New RN's. How bout it? |
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally |
22% |
[ 10 ] |
I just want a drink |
35% |
[ 16 ] |
Say What? |
24% |
[ 11 ] |
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels? |
17% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:53 pm
((I'm not there rofl <3 gtg byes! ))
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:16 pm
*bandaidd stares at the floor when nobody answers*
This has been one weird day. First the banquet here and Psihug and the cat talking and now... *she shakes her head and gets up off the floor and looks around*
There's a note on the bar to Dear Bandaidd. That's me. From Psyzapp Dougherty? Wooooah waitasec. Psyzapp and...
*Bandaidd reads the note from top to bottom, looks at the notecards, goblets and wine bottle, and reads the note again. Psyzapp Dougherty it still says at the bottom.*
Psyzapp + Dougherty. Maybe they both signed it? Maybe Officer D owns part... no, that wouldn't work at all. Unless Psyzapp was completely reformed. That must be it. She's letting me off easy. That's real nice. Something a goody would do. And wine isn't so bad. Maybe she's cutting back. biggrin heart Yeah that's it!
*bandaidd grins and puts on her shoes so she's in FULL UNIFORM and hums a happy little hum. Things are gonna be so great! All she has to do is open this bottle and pour out 4 glasses and she's done and they can all be great friends! Bandaidd picks up the bottle and pulls on the cork. Then she sees a doohicky that's probably for getting the cork out. Probably.
It has a pokey curly thingie and she pokes it in the cork and then pulls on it, but only a small piece breaks off. The other floppy bits don't make any sense at all. So she attacks the cork with the pointy part until she's dug a good hole in it. And then she decides to drill right through it. She twists and turns and wiggles and pries till she's tired and then pulls up her skirt and hold the bottle between her thighs and uses both hands. It squeaks just a little and then gives way all at once and she almost spills it all over the floor in surprise. Her bloomers and skirt get a little wet and sticky and boy does it stink. Who could drink this crap?
She pours it into the 4 glasses and looks for paper to write a note back to Psyzapp. Or a pen or pencil. Or anything. Nothing. Of course.
She goes outside and picks some flowers instead and puts them on the bar and hopes the ladies know it was her. She opens the curtains and turns on some Beegees and then kicks off her shoes and goes to find someplace to burn her uniform and get a shower*
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:00 pm
*materializes back into the main bar and finds herself smelling the scent of wine*  *looks at the bar and sees... some flowers?* Oh dear demons! 
Bandy *looks around for broken glass etc. but doesn't immediately see anything*  *sees the remaining RN glases filled and waiting and smiles wickedly* I'll need to inform the seraph  *exits back through the office* *edited
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:12 pm
*Head up to the Main Bar and stops when she sees the glasses she has left out filled.  Bandaidd must have been there.  She goes over and picks up the glass with her name by it, swirls around the contents in the glass and just as she's about to smell the fine vintage, she stops and peers into the glass.  She inspects it further and sees pieces of cork floating around.  She plucks a piece out and examines it. Tch…… Bandaidd. stare *She goes and dumps her wine out into the sink, rinses the glass and places it into the dishwasher. She was going to have tea anyway since she really shouldn't be drinking anymore…just in case. She goes over to the Jade Dragon to order a pot of tea for herself*
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:29 pm
*As she waits for her tea, she goes into the kitchen and talks to the very same chef he spoke with a few nights ago about some specialty things she wanted.* So…what's the status? *She grins as the chef responds to her.* I've been doing some research, Ma'am. These things take time and I want to give you something extraordinary. Because I know you have very discriminating and specific tastes Madam, so I want to exceed your expectations. I'm on it. neutral *She nods and places one hand on her hip as she waggles the other at the Chef.* You……you're good. wink Oh yes. I can be a very patient woman, but the longer I wait the more I expect. talk2hand *He starts to sweat a bit and nods.* Yes Madam. sweatdrop *She pats the Chef a couple times on the cheek, leaves the kitchen and picks up her teapot on the way out. She goes back to the Main Bar and has a seat.*
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:39 pm
Kat entered the bar and saw Psy. She arched an eyebrow at the tea pot and went behind the bar. She saw a wineglass indicated for her and she picked it up, swirling the wine as she greeted Psy.
"Hey Psy....what's up with the tea? You not feeling good or something?"
She tipped the glass up to take a sip and saw something floating in it. Frowning, she went over to the sink to dispose of the wine.
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:42 pm
*She grins at Katana.* I'm fine. Just having tea. *She takes a sip.* How's it going?
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:45 pm
She rinsed the glass and put it aside before pulling the vodka from the freezer.
"I'm doing okay....I'm thinking about not having a party for June, well, since June's almost over with. We can just have a nice big party in July. 3nodding "
She put some ice in a glass and poured the vodka over it before returning the bottle to the freezer.
"What about you? What have you been up to? biggrin " She took her drink and went around the bar to have a seat near Psy.
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:50 pm
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:53 pm
She sipped her drink and smiled at Psy.
" xd Speaking of riding, I told Hauk the other night that I'd rent a motorcycle and show him some places to go ride. He's only ridden around here locally."
She grinned at Psy, "Personally, I think he just wants to see me in riding leathers. wink "
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:01 pm
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:06 pm
 "Um, Psy? I think the riding leathers would cover up anything from Vicky's Secret.  And why should I get something colorful or different? It's leather pants and a leather jacket.  " She sipped her drink and snickered. "Girl, as much as you shop there, you should own stock in it or something. rofl "
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:11 pm
 *Puts down the paper.* WHY should you get something colorful or different? It's NOT merely just leather pants and a leather jacket!! stressed *facepalms* Katana! stressed Why not get a cherry red leather that hugs every curve of your body AND match your hair?! *Takes out her iphone and texts Kyle to reschedule her appointments tomorrow so she can go to Victoria's Secret.* xd
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:13 pm
She mentally shuddered at the thought of being decked out in cherry red leather.
" sweatdrop Um, Psy...I think that would be a tad too much red....besides, I already own black leathers. 3nodding "
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:18 pm
(( rofl It could be Kill Bill style... rofl ))
-dame comes over from IR and waves at the ladies- Heya, gals! biggrin How are ya'll? -takes a seat at the bar-