just the other day. With the sought after items in hand, she returns to her seat and starts some scribbling ::
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:44 am
*creeps through the bar and through her paranoia of paying attention to everything completely misses the fact that Miro is there nomming cake* *turns her head and is suddenly face to side of face with Miro* *gasps*  ((i have about 20 minutes then i need to go somewhere for lunch))
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:47 am
Liada listened carefully to Zeph's story of last night. She could only think of one couple that might be having even remote problems with their relationship but she wasn't sure if Zeph was talking about them so she didn't want to assume. She kept stroking his face and squeezed his hand as she smiled at him. Well if its bothering you this much then something is obviously wrong. What kind of things were said? Is it someone I know?
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:50 am
:: drops her pencil and gasps :: eek Angel snake lady surprised
:: looks around the bar, then back at angel snake lady :: Miro didn't want to tell anyone else, but... Miro thinks.. ninja :: eyes dart around :: Miro is starting to think this place is corrupting her crying
:: goes on to explain how she got the cat dollar, the exposing uniform she had to wear, the apparently hurtful thoughts she had about katana's accent... all along going off on occasional tangents that are completely unrelated ::
Beloved Conversationalist
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:54 am
"I told him he was being a coward. That he shouldn't be scared to protect her, since them being apart hurts too much. If two people miss each other, they should be together. That is what I said." Zephit told her in a quiet tone, mostly from exhaustion rather than secrecy.
"He was here when I met him. Karrie, if that name sounds familiar." Zephit leaned in to rest his head on her shoulder. Closing his eyes at the risk of falling asleep there.
"You are very comfortable to lean on, beautiful." He yawned out, reflexively snuggling against her.
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:09 am
So it was who she was thinking of. She vaguely remembered Kits telling her and Kat about what was up with Karrie and Amy but she didn't want to pry since it seemed to bother Kits too. When Zephit leaned on her shoulder she started to stroke his hair. Her fingers slightly brushing against his ears when she would bring her hand up. Well I do know Karrie and from my view on him he is anything BUT a jerk. But sometimes in order TO protect someone it is better to be away from them. I know it doesn't make sense right now, but something tells me there's more to the fact that he's purposely keeping himself away from her. From what I understand on the few facts that I know I think Karrie's just...lost right now. There may be facts that you're missing here and since I'm out of most of the loop in what's going on there I'm not going to make assumptions. It may be something that the two of them will have to figure out on there own. Its sweet that you're concerned for Amy, and I'm sure you're only trying to help by telling him your thoughts. But unless you know all the facts sometimes its more of a hindrance than help when one tries to interfere.
Beloved Conversationalist
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:16 am
"Y-yeah..." Zephit nodded against her shoulder, listening intently to all she had to tell him about it. He still thought Karrie was just being a coward. The only way to protect the people you love is to keep them close. You never get unlost by splitting up.
"That reminds me. I never got to tell you my plan." He said sleepily, practically climbing into Liada's lap. The way she touched him, and the way she felt. Everything was so warm that he just wanted to sleep, but he wanted to let her know too. It was a good plan.
"Do you still want to hear it?" Zephit looked up at her, his one eye half open and a small, confident smile on his face.
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:23 am
She wasn't sure if he was understanding her or not, considering that Zephit was practically falling asleep in her lap and she gave him a half amused smile. Hopefully he would understand in time but he was still learning as a human. Sure you can still tell me your plan. I got some time left before I have to run off to the lab so what's up?
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:24 am
:: continues on her rant to angel snake lady, mentioning how she was exposed to Tes and Ryzan doing naughty things when she stayed with them a short while quite some time ago :: Miro tried turning up the television to drown them out, but Miro could still hear them sometimes if she listened closely enough... not that Miro was listening for it gonk Miro doesn't do those things crying
:: moves on to talking about the time Draa took her into the woods and what she felt his intentions toward her probably were, all the while Ayami seems to be growing more disturbed that a fellow holy being would be experiencing such impurities gonk ::
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:32 am
"You said you always put your friends before yourself. Which I honestly thought was silly thing to do, but I realized I do it too." Zephit yawned again, and nuzzled into Liada's neck. All he hoped was that his words were coming out coherently.
"So let's just put each other at the top. You'll be the person I think about most, and I can be yours. That way, even if we aren't looking out for ourselves, someone is still taking care of us." He pressed his lips to her neck, and smiled against her skin.
"A good plan, right?" Zephit whispered drowsily, before yawning and curling up a little.
Beloved Conversationalist
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:42 am
Liada almost felt a little silly holding Zephit like this, it almost felt like holding a child the way he was nuzzling against her but she reminded herself it was his instincts taking over as a cat. Listening to his plan it sounded full of good intent but something couldn't help but find a couple flaws in that. It sounds like an interesting plan. But a little vague. It makes it sound like we would be turning our backs on everyone we care for to only focus on ourselves. How exactly are you thinking out this plan? She tried to skoot over a bit to try and wake him up more. Resisting the shudder she felt from his kiss on her neck and get him to focus and be more clear on what he intended.
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:50 am
"Not at all." He woke up just a little at her movement. A smile still on his face as the plan made perfect sense in his head. "Our friends are very important, and they need us, silly."
"I just want to be there for you, most of all." Zephit was whispering again, and wrapping his arms around Liada. "You can ask me for help anytime you need it, is what I'm saying."
Beloved Conversationalist
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:58 am
Liada couldn't help but laugh a little at that. Well you should have just worded it that way. I'll be happy to help you with anything you need hun, even if whatever this is doesn't work between us. Unless its something totally out of my hands anyways. sweatdrop That's really sweet of you to offer that. We'll just take one day at a time and see where it leads us okay?
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:59 am
:: leans in and whispers more quietly to Ayami :: And the worst part is... Miro knows she shouldn't be around Draa anymore... at least not alone and stuff, but Miro somehow misses doing stuffs with him sad But Miro thinks that would be bad because he might try to take advantage of Miro gonk Worse yet, Miro... Miro actually likes that Draa is soft and cuddly redface Miro shouldn't think other men are cuddly, though! gonk
:: continues ranting, Ayami barely preventing herself from agreeing with Miro's cuddly comment :: ninja
Beloved Conversationalist
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:01 am
"Can it lead us to a nap now?" Zephit asked very honestly, closing his eye. "I'm getting kind of sleepy, and you are very warm, Liada. I'd rather not leave your side today."