*Today was NOT the day to go to the stable.
stare It was hotter than blazes!

No relief at all only during lunch.
gonk She was unable to actually ride one of the horses, but she did spend the majority of the day there getting familiar with the beast again. None of the horses she has she really "connects" with…she just doesn't feel it.

She met a very nice gentleman at the stables…another "tenant" who owns a few horses boarded there like hers. He was very charming, well dressed, very handsome, probably close to her age and apparently quite new around town. She ended up spending the day with this man and he tried to help her overcome her fear and get onto a horse once again after he heard her story.
sweatdrop Although it was unsuccessful, he encouraged her to just keep trying.
wink He treated her to a very nice lunch. She told him about the country club and encouraged him to look into becoming a member. They also chatted and laughed a lot. She really enjoyed her day. It was nice. After lunch a little dessert and some espresso, he took her back to the stable where she bid him a good day and thanked him for the wonderful time.

He walked her to her orange lamborghini and opened the drivers side door so she could get in. He asked her when she would be back and she merely shrugged.*
I'm not sure. Perhaps I'll try again tomorrow if the mood strikes me.
*He smiles at her.*
Lets hope that it does. wink *She giggled a bit, put on her sunglasses and drove off to visit with her Mother and hit the pool.
She then made it back to MW very late, removed her riding hat, placed it and her riding crop onto the island in the Kitchen as she passed by and went into her bedroom to get ready for bed.*