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Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:54 pm
Main Hall
(for all)

Why did Alister have to drag him here?

Why did Alister have to leave him here?

Maybe if he ran now, or slipped away to another location, she wouldn't notice. There did seem to be a lot of rooms here. There had to be, right? This place was massive. Who would ever need a place this massive anyway--

Oh Guardians she saw him.

Mister Lisandru Not Sicky Sick Sir Extremely ... his title got more and more ridiculous every time she said it -- Oh Guardians was she running in for a hug he recognized the way she was spreading her arms out and oh dear what would he do if she touched him wrong because Eknath wasn't there although he supposed he could just summon the rakshasha if he absolutely had to all things considered but he was wearing a long labcoat and gloves maybe it would be okay but his head was uncovered and he totally just saw her stroke that other rakshasha's face in a behavior that seemed totally Prisma and that was what made her who she was and Lisandru wouldn't have it any other --

Yes he would of course he would then he didn't have to worry about poisoning her every time she came at him and how did he keep finding this faerie anyway?!

Lisandru was practically frozen in place with his mouth ajar, only snapping out of it at the last second with an attempt to put his hand forward to stop her from getting any closer -- his gloved hands, of course.

"Prisma!" He drummed up some false enthusiasm. "How, uhm, extremely good to see you!"

Fea Line
... Extremely Prisma extremely

Strawberri Stardust
PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 4:40 pm
Main Hall
(for all)

Mikasi was admiring some very attractive bodies when he noticed one of them started to approach. Excellent. They must have noticed his physique, or perhaps his strong, sexy glance. A smirk spread over his face, confidently stepping around his brother and offering his hand.

"Ah, it should be me who is getting you a drink," he winked. "You are quite the honeybee~"

Vangelis quirked a brow at Mikasi. "Honeybee?" He would have probably said more if Mikasi didn't immediately jab him in the side, shooting a glare over his shoulder with a message in his eyes along the lines of 'Shut it' or 'I will punch you in the face.' When the nymph turned back towards the leaf-winged angel to offer his hand, Vangelis decided to interrupt his advances once again. "I think she was talking to me."

"You?" Mikasi glanced back at Vangelis. "Really?"

In a lot of ways, the dark faun--or big blue delight, as it may have been--had to agree with Mikasi. Why was someone offering to ... get him a drink? With that ... oddly seductive voice? It wasn't that Vangelis was unattractive; he knew he wasn't. At the same time, he had never really stood out to himself as particularly handsome. Normal, average, maybe with a bit less muscle tone than the average faun considering that he didn't really do much heavy lifting...

Not that he really knew what the average faun looked like anymore, considering he lived away from the tree.

At the same time, though, lording this over Mikasi would be kind of funny. The nymph seemed absolutely flabbergasted.

The opportunities for that were particularly rare...

"Apparently so." Vangelis stepped back around Mikasi, glancing back at him for one moment before lifting Selah's hand and kissing it. "The pleasure would be mine."




Codebreaking Conversationalist

Fea Line

Spoopy Kitten

15,725 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Cool Cat 500
PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:25 pm
Feral: Office
Dosvi: Pantry
Prisma: Dance Floor/Main Hall
Ra'tari: Office

The dark Prince's cheeks flushed the more and more he watched his wife and her antics. "You are quite....frisky today." he chuckled, grinning as she offered to find them a more..private room. Though the fact that she had insisted upon giving the other's in the library a block of fudge first only made him grin from ear to ear. It was the simple things she did that made him smile, and while he truly did appreciate the extra miles she went for him, he couldn't possibly begin to explain that she made him happy just by existing.

Once she had finished, he held her hand as they looked around the mansion more. He could feel the music pulsing through the floor, sending vibrations up and into his hooves, something he hadn't quite experienced before. At least not in the way he was now, and it struck him as curious. So much so he watched the floor as Bree led him to the next room, only looking up once she was on the desk, posing in a rather......desirable manner. This took up so much of his attention, he hadn't noticed the other's in the room, or the fact that one of them was his demon cat.

His eyes went first to her legs dangling off the desk.....then got stuck on her hips. Finally he tore them away just to get stuck on the burners. Lastly he finally made his gaze journey up to her eyes, that look, that eyebrow and then her adorable giggles and kicking. To say he was aroused and.... alot more confused was an understatement. "But...Brisoca.....there are no beds here...." he began to say softly, then stopped as a cough from the corner of the room caught his attention.

Turning his head quickly to the right, he noticed a dark cloaked figure, completely obscure except for his hooves and...purple smoke around his eyes? Feral was having a hard time figuring out if that was special effects for ...whatever this guy was dressed up as or not. The prince also thought he saw a familiar flash of cream and tan and craned his neck gently to the side to try to peer around the other. When he couldn't find anything but more cloak, he peered back at the other figure. "Pardon us, we were not aware this room was....occupied." he stated in a blunt tone, not at all displaying how sorry he really was, but rather a more of a warning. He moved to position himself between Brisoca and the other, a strange feeling in his gut suggestion this one was not to be fully trusted......but Feral had to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Perhaps this was just an act for the party....

Ra'tari grinned, tail flicking as she stepped closer, running her finger in a circle on his chest. "This land acts in mysterious ways......but as for invites, no. I'm here when I'm not supposed to be." she giggled and grinned, mischievousness flashing in her eyes. "I followed my master and his play thing here.....and just happened to find you instead." she purred, about to lean up to perhaps steal a kiss when he had stopped petting and traveled across the room.

"So much fuss over a little dust..." she mrrowed in a sort of pout, but leaned into his second round of scratching and stroking. Each time his fingers touched her fur, shivers ran down her spin and she had to keep from leaping on him right then and there. She followed behind him like an obedient servant, clinging to him wherever possible. At least until a familiar voice echoed from the hallway.

Gasping, all three eyes going wide with shock and fear at the sight of Her master and his woman entering the room, Ra'tari darted as quickly as she could behind Sombra and beneath his cloak. She pressed herself so flat and so hard against his back she might have mutated into his fur if it were possible. It took everything she had not to let out a growl or a hiss every time that wretched female giggled or spoke to her master, and it was even harder to control her tail lashing the air like a blade. So much so she had to snatch it up, both hands clinging tightly, the furry tip stuffed into her face as she bit down on the fur to keep herself silent.

She could only hope they'd leave or Sombra could distract them enough for her to slip into the shadows.

Through the shouting and the cursing and the crashing, Dosvi still managed to retain her consciousness, though how was probably a strange miracle in and of itself. So many cans and boxes had come crashing down on her head, she was now seeing spots in a spinning pantry with a cursing Nimwap possessed faun beside her.

Scrambling to try to get up, Dosvi swayed a moment, hands outstretched to try to steady herself. Her wings flared open beneath her cloak, though they met some resistance from the soggy wet fabric and only succeeded in making her look like some strange bat creature with a shower curtain for hair. "Folly! Cannae lay your touches of death upon this one, she comes baring divination!" the nymph boasted loudly, fiddling around beneath her cloak and pulling out a soaking wet rabbit foot on a string that was tied around her neck. She shoved it as far as she could, in all directions, stumbling over Fortissimo's leg and crashing into yet another shelf.

"Blasted, ye powers be too strong!" she cried, reaching over to find Fortissimo's face and patting a hand on the other's cheek rather forcefully. "SILENCE! DO not let them consume your embers!" she scolded the faun.

A rattling noise somewhere on the other side of the pantry distracted her, and she shuffled herself back against the shelf as far as she could, holding out her rabbits foot like some kind of magical charm. Then a flash of green and cream poof appeared behind a box, tiny teeth attempting to pierce through some kind of food container.

"BEHEMOTH!" Dosvi shouted again, scrambling forward on hands and knees, only to slip and land with a loud splat on her stomach, hands reaching back into a cubbyhole, trying to grasp her escaped cake thief.

As soon as his hands had shot out in typical Lisandru fashion, Prisma changed mid air to avoid colliding into him and instead latched her gloved hands around his tightly and squealed and hopped in place, all the while beaming. "I am so happy happy to see you extremely, yes indeedy do!!!" she cooed. Her most favey fav fav person ever in the entire world was now here, it couldn't get any better than this!

"I made a new friendy friend! You must meet him extremely!" she said to Lisandru, holding out a handpaw as if to tell him to wait there. She ran over, grabbed Ruri by the arm and tugged him over closer, pushing him towards Lisandru. "Looky look look, this is Mister Purpley red spots Kittykitty! He is just like my kitty kitty but purpley red spots!" she smiled, glancing from the Rak to Lisandru to the Rak to Lisandru to the Rak then back to Lisandru.

They were already getting along so well!!

It was then Prisma had noticed Lisandru's costume and she let out another excited squee, clapping her hands and leaping from one foot to the other repeatedly. "You came dressy dressed dressed up, oh yay!" she laughed, spinning in a circle, her dress lifting a bit and her bunny tail bouncing. "Do you like mine extremely?! I made it myself!" she asked, then leaned clooooooooooooser to him, hands pressed together at her chin, eyes sparkling and waiting for his answer.

Irish Night Fox

Strawberri Stardust
Mister Purpley red spots Kitty Kitty

Favey fav fav fav Mister Lisandru not sicky sick sick Sir!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:56 pm
Briosca and Prince Feralheart were not finding anything close to some seductive privacy in this room.

Perhaps an office was not exactly the most ideal location for such intimate activities in the first place, but it was likely made worse by the presence of a likely evil king fauny, rakshasha companion, and a pale pae with faerie-like wings standing off in the shadows, watching carefully with her head tilted...

Wait, what?

Irish Night Fox
Fea Line
Ra'tari & Prince Feralheart
King Sombra

FA Mysteries

Dapper Hunter


Intellectual Mage

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:15 pm
Morena: Drafting room third floor

Before she left the room, Morena had to muss it up a bit. Unmaking the bed and moving things around she hoped create the impression the room was lived in. With everything else looking untouched, this at least might give somepae pause. She contemplated doing more, but hardly wanted to wreck her future home, just scare everyone else away.

Turning she left the room and made her way to the next floor where hopefully there were less pae around. Not the attic, assuming this place had one, but it was new and less occupied. Making her way into the closest room, she found her self in what looked to be a drafting room.

Who needed a drafting room? With each new room this place was becoming more interesting. Just who lived in this home and just how long ago?

Naturally it didn't take her long to make her way around getting into everything as if she owned the place. That was the overall intent after all. A house like this had to have interesting things and certainly this Queen was going to find them. Eventually she'd need to interact with others, if only to find out what they had found themselves, but that would have to wait until she was satisfied she'd seen a good bit herself.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:29 pm
It did seem strange that there was a playroom with no toys, didn't there? But yet, toys were strewn around the room, placed in a way that did not seem deliberate as if a child had recently came through.

At the very least, an adult had never cleaned up.

After Yuki poked his head in and asked if he was bothering anyone, he would hear a quiet, childish giggle. It sounded like it was coming from the direction of the two fauny, so it would probably be a fair assumption to figure it was coming from one of the two of them, right?

Where else could it have come from, anyway?

Twitchapher the 3rd
Wolfs Heart
Tartara Seabreeze

FA Mysteries

Dapper Hunter


Hungry Animal

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:30 pm
Moving Ahi and Trelos to Storage room in Attic

Ahi got bored of the dance floor fast, there was obviously no treasure there. He waved Trelos to follow, he poked his head into various rooms as he moved. He saw some pae on his way and didnt wanna share his treasures he might find with other pae. Soon he and his kitty kitty were entering the top floor and he wandered into a storage room "Ooooo you starts there" he pointed at one side of the room where some boxes were piled high.

Trelos begrudgingly followed Ahi through the mansion, he wasn't wanting to do this but it seemed his wasn't gonna get away from the Naiad. He could only wait till he could part ways with the naiad at the end of hte night and go to where he'd made his home. For now, he started digging through the boxes Ahi told him to go through.

Zaden moves to Kitchen 2nd floor

Zaden left the dance floor, she wanted explore and find more foodstuffs then what was in the main room where people were, when she saw others leaving the room it seemed like a good idea to her. She went into the kitchen and a wide grin spread across her face. She rushed across the room avoiding any of the lil creatures in teh room bee-lining it for plates of treats and bowls of drinks obviously ready to make their way out to the partying pae.

Estra is still in the dancing room

Estra was trying to blend in with her dancing, but it appeared she had not blended in quite well enough. She turned looking at the odd pae, she'd still not gotten used to all the different types of pae that had shown up in the time she'd been away. "Hi" she greeted the dark pae, and pondered for only a moment "Sure" she agreed and lifted her hand offering it to the dark pae.

Wolfs Heart
PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:27 pm
Adelphos: Moving to the studio on the 3rd floor.
Ruaidhri: Main Hall, dance floor
Haukea: Library
Ophelia: Main Hall, bar

"Pleased to meet you both," he replied to the strange cat-like angel and the fauny. "I'm Adelphos." Small talk was not his forte apparently and he soon felt awkward. "Have a good night," he wished them both as he went up the stairs and wandered into a studio. He looked around curiously, wondering why no one else had come in here. It was strangely quiet here, though he could still make out thumping of the bass from the music. He sighed softly and wondered why he was so awful at meeting people...

Ruaidhri was almost free, almo- NOOO! How on earth had she seen him? He was trying to hide. Before he could run (which really, would have been humiliating for him anyway) she had latched onto him. "Hello...rainbow...lady..." He just realized he didn't even know this faerie's name, and yet she seemed to have...well, latched onto him. Why? Because he was Rakshasha, and according to what she was saying now, she had one bonded to her as well. That poor, poor cat.

He grimaced as she continued to speak to him, about her 'kitty kitty.' "Food. Food sounds good, I should go get some of that." Whatever it was, it was better than staying here with her. Except she dragged him along with her across the dance floor to some other poor soul whose name must have been Lisandru. Once he wasn't being dragged around anymore, he gave this new pae a wave while looking for another way out.

Which failed when he was dragged back to meet her friend Lisandru. He gave her a weird look as she introduced him as 'Mister Purpley Red Spots Kitty Kitty.' What even...seriously, what drugs was this lady one? "The name is Ruaidhri, not...whatever it is you just said."
Fea Line
Prisma x3

Haukea squeaked a bit as someone else entered the library. O-oh no...her costume looked really scary. Were those b-bones!? He shrank back against the shelf he was closest to. He had to speak to her, though, right? It was only polite.... Right? "H-hello," he said meekly to the scary looking harpy.

Just then someone else came up to him and offered him fudge. "O-oh! T-thank you," he said and accepted it.
Haukea for Sparrow x3
Irish Night Fox
Yay fudge!

Ophelia wiggled to the music, eyeing other guests for potential fun when a red faerie caught her eye. "Hellooo Nurse~" she murmured before drinking a cup of the punch and following said faery to the dance floor.

"Hey pretty lady~" she said with a smile. Goodness but this lady was sexy! "Wanna dance?" she grinned at her.
Wolfs Heart
For diona x3

Dragon Berri

Shameless Tipper

21,000 Points
  • Get Dissed! 25
  • Sweet Diss, Sis 200
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25

Fea Line

Spoopy Kitten

15,725 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Cool Cat 500
PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:59 pm
K'nai: Studio

Nothing. A whole lot of nothing. Or if there was anything, it wasn't striking any interest in the green Rak. Nothing he could use to torment the stupid rainbow derp either. After having gotten bored of meandering through whatever was in the attic storage, he exited the room to explore some other part of the mansion. Just as he was leaving, some weird guy in a hat and cape followed by another Rak entered the room and K'nai was all too glad to be leaving. He slipped past them without so much as a second glance and headed towards another room labeled Studio.

Strutting inside the room, he instantly grunted, spotting someone else already here. He was hoping to find another secure room to ransack, but it seemed that wasn't about to happen. Snorting, he eyed Adelphos up and down, crossing his arms over his chest and flicking his tail. "Great minds eh..." he said, though there was little to no friendliness to his tone. Perhaps he'd just get the heck out of dodge if this room or pae didn't prove entertaining.

Strawberri Stardust
Sorry! Incoming grumpy kitty! XD
PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 9:24 pm
Still in the Playroom

Minuette had started to move a couple of the toys when she heard a voice. She looked over to spot another unicorn...No...She was different. What were those wings? Well...Did it matter? "Hello!" She chirped up herself. She put her attention back to the simple state of the room. It looked like there had been a child in her. Odd, she thought that only adults were invited or did she read the invitation wrong? She shook her head lightly as smiled to the guest. "Are you exploring as well?" She tilted her head slightly. This place was so big after all.

Another seemed to pop up from behind the first new comer and Minuette giggled lightly. "Not at all. I was just looking." She could have sworn she heard a second giggle but it must have been her imagination.

Wolfs Heart
Tartara Seabreeze

Twitchapher the 3rd

Beeping Lunatic

18,840 Points
  • Who's The Boss Now? 300
  • Blob's To You 100
  • Super Converter 100


Toothsome Fairy

14,725 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Happy Birthday! 100
PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 9:31 pm

Selah blinked a few times at the purple pae. "I, uh, I already have one." She held up her glass and wiggled it a little. She smiled sympathetically and turned her attention back to the Faun. Clearly his less-attractive friend was trying to distract her from the real catch here. Was that a thing people did? She couldn't be sure.

Selah didn't have many feminine wiles, being the more be-blunt-and-hope-for-the-best type, but she managed to summon a blush to her cheeks (or had that happened on its own?) and flutter a smile as the Faun kissed her hand. What a gentleman! She tucked her arm into his elbow and gently began to steer him toward the punch bowl and away from his overconfident friend. Poor guy. Maybe someone would pity him as the party started to wind down. "I don't think I caught your name," she said in a honeyed voice.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 9:38 pm
Moving to Second Bedroom

Ahto had mostly watched from the sidelness, some other had started talking to one another. The rainbow fae seemed to know a lot of the party goers. Maybe the dance floor was not for him, he didn't have any feet like the others after all. He deiced it was time to go off exploring.

Ahto fluffered his way up the first set of stairs, looking around. There were a few pae here, he could hear their voices. He went north through the hallway before slipping into the second bedroom. What was in here anyways?

Twitchapher the 3rd

Beeping Lunatic

18,840 Points
  • Who's The Boss Now? 300
  • Blob's To You 100
  • Super Converter 100


Generous Giver

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 9:42 pm
Summer Master bedroom

Summer looked around she had felt something such her back but no one was there she figured it was just the wind. she then felt a cold something she had never felt before making her jump. "What was that." She cried out
"Did you feel that." Summer said once she had regained her composure. taking his offered arm she lead him up the stairs and found them selfs ina hallway not having anything to guide her and feeling she was hearing voices from other rooms. She kept on walking though the hallway found a room that was silent and opened the door. It was the master bedroom.

She walked in embarsed "Well it is bigger than a broom closet so we might find something interesting in here. Sorry I have really weird luck at things like this."

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:34 pm
Main Hall
(for all)

At least Prisma seemed to understand his signals now, and Lisandru felt some relief at that. For as much boundless enthusiasm and childish whimsy she seemed to have, she at least had intelligence somewhere in her brain. Just ... hiding.

Lisandru wasn't terribly surprised Prisma had a new "friend" to introduce to him, considering how friendly she was. He was mildly surprised that Prisma had managed to find yet another rakshasha, however. Was she like a rakshasha magnet? There was her own K'nai, and then his Eknath, and now ... purpley red spots kitty kitty.

Well, at least he wasn't the only one who got very strange titles from Prisma.

"Ah," an awkward pause, "pleasure to meet you, Ruaidhri," offered Lisandru, rubbing his neck uncertainly. Oftentimes, Lisandru had to wonder how Prisma was just so boundlessly friendly to everyone, even when they didn't seem to particularly want that friendliness. (Ruaidhri, at least, seemed to be more interested in fleeing, considering how he kept wandering off.)

O-oh. Prisma was suddenly very close to him, making Lisandru lean back a tad. Yes, he was dressed up. Actually, considering all of his mother's lab work, the outfit he was wearing was not exactly difficult to put together. All he did was raid his own closet -- she, however, was wearing a rather ... form-fitting ... bunny-tailed ... dress thing. Well then.

"Ah, yes," he stepped back a step, attempting to open up some distance between them, "you are very pretty extremely."

Fea Line
Bunny-tailed Dress Thing Prisma Extremely

Strawberri Stardust

Aha! She went for it. Vangelis' plan to make Mikasi as frustrated as a bear stuck in sand was working!

If Mikasi was going to embarrass himself so badly it was barely even funny, at least he could produce his own laughs out of it. His cousin's ego was just so easy to bruise, sometimes, when things went against his typical expectations... Which would likely include Vangelis being flirted with and flirting back, considering Vangelis typically stood back at let Mikasi do that strictly.

Of course, it was working so well that she was now steering him away from his cousin. Hm.

Vangelis took a moment to look over his shoulder, glancing at Mikasi as he stared, mouth open in relative disbelief. When the faun took this chance to stick his tongue out at Mikasi, the nymph's body stiffened and he looked like he was about to lunge like the cat he was underneath.

Okay, that face was hysterical --

"Vangelis," replied the faun, simply, ordinarily a man of relatively few words. "And yours? I could call you honeybee all night, but that is ridiculous."

"I heard that!"



Codebreaking Conversationalist


Aged Genius

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:45 am
Sparrow was about to pick up a dully-colored book when she heard someone call out to her. Turning, her hunter's eyes set gaze on the angel nearby, looking him up and down a few moments before smiling in a manner much softer that her appearance might suggest possible. The emotion he treated her with, fear, was one she could handle; better to be feared than pitied, even if he likely thought her entire appearance were nothing but a costume.

Such a reaction was relatively pleasant from what she'd come to expect, and so she was put into a better mood. Nice thinking Haukea.

"Hey." she replied with a simple nod. "Didn't see you there." It would seem her speaking had degraded slightly from her isolation with her children in the forest. "I'm Sparrow, you?"

Blinking, the harpy turned her head away as the two pae'il walked by, apparently with a huge stash of fudge on-hand. Looking down, she seemed to contemplate the food item for a while (though really she just stared at it) before mentally shrugging and taking off a piece to try. Some might have been wary about eating something given by strangers, but Sparrow had been to enough of these things and met enough different pae'il to know that the participants of such things weren't usually the ones causing problems.

Strawberri Stardust
Sparrow for Haukea

Irish Night Fox
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