Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:46 pm
Im Windspirit Wind-Up Pickpocket O ^O..... Poca mizz Winderz leik olot I'm still glad to know that y'all are still here! -Hugs- (: No worries, it'll be another vacation break and then we will be together demolishing things and gossiping again. Hia Windy! : O I am actually really happy that your back! : D
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:15 am
*ninja glomp* Hi Windy~ ^^
wild wulfie of the forest
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:58 pm
I'm just happy to hear from you all.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:01 pm
Hey windy, good to see you on, hope you are loving college by now.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:14 pm
I do, but it's difficult to have work take over the days i'd need them the most Friday to Sunday with shifts until midnight at most. Now with one class requiring to attend five orchestras which consume my free time, I'm struggling to find the time to actually study hard core.
I've managed but it isn't enough.
I just got off another 10 hour shift 'till midnight and i'm online now for a brif period while my hair gets dry, only to prepare to work at 11 am.
Well- if my eldest sister could manage, then I believe I can too. Just...you know...
...it sucks.
I'm playing online now, cause I'm not logging in until around Christmas break.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:27 pm
ah yes, studying. I forget to do that more often then not. and due to my current lack of work(working on that though) I have way to much free time on my hands. which is an issue just in a totally different way. I also am going to a school that is most likely easier as far as academics are concerned, and to top it all off, I have a very large relaxing/non stressing disease which keeps me super even minded about things even when they should be super stressful. but hey, I have decent grades, so no worries.
As far as not posting again till the break it is understandable. And I wish you luck from now to then. and enjoy life when you have the chance to breath.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:32 pm
That's the thing with me. If i'm am relaxing then I think to myself, "I should be doing something." and then when I have free time and want to start an activity (Example: Drawing, spriting...sewing...ect.) I then think: "What's the point of this? Is it beneficial??"
When faced with decent grades, I feel that I should be doing better and think that others around me are studying/focusing more harder than I am. Whether they are or not...I always think of the negative....
...but when I am too fussed I just...doodle if not pass out with a nao.
Regarding the post, I say that now, but I know I will find the time to at least check back and post at least one or two. Not like it takes forever to respond.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:38 pm
oh, most of the time I get the highest grade out of the people in my immediate area, so I figure I must be ok, even without studying.
I know you will be back in an out, but i may not actually have time to chat with you until then...
I also envy your ability to keep going, I am content with complacency.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:59 pm
Ughh- I grow aggravated when I receive that response and perhaps sour. To have someone receive higher grades and claim that they don't study or muster any effort just bothers me.
It only demotivates me & causes me to become apathetic toward my work. Why kill myself over one thing to only receive a common grade when the other practically didn't concern himself too much but gets a high grade.
Though, I can't sit here and complain. 'Sides, I know everyone is at least focused on receiving a passing grade. So then, everyone has their own views of 'decent', 'failing' or 'high' grades.
It is only the first semester of the year, so I can still ammend my mistakes and enhance my experience. Just as long as I accomplish my goal...everyone has an alternative path.
Hmmm- it's hard to not compare yourself.
Edit: I don't understand what you admire from myself- the ambition of what?
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:26 am
Admire the fact that you continue to try and utilize your time as effectively as possible, Like I said, I just stopped caring, not exactly a good place to be. And yes everyone does have their own focus on what they want. Which is a good thing because a world full of the same person would be a terrible place XD. as far as hearing people say they did the same without trying, I learned along time ago that makes people feel bad, so I generally tell people that I did study when they demand to know my grade. this is different as our grades can never be compared unless we were in the exact same class room.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:37 am
Or attending the same university/college...
lol, I generally don't ask anyone at all whether they studied or what grade they receive because personally, that is their own business. I don't ask questions relating to private matters and what not. It's just bothersome when someone just bursts out or claims they didn't make the effort out loud when obviously they made a good grade- to me that's gloating.
I just understand that maybe they have mastered r are familiar with the topic that it doesn't feel like a challenge to them, where as I might see it as a difficult situation because i'm not familiar with it or have forgotten.
Not my case right now- I just am just great missing my weekend days, in addition to fridays. I took them for granted in my early years. Those three days are truly- important. crying
Might I ask why are you still online? lol.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:41 am
WTF- I hear the birds singing. It's time for me to go! Later, Zadoc.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:44 am
hmm, I was playing a game, and didnt realize the time. Have a good night.
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:47 pm
Hello, "comrades"
Most importantly, long-missed friends~
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:01 pm
Bonjovi, I'm still relatively new here but it's pretty cool here.
How's it going.