*Awakens slowly and groggily, stretching in a very cat like manner, it takes a little bit for it to register with her its the weekend.
Grinning, her heart skips a beat as she rolls over anticipating her husband is sound asleep next to her.
heart But to her surprise, he's not.
Not only is he not there, but the gift box she's left on his pillow remains…untouched.
sad She gets out of bed and retrieves her iphone to find no messages…nothing.
crying It then registers with her that her husband is about to turn 40.
She has enough experience with men to know that this is "mid life crisis" time and some men can do some very crazy things when they think they have reached a critical point in their lives. Drastic things.
Things that throw a wrench into a marriage and decent life.
She tries not to panic and her mind is racing going over all the scenarios as to where he could be or what he could be doing.
Her bottom lip quivers and she blinks frantically fighting back the tears welling up in her eyes.
She's tempted to find Franco and beg him to round up the boys and FIND her husband. But she's afraid what they will do to him since she's so upset. If any of her brothers got wind of her shedding one single tear over her husband it wouldn't be good.
She picks up her iphone and stares at it.
Tempted to call or text him. But if he is going though some sort of "mid life" thing, she couldn't bear it if the result would be her broken heart.
crying She starts pacing, trying to think rationally but unable too. Getting more and more whipped up by the minute, she's unable to take it anymore. She starts to hyperventilate and has to sit on the edge of the bed to focus on breathing.
No man likes to be nagged or have a woman whine to them and she's a Pavani…Pavani's DO NOT NAG OR WHINE.
talk2hand Hell, she doesn't even hear the word "no" unless its in the context of "No…oh god please no!"
Wiping the tears from her eyes as she takes a deep breath, she exhales loudly and holds her head high. If he wants her then he's going to have to get her…plain and simple.
talk2hand She goes to her closet, gets on her riding gear, takes her riding crop and handbag, walks straight to the private entrance of her chambers and flings open the door.
She throws her things in the passenger side of the car, gets in and floors it out of the parking lot.*