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Gaian Geezers Guild

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A guild for users 21 and over 

Tags: Geezer, Mature, Age 21+ 

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New RN's. How bout it?
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally
 22%  [ 10 ]
I just want a drink
 35%  [ 16 ]
Say What?
 24%  [ 11 ]
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels?
 17%  [ 8 ]
Total Votes : 45


Sarcastic Punk

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:15 am

o_O; You never had a problem before. Where's this all coming from all of a sudden?
*has already forgotten about the incident in the woods a while back since he's had other things to deal with and comes to assume this probably has something to do with her husband... possibly an argument or some such*

Actually... nevermind. Don't answer that. It's none of my business.
*waves it off*
Just don't stay in here. Who knows what Psy would do to you if she found you using the bar as a "flophouse". There's another place within walking distance called Chatty Kathy's that's got all amenities except for a bed. The couch in the TV room isn't too shabby, though. Staff doesn't seem to care if you stay there a few days.... I'll admit they are kind of creepy, though stare
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:20 am

:: isn't sure whether to feel relieved or disappointed that he doesn't seem to think their last encounter need be discussed :: neutral

Miro doesn't think staying with creepy staff peopleses sounds very nice sweatdrop Miro thinks she'll just go home again...


Adorable Cleric


Sarcastic Punk

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:37 am

*he knows, given her issues with portal travel, that if she's planning on hanging around Gaia a few days or so, it would be much easier on her to have a place there to stay. However, he really can't think of any other place for her aside from with Tes and Ryzan, but if it was an issue with her husband bothering her, staying with them wouldn't have been any better. Hotels could get expensive if she's there for too long, and again, if it's an issue with her husband, the long absences from Norrath might be a problem in themselves.*

If that's what you want... I can walk you there if you need. Club's a bit too crazy for me tonight anyhow sweatdrop

*he holds out his hand for Miro to take, which she just looks at apprehensively*
.... right... *puts his hand down* ...um... this way then...

*gets a feeling of deja vu for a moment there as he leads Miro out of the bar*
PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:18 pm

*Returns to her private entrance hoping she wasn't too late. Her husband wanted to spent the weekend laying low and trying to relax. He works so hard…she sometimes worries about the hours he keeps. He didn't even feel up to going to the Art Exhibit at Aqua Springs. User Image

She went into the bedroom and found him in bed with the remote and propped up with some pillows. He looked very comfortable and she grinned as she went up to the bed and peeled off her clothes. User Image His adorable crooked grin slowly appeared as he started watching her undress more than what was on TV cool and when she was completely nude, he held up the covers so she could slide right in next to him. User Image

He put his arm around her as she pressed up against him, lying her head on his shoulder and putting her arm around his chest. He kissed the top of her head and the two snuggled together as they watch the movie on TV.*


Ruthless Lover

10,250 Points
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lady ayami chan

Virtuous Saint

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:54 am


WORD OF THE WEEK: You better watch your mouth! Each Monday we pick and announce a "hush word" you need to avoid like the plague. If you get caught with the "hush word" in your post ANYWHERE, you'll have to RN a penalty and do the required action or task. This includes EVERYONE! Yes…I AM talking to you! *Points* User Image (Fine Print: The Monday Announcement of the new hush word is the only post granted immunity and is the OFFICIAL cut-off point ringing in the brand new word. xd )

(8/15 - 8/21)
"Hush Word" ninja LEAVE

All community service tasks must be posted in MW and completed in 2 WEEKS from when you were caught. If you are unable to complete your RN service within the time frame, you will be put onto our WALL OF SHAME and subjected to ridicule or humiliation. If you would prefer the "EASY WAY OUT" of your service, you could always bribe Psyzapp with 10,000 gold to get out of your predicament. User Image
PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:34 pm

A portal opened up and Liada slipped out breathing heavily. Thankfully this round went without too much injury other than low on her energy. Her investigations were almost complete. She just needed to rest before she would make her final strike. She went to change into some sleeping clothes and make something quick to eat before crawling into bed and passing out. User Image

Liada Trovaras


Ruthless Lover

10,250 Points
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  • Signature Look 250
PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:20 pm

*Enters the main bar, walks straight though and over to the Jade Dragon for her pot of tea. She grins at the host and just as he sees her, he goes to get her tea. He knows exactly why she's there.*
PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:29 pm

*The host returns with her tea and she grins while giving him a large tip. She makes her way over to make an appointment at Pandora's Box to get her nails done before going back to the main bar. She sits on a bar stool at the end of the bar, pours a cup of tea and checks her messages on her iphone.* User Image


Ruthless Lover

10,250 Points
  • Consumer 100
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Signature Look 250


Ruthless Lover

10,250 Points
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  • Dressed Up 200
  • Signature Look 250
PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:41 pm

*Goes through her email and messages, hearing a message from the Hospital. User Image The test results are all finished and she and William are to see the doctor to discuss the findings. User Image "Discuss the findings"…that doesn't sound too good. User Image Trying not to panic, she talks herself out of the current path she was just about to head down. talk2hand * It could be ANYTHING. They just want to see us together to discuss the results…period. User Image *She has to remember to try and reach her husband so the two of them can schedule an appointment. User Image *
PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:07 pm

*Calls her doctor and requests they all meet in Upper GGG at her estate.* It will be much more comfortable. I insist on hosting lunch. You can't possibly want to spend the entire day in that stuffy old Hospital. User Image I refuse to take "no" for an answer…I insits! talk2hand Lunch tomorrow then. Thank you, Doctor. User Image *She hangs up and texts her husband.*

Text to Officer Dougherty from Psyzapp
The test results are in my darling. Plan on lunch tomorrow at the estate. I've invited the doctor over so we can review everything. User Image Love you. heart

*She hits send on her iphone and happily sips her tea.* User Image


Ruthless Lover

10,250 Points
  • Consumer 100
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Signature Look 250


Ruthless Lover

10,250 Points
  • Consumer 100
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Signature Look 250
PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:46 pm

*Picks up her tea and decides to call it an early night. She puts her phone away and makes her way down to her chambers to get ready for bed.* User Image
PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:29 pm

Liada woke up late into the afternoon. When she made something to eat and relaxed a bit she went into sending a text to Anira and Hauk that she was back and well. Remembering how Hauk was the last time she came back from Fae court. Overall she milled around her chambers cleaning and researching the transfer of power she and Leko had talked about previously. Feeling for a drink and perhaps some company she went upstairs to the main bar to make herself something and sat down on a stool. She had brought a book up with her to do a little reading if no one showed up as she sipped her drink.

Liada Trovaras

SP-O Wlm Dougherty

Dedicated Guildsman

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:51 pm

*While sitting in the cruiser waiting for the newly assigned rookie to return with fresh coffees, his phone indicates an incoming text. After he pulls it out of his pocket, a grin appears on his face as he becomes aware who the text is from. As he reads, a slight feeling comes over him, neutral making him feel unsettled about those test results. Shaking it off, he quickly texts his wife back.*

Text response to Psyzapp from Dougherty
Sounds good, love. I'll just meet you there tomorrow then. Love you bunches and can't wait to wrap my arms around you tonight. heart

*With a crooked grin, he hits the send button and pockets his phone just before the new rookie appears around the corner with their coffees in hand.* cool
PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:19 am

After a few chapters and a couple drinks later Liada goes to rinse out her glass and places it aside. Grabbing her book she opens a portal back to the Den and jumps in to go and sleep.

Liada Trovaras


Partying Conventioneer

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:39 pm

Kat had been working in the living room when she got the text from Hauk. She sent him a reply and let him know that she was in her quarters and for him to come by whenever he got off work.

Later, he let himself in at her private entrance and entered the living room. He sat down next to her and gave her a kiss and then showed her the flyer for the steampunk party. She sat back on the couch and looked it over and grinned at Hauk.

"This sounds like a lot of fun! biggrin Guess I'll have to go shopping for something to wear, too. I'll be nice and I won't drag you with me this time around. xd "

He fell back on the couch and held his arms aloft. "Thank the gods! lol " He looked over at her and smirked, and promptly got hit with a throw pillow by her.

"It was NOT that bad the last time! lol " She laughed and shut her laptop down and got up, pulling him up with her.

"Just for that, you're going to help me make dinner. xp "

Still chuckling, he let her lead him into the kitchen.
Geezerville ~ RP's

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