*Wakes up with a hangover
stressed and fumbles for the clock to see what time it is.
stare She gets out of bed, takes 2 pain relievers and drinks a full glass of water. After getting a cup of coffee, she checks her iphone…nothing.
neutral Not one word. No text, no message, no note in the kitchen…nothing.

Her husband didn't seem mad at her last time she was with him.

Did she do something to displease him?
neutral Did he go out of town and she just forgot or didn't hear him?

She takes her coffee and checks the closet. His suitcase is still there.
neutral She looks at her iphone and contemplates just calling him, but if he's angry with her it may not be the wise thing to do.

From her experience, she's found that men like their space and if he is indeed angry with her then she needs to let him approach her when he's ready.

She decides she had better just keep herself occupied and too busy to think about it. She gets dressed real quick, pours herself some more coffee and opts to work in her private office today.
