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Yu Yu Hakusho When Parody takes over

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What happens when Yu Yu Hakusho and Parody mix? Many Fun Stories 

Tags: Parody, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei 

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:45 pm
"Oh hush, your fine." Isuba nudged him gently with her elbow. "Shes cute, it's a normal reaction." She whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

Iaffrette smiled. "I would not mind a tour, if there is time." She turned to look at Jen and Neko.

Neko smirked. "Yeah, theres time. Hiei asked for atleast 3 hours to finish up some stuff...that's if he doesnt murder Mukuro first." She leaned back into the hall, looking over at the bickering duo. "I may go run interference..."

Iaffrette nodded, still holding the strap of her rucksack. "I am ready whenever you two are."

Kana set the supplies on the table, walking up behind Kidd and gently kissing the back of her neck." Guess that means I'll have to be gentle." She smirked.  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:53 pm
Kazu shifted looking at Isuna and glanced away after. " Stop please, for the love of god. Please" He begged quietly to her and moved walking away from Isuna after and rubbing his face. He stuck a smoke in his mouth and shrugged. " I'll show you to your room before we head out." Kazu finally said. " I'm assuming she's getting the room across from Jenchos?" Kazu asked looking at Neko and Jen before moving to leave with her.

Jen nodded and smiled. " Yeah, that's her room. You wanna show her well I talk to Neko and Isuna for a few?" Jen asked with a smile. " I have a wound on my arm I need fixed before anything. I got it on the last hunt and it's just not healing right." Jen said looking at Kazu and Iaffrette before rolling up his sleeve to show the black mark with some red on it. " I know it's super infected, I've just been so busy to fix it." He explained with a sigh.

Hiei sighed as they stood out of the office. " I know.. Yes. No...Yes yes Mukuro I know. It's almost done. If you leave sooner I can have everything done faster so I can actually get some decent sleep. Yes I know about the meeting tomorrow. Yes Neko and I are leaving at noon to make it to Tunka City in time. ********." Hiei said clenching his teeth together trying to stay calm. " If I'm not getting the paper work done fast enough, how about you do it then so I can actually sleeo for more than three hours?"

Mukuro only stood there fighting and moved waving her hand. " Fine, Go do something else and I'll catch you up on your paper work you neglected the last few days. Idiot." Mukuro said walking into his office to start the paper work.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:57 pm
Iaffette looked to Kazu and nodded. "Thank you, I appreciate the help." She moved to follow Kazuhiro, pausing to snack jens non injured arm. "You were suppose to get that looked at days ago!" She raised a brow.

Isuna walked over, inspecting the infected wound and drowned. "I'm going to have to remove the infected tissue, go have a seat," she motioned to the chair near her desk. "Neko, why dont uou go full Hiei in, sounds like hes going to need to make time." She suggested. She turned and grabbed what she needed before moving to start working on Jenchos wound.

Iaffrette had followed Kazu out into the hall, walking along side him as he went. "So Jencho tells me you run your own shop, and are an accomplished surgeon." She started, trying to make conversation.

Neko waved and stepped out, heading for the office again. "Hey, sorry to interrupt, but incase you hadn't noticed Jenchos home. Apparently Hell Master sent Iaffrette with him to act as a go between."  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 11:09 pm
Jen laughed and moved away from IAffrete and shrugged. " Well after the hunt I got busy dealing with Lioh and Magnus crap. So it went unnoticed. That's why 'm here now" Jen said moving to sit down and removing his shirt so she could have a bettter look. " Alright Doctor Isuna, Fix me up." He said with a smile.

Kazu glanced to the side and shifted lighting his smoke before walking again. " Yeah, Ive been running my Shop for 6 years and a Demon surgeon the same length. My father taught me in medial and once he ******** off and left my sister and I picked it up to get money for us. It's a decent job. " Kazu said walking and glanced toward her. " What about you? Jen only told me the hunting stuff and that he lives with you. Tell me about yourself, Lala" Kazu said heading toward the room.

Hiei looked up about to yell thinking it was Mukuro again and closed his eyes to calm down and nodded. " Sounds good, I'll see Jen and IAffrette shortly. Mukuro said shie's going to finish my paperwork...so I'm free for whatever now.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:33 am
Isuna pulled a stool over and took a seat, buttingva numbing cream on the infected area and letting it work before starting to removed the infected tissue. "So, how was your time in hell? Get a better grasp on your abilities?" She asked, keeping her tone light. "Iaffrette seems nice."

Iaffrette shrugged. "I am not all that interesting. I work for Lord Lioh as a palace guard and as a Huntress. I live with my mother, one of the Royal Guard, and Jencho is my hunting partner. That is it in a nutshell." She smiled a little. "I an a soldier, so my life is pretty standard." She explained. "This is my first time leaving hell though. It is an exciting opportunity." The air around her warmed as got excited, an obvious difference from earlier.

Neko smirked, walking over and leaning on the desk so she was facing Hiei. "Atleast you get a few extra moments to breath. Jenchos with Isuna in medical, and Iaffrette is with Kazu being shown to her room. Maybe having an extra worker on hand will help even things out "  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:15 pm
" Way better, I can control my hound form easier now and I can open 5 out of the 13 gates now for hell. Still trying to get the other ones down pat but struggling for sure." Jen said and didn't flinch as the woman worked on his wound. He smiled at the mention of Iaffrette. " Yeah, Lala is awesome. She's a great hunting partner and I haven't let her down yet at all. I really hope her and Kazy get along." He said with a smile. " It would be awesome for them to become friends so I had a tight group."

" A lot cooler than some Silver bat Surgeon, trust me." Kazu shifted the smoke in his mouth, He knew no smoking in the castle but he never listened to Hiei's stupid rules ever. Moving he walked with the woman and took another long drag and let it exhale slowly through his nose. " Well I'm glad you got to see something new. Maybe eventually Jen or myself can run you to Human world if you ever want to check it out there." Kazu said and shifted looking around before coming up to a door. " Sounds ike you live a pretty exciting life, Hopefully you enjoy your stay here." He added and pushed the door open. " This is your room, It's right across from Jens and Lord Tear's room is just down the hall if you need anything." Kazu explained. " Tear is away right now so Hiei and Mukuro have stepped in to deal with the paper work that piled up and other castle work." Kazu explained, He didn't know that Iaffrette was one of the people who knew the truth behind the mask.

"Yeah, I need to finish up this other stuff. People are starting to wonder where Tear is and Saying Mukuro and myself are stepping in to help is starting to look pretty fake. I just want to talk to Jen and Iaffrette and then ditch into Human world for the one night before I become Tear again. " Hiei said leaning back, he was getting tired of this double persona and maybe that was where the depression was coming from. Not getting to be yourself was the worse.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:51 pm
Isuna smirked. "I'm sure theyll get along eventually. You pick good people to hang out with." She noted. Once the infected tissue was cleaned up she disinfected the wound and taped over it with some gauze. "Come back and get the dressing changed tomorrow, after that it should be fine. It might scar a bit from that infection though." She warned.

Iaffrette tilted her head a bit, watching Kazu as he exhaled the smoke. "Perhaps, maybe it is just a matter of perspective." She offered. She looked in the room as he opened the door, brushing past him gently and walking in and setting the bag down on the bed. "Thank you Kazuhiro, I appreciate the help." She turned and smirked. "I am aware of Tear and Hiei being the same person. He came to Hell to retrieve Jencho awhile back." She explained, walking back over to him and crossing her arms loosely. "So do you not live here at the castle too?" She asked genuinely curious.

Neko nodded, hands in her back pockets as she watched him. "Makes sense. Want me to go grab them?" She offered  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:15 pm
Moving a little Jen shifted pulling his arm back and looked at the bandage and nodded with a smile. “ I’ll be back tomorrow for sure. I better go catch up with those two before they plan something bad. I feel like they are pretty close personality’s” Jen said shaking his head and bowed at Isuna and turned to leave. “ Thank you again.” The hell hound ran a hand through his hair, it was shorter on the sides and had a faux hawk going on with a long bit in the back. His back covered in hell tattoos or what could be seen from his tank top. “ Bye Iduna” He said leaving.

Kazu stood there watching the girl and turned his head. He was blushing but it wasn’t showing at all. This girl made him feel weird in his gut. He shifted and shrugged. “ I live at my shop in the market. I just come between the two places when I’m needed and s**t” Kazu explained. He nodded and looked toward Lala. “ Well that makes things easier that you know the truth about the ruler” Kazu nodded and took a step out of the room to finish his smoke not wanting the smell to bug her in there. “ once your settled I’ll take you and Jen into the Capital and the black market. I have the rest of the day free from surgery’s” He explained.

Hiei moved rubbing his head and moved to open his drawer, his bad habit of looking for booze which of course wouldn’t be there because he was assuming Neko cleaned it out this morning. He sighed and nodded. “ Yeah go get them so we can get it done and I can get out of here. Please. I need to get out of here.” He added.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:58 pm
Isuna waved. "Have fun." She moved, cleaning up supplies and going back to handle the herbs from earlier.

Iaffrette nodded. She was excited, and the glow beneath her skin was becoming more visible. It was a big difference from being down in hell. Even if it was temporary. "I look forward to seeing more of the area. I'm still getting used to the concept that theres no barrier stopping anyone from wandering too far away." She explained. While Hell was a decent size, it was still smaller then the whole of demon world.

Neko snickered a bit, watching him go for a bottle of booze that wasnt there. She had shadow potted them off someplace. She moved, holding out her pack of smokes. "One bad habit from another, but atleast this one doesnt make you drunk*> she pointed out, letting him take one.  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:07 pm
Kazu moves a bit and crosses his arms trying to think. “ Years ago demon world was built on three major territories with three different rulers. We called them The three kings. Eventually it changed to one ruler due to Urameshi which I’m sure you’ll meet eventually” Kazu said and moved a little. “ At one point it was harder to travel the three areas now it’s pretty open, one area we don’t venture often too though. Hiei is having troubles fixing that area...“ Kaxu explained and kinda gave a goofy smile. “ You guys are stuck in a barrier? How small is Hell?” He asked a little curious. " I'm excited for you to see how Demon world works so you can tell me how same or different the two worlds are..."

Jen moved walking down the hallway and stopped outside the room and waved. “ Hey guys, how’s the room Lala? Will it be okay well you stay here?” Jen asked with a smile. “ it’s the least I can do after you gave me a room in your home” Jen added. " When we leave, s there anything you need to do before we head off to check stuff out Kazu?" Jen asked.

" I need to stop by the shop, check for mail and change. I'm not wearing this out. I'm dressed for castle work, not adventuring." The young boy was pretty much in old scrubs because he had clients and then jumped right into helping Isuna. So he wanted to change before anything.

Hiei frowned at the missing bottle. “ It was a small Mickey and wouldn’t of done much. But thanks for watching out for me” He said trying to not sound annoyed about it. He sighed and reached for a smoke and placed it in his mouth with a shrug and snapped his fingers causing a small light. “ Go find the kids. Please. I need to leave soon or all that hard work you did to relax me will go to waste.” He said.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:22 am
"Its a decent size, but not as big as Makai." Iaffrette explained, trying to think of a good way to explain it. "If you were to walk the entire perimeter of the barrier, I would say it would take a little over two days to circle the boundary. That is if you dont get stopped or attacked by anything." She looked up at Jen and nodded, offering a smile and a small bow. "It is perfect. Thank you Jencho."

Neko smirked. "Oh well, cant have that now, can we." She laughed a bit and walked out to the hall heading toward the sound of talking. "Hey Jen, Iaffrette, Hieis in his office waiting for you. Just need to go over a couple things before you guys take off."

Iaffrette looke up at the cat woman and nodded. "Of course. Thank you. Ready to go Jencho?"  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:40 pm
Jen nodded and moved pointing back toward the office. " Come on Iaffrette, Will go speak to him so we can all get out of here for awhile." Jen said walking down the hallway wit the fury beside him. He glanced back at Neko and Kazu and the silver bat only smiled and waved them to keep walking.

Kazu shifted and moved to walk behind Neko a little ways from Jen and Iaffrette as they walked and talked. The Silver bat looked toward Neko. " You think like, Iaffrete and Jen are together or just close friends? Shes ******** cute." Kazu said making sure to stay quiet so the fury couldn't hear him. Yeah, Kazu had a crush just like that. It was easy to tell to on his face that he was head over heels to. He shook his head and moved reaching for a smoke and frowned when he found the pack empty and kept walking. " I won't be be at my shop tomorrow or here helping Isuna. I have some personal matter to deal with. So if you or Hiei need me you'll have to call my phone. Okay?" Kazu explained giving the heads up.

Hiei moved sitting in the office waiting for the two hellions to show up. He sighed a little dropping his head back. He just wanted to go.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:28 pm
Iaffrette noddes and followed Jencho, pausing a moment to turn around and wave goodbye to Kazu. "See you later." She turned back, walking with Jen and smiling. "Kazuhiro is interesting. I can see why you are close to him. Theres something about him..." she couldn't quite put her finger on it but there was indeed something she liked about him. Her internal flame flickered a moment, as she tried to think on it.

Neko raised a brow, looking over her shoulder, down the hall at the two hellions. "Nah, Jens still too much of a puppy to be making the moves on a girl. Especially a girl like Iaffrette." She smirked, looking back at Kazu and put an arm around his shoulders, hugging him a bit. "I think you have a damn good shot though." She moved her free hand and offered him one of her last few cigarettes. "Passing these things out like candy lately." She joked. "Sounds good, I'll let Isuna and Hiei know you'll be away. Knock on wood nothing too serious takes place while your away." She took a cig out herself before putting the pack inside her coat, lighting it before handing the lighter to kazu.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:28 pm
Jen smiled as they walked. “ Yeah, his something all right. I’m glad you get a long with him. His such an awesome guy, I mean he has some off days but I’m pretty sure that’s because of the drugs he messes around with. Which by the way you can’t talk or tell Neko or Hiei about the drug stuff. It’s his only thing he asks from anyone who knows” Jen explained and knocked on the door.

Hiei moved looking up from the office and smiled. “ Jen you look great, and it’s good to see you again Iaffrette. Welcome, come in sit down. I’d like to hear why Lioh has sent you. He didn’t give me much info. “ Hiei explained and moved holding the smoke butt hidden in his hand from them.

Kazu smiles goofy and took the smoke putting it in his mouth. “ Who else your sharing with? You and I are the only people who smoke beside Akuro but he isn’t here” Kazu said and moved taking a long drag. “ ********, Mom she’s a ******** babe. There something about her, like I want to know more about her and get to know her more. “ Kazu said as he started to walk with Neko toward the office. “ Guess I need to put some effort here. But seriously someone that looks like that isn’t going to give this ugly ******** a second glance. I didn’t get the look at all. “ Kazu pointed out, he had no cofencidanxe about himself at all. He knew he was smart and had talent and that was it. He knew he looked ugly. Or he was sure he did.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:24 pm
Iaffrette howd as they entered the office, a force of habit for her. "Lord Lioh sends his regards, and has sent to act as a go between here and Hell should there be any messages to pass." She folded her arms behind her back. "If I may speak freely, I think he wanted an eye kept on Jencho as well. Strictly as a concerned parent." She added, smirking a little bit, but trying not to.

Neko chuckled. "I may of given a couple to Hiei. Figured it was better then him drinking." She explained about the cigarettes, she stopped walking as they got to a a window with a balcony. She pushed it open and hopped up to sit on the stone ledge that was a railing. She gave her cat like smile from behind her cigarette, tilting her head back and blowing a stream of smoke upwards, watching it swirl a moment before looking to Kazu once he finished explaining how he felt. "Well Kiddo, I do believe they call that a crush." She crossed her legs, the hand with the cigarette on the railing, her other draped over her knee. "And you are not ugly. You may need a haircut, but you are not ugly. I dont adopt ugly kids." She joked. "Besides that, if she only likes you for your looks, you dont want her. Shallow chicks font stick around." She moved, taking another drag from her smoke.  
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