Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:49 am
~Lilim kiss~ gonk ouchie... why are parents always something stupid stuff to their kids like that.... like yesterday one of my friends scared the chit out of my mum... so she got made and smacked them in the back of the head.... they blacked out for a good min gonk Now their going to get my mother back... I told them do as you wish to her but make sure i'm not with her gonk cause i had nothing to do with it i was out shopping at the time... omg i got the coolest new plushie eek
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:50 am
backstabb40 tebo02 backstabb40 haha yeah.. mannn.. i cant have plushies.. belphemon will eat them.. like he did to my chicks.. ><... i miss them i was hopeing u would say ducks agian lol rofl im going to literally stab you with kunai once i see you at the teen center scream hey you know what... GO BURN IN HELL TEBO ^^.. id hug you but you have a p***s. and thats kinda awkward because i dont want to feel something on my leg THAT SHOULDNT BE THERE... but annnnnnyyyywaayyyyyy my parents are pot heads.. lol not much i can do about what their choices are.. they just laughed at me and told me to suck it up.. eek xd rofl
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:52 am
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:53 am
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:54 am
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:59 am
::Lilim and Lilithmon come out of the closet together:: twisted ninja
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:00 am
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:09 am
I'll be back soon... i'm off to take me shower ::winks at Lilithmon:: Come with us lilymon heart heart *all three of them giggle as they walk to the washroom* heart
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:27 am
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:38 am
jeeze.. i feel so alone.... *throws a rock at belphemon and then points to calumon* HE DID IT!
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:01 am
::Lillymon, Lilithmon, and Lilim all come back giggling and huggling:: heheh Thank you for helpping me wash my hair whee
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:02 am
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:29 am
*Drives in on GranLocomon and crushes Leviamon* What I miss?
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:54 am
X_MasterMagician0916_X *Drives in on GranLocomon and crushes Leviamon* What I miss? wow... >.>... i dont think solitos will be very happy about this... umm.. where are we hiding the body?
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:58 am
*picks up sword of aegis and charges omnimon* SWORD FIGHT... (even though im probably gonna lose....)